One of my favourite coaching tools is CELEBRATING! We can train our brains 🧠 to look for what’s actually going well each day.
What are you celebrating today?
It can be big or small. No judgement ❤️.
I invite you to welcome in February by sharing what you’re celebrating in the comments below. ✅
Let’s celebrate together and cheer each other on!
I have a second celebration to share. I trusted my intuition and recorded this video spontaneously on a morning walk without doing my hair or putting on makeup 💄.
My plan was to have a shower after my walk and then record a video for you.
Then I realized that you’re not judging my hair, makeup or fashion. ⚡️
You’re here for encouragement and vitality coaching. 🎯
Have a beautiful day friends!✨
Don’t forget to share what you’re celebrating in the comments. 🎉😊❤️
#celebrationtime #trainyourbrain #mindsetcoachingforwomen #vitalitycoach #canmorecoach #lifeandwellnesscoach #burnoutprevention #burnoutrecoverytips #fiilyourcupfirst #beintentionwithyourtime #nomakeup #barefacedbeauty #beyourself❤️
Do you set New Year’s resolutions? It kind of feels old school now, doesn’t it?
I believe setting a big goal in one area of your life is important…but I’ve switched to picking a word or phrase of the year instead of a list of resolutions. 🎯
My phrase this year is Joyfully Present.✨❤️
Joyfully Present is how I want to feel.
It’s a reminder of how I want to approach decision making this year.
This is who I’m choosing to be - Joyfully Present.
In order to create and live a life I love requires joyful presence 💃 for me.
What about you!
Have you chosen a word or phrase of the year?
✅ I invite you to share it below.
I’d love to know 😊
If you haven’t yet and would like some help, send me a DM.
I’d love to have a conversation with you ✨.
#newyearsresolutions2024 #wordoftheyear #decisionmakingtips #indecisiveness #burnoutprevention #burnoutrecovery #beintentionaleveryday #createalifeyoulove #vitality coaching #wellnesscoachingforwomen #lifecoachingtools #burnouttobreakthrough #womenthriving #joyfullypresent #canmorecoach #bowvalleylocals
I’m not buying the whole “New Year - New You” deal.
I’m perfectly imperfect. ✨
I’m not broken and neither are you.⚡️
You are already awesome 💕
#burnoutprevention #burnoutrecovery #vitalitycoaching #midlifewomen #fillyourcup #perfectlyimperfect #canmorecoach #dontbelievethehype #beintentional #bowvalleylocals #canmore #wellnesstips #mindsetcoachingforwomen #mindsetformoms
The dreaded GAP. Are you aware of your GAP? The space between where you are and where you want to be.
What if your GAP wasn’t a problem?
Because it’s not.
We all have GAPS. Life wouldn’t be a journey without them.
GAPS are opportunities for growth.
GAPS are perfect opportunities for partnering with a coach who has your back.
I love showing my clients how it’s possible to bridge the gap and get to the other side.
The “other side” can be anything you want. For me it’s always more ease, joy and freedom.
This is where I begin building habits and routines that support my values and how I want to feel.
I’ve got my own back and I can teach you how to do the same.
It’s simple.
Curious? Let’s chat and bridge your gap together. It’s totally possible to have habits and routines that support your goals.
#habitsandroutines #burnoutprevention #burnoutrecovery #vitalitycoach #vitalitycoaching #firstawareness #awarenessfirst #bowvalleylocals #canmorecoach #lifedesign #lifeandwellnesscoach #healthyhabitsandroutines #midlifewellness #midlifewomen
I’m so grateful for the opportunity to facilitate a session on the science of building healthy habits and routines.
We talked about how we can make habits formation easier and more fun.
It’s very individual, don’t expect what works for your best friend will work for you. #neurodiversity
“If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you you. The problem is your system.” @jamesclear
If this message resonates with you, send me a DM. I would love to connect and discuss your situation.
#habitsandroutines #burnoutprevention #burnoutrecovery #vitalitycoaching #bowvalleylocals #atomichabits #vitalitycoach #midlifejourney #midlifewomen #mindsetcoachingforwomen #femaleentrepreneurs #canmorecoach #canmore #connectingwomeninbusiness
Have you been “shielding” all over yourself today?
I’m always listening for “shoulds ” when coaching a client. “Shoulds” are often based on expectations we have for ourselves.
They shine a spotlight on our blind spots and beliefs. 🔦
We use “shoulds” against ourselves. Another way to beat ourselves up. ☹️
“I should be better at this.”
“This shouldn’t be so hard.”
“I should know better.”
They feel awful when you say them.
The next time you notice yourself saying “should”, I invite you to pause and get curious.
Who’s expectation are you trying to meet?
Who are you trying to please?
Is this “should” actually important to you?
Could you flip your “should” into a more powerful statement?
“This feels hard right now because I’m learning something new. It’s not a problem. I am capable and resourceful.“
It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed by all the “shoulds” swirling in your head.
I’ve been there and know to how to get “unstuck”.
I can help you identify your blind spots and create helpful thoughts that lead to powerful actions.
Powerful actions 🟰results YOU want ✨
Send me a DM to find out if coaching with me is right for you.
You don’t need to struggle alone. Help is available 💕
#shoulding #shouldingallovermyself #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #lifedesign #lifecoachingtips #wellnesscoachforwomen #trustyourself #youknowbest #midlifeburnout #mindsetcoachingforwomen #bowvalleylocals #bowvalleyentrepreneurs #bowvalleycommunity #canmorecoach #redefinesuccess #easejoyfreedom
The power of a small step. What can you do with 5 minutes?
Set yourself up for success 💥
Want more simple strategies to make your life easier?
✅Send me a DM to get the sign up link.
#burnoutprevention #simplifytoamplify #smallstepsbigchanges #lifedesigncoaching #lifedesign #burnoutrecovery #canmorecoach #startsmallstartnow #powerofsmallsteps #redefinesuccess
My gift to you. Happy Thanksgiving Friends🍁🇨🇦🍁
How are you doing less so you can enjoy the holiday more?
#burnoutprevention #burnoutrecoverytips #lifedesign #lifedesigncoaching #canadianthanksgiving #simplify #dolesslivemore #getoutside #connectioniskey #simplify #bowvalleylocals #canmorecoach
Here’s a quick reminder for all of you who are feeling depleted, defeated or both. ❤️
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #lifedesigncoaching #mompreneurs #femaleentrepreneurlife #bowvalleylocals #canmorecoach #lifeandwellnesscoaching #youareworthyofmore #burnoutrecoverytips
What are you celebrating? Pro tip: Do an end of month review ✅
Your brain loves to remember your struggles and disappointments. The negative stuff 🧠
Let’s interrupt that thought pattern and ask a better question.
What are you proud of this month?
What are you grateful for?
What are you celebrating this month?
Let’s celebrate together 🎉
Share what your celebrating big or small.
#burnoutprevention #burnoutrecovery #youareenough #burnoutrecoverycoaching #burnoutpreventiontips #lifeandwellnesscoach #canmorecoach #letscelebrate #celebrateyourwins #bowvalleyentrepreneurs #bowvalleybusiness #trainyourbrain #mindsetcoachingforwomen
Book recommendation! If you’ve ever called yourself a “Recovering Perfectionist,” you’ll want to read this book 📚
Did you know I send out helpful resources like book recommendations every month?
Send me a DM to get the link to sign up.
#recoveringperfectionist #katherinemorganschafler #superpowers #bookreccomendation #embraceyourflaws #burnoutprevention #burnoutrecovery #lifedesigncoaching #lifeandwellnesscoaching #adaptiveperfectionist #strivingforexcellence #accessyourpower #canmorecoach #bowvalleyentrepreneurs
Can we talk about busyness? How do you know if you’re too busy?
How busy do you want to be?
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #lifedesigncoaching #busybadge #permissiontopause #lifeandwellnesscoach #easejoyandfreedom #midlifewisdom #burnoutrecoverytips #midlifewellness
I’ve got a question for you. I’d really love to know your answer.✨
Please comment below or send me a DM. 💕
Thank you for participating ✨
#burnoutrecoverytip #burnoutprevention #burnoutpreventionplan #bowvalleyentrepreneurs #bowvalleybusiness #canmorebusiness #coaching #coachingforburnout #dailycheckin #expressyourheart #knowyourself #burnoutcoach #lifedesigncoaching
The secret to having more FUN…this is definitely one of the most important strategies for BURNOUT prevention and recovery ❤️🩹
Do you agree?
Worst case scenario you only get a small mood boost. 🙂
Best case scenario, you transform your life ⚡️
What’s your secret to having more fun?
Let’s inspire each other. Win-win! ⭐️
#burnoutprevention #burnoutrecoverytip #burnoutprevention #burnoutrecovery #burnoutisreal #burnoutrecoveryforwomen #putyourselffirst #yourhappinessmatters #makefunapriority #morefunplease #lifedesigncoaching #bowvalley #canmore #yycmompreneur #entrepreneurwomen #lifedesign
Permission to put yourself first. Seriously. You are NOT being selfish!
You are being SMART ✅
Burnout prevention and recovery requires you to pay attention to your needs AND desires💕
You weren’t put on this earth to please others.
You weren’t born a People Pleaser.
Your family or community will NOT fall apart.
Are you giving yourself the loving attention you deserve?
I invite you to do something nourishing for yourself. It can be something small or big.
It doesn’t matter what you choose, as long as it brings you joy and is nourishing. ✨
What are you going to do today that’s just for you?
Struggling to remember what brings you joy or how to nourish yourself emotionally, spiritually or physically?
That’s totally normal for People Pleasers.
I’m a recovering People Pleaser myself. I get it.
My favourite clients are women who want to be free from people pleasing and get their energy back ⚡️
If that’s you, send me a DM and let’s see if coaching is the right tool for you.
You deserve to wake up every day, excited about your life. 💥
#burnoutprevention #burnoutrecoverytip #burnoutpreventioncoach #burnoutpreventiontips #putyourselffirst #selfcareisnotselfish #nourishyourself #nourishyourbodyandsoul #peoplepleasingrecovery #peoplepleaserinrecovery #lifedesigncoaching #canmore #bowvalley #yourneedsmatter #canmoremoms #yycmoms #mompreneur #yycmompreneur
Got a big decision to make? Does the answer not seem obvious? 😳
This is where my favourite framework for decision-making comes to the rescue. 🛟
Knowing your top values 💕
Your values guide you every day.
Do a values check-in when you have a decision to make.
Not clear on your values?
Schedule some time on your calendar and reflect on what truly matters to you now ✅
Your values may change depending on what season you’re in.
And sometimes our values can seem fuzzy because we’re so busy focusing on keeping other people happy.
My kid’s happy, I’m happy. My boss is happy, I’m happy. My parents are happy, I’m happy.
It’s easy to get a little lost and lose sight of our values.
Been there done that ✔️
As a coach, I do values work with all of my clients and show them how to make decision-making simpler and easier.
It’s so fun and rewarding!!! 🎉
The clarity is priceless ❤️
Send me a DM to find out more about simplifying decision making using values. 💌
#burnoutprevention #burnoutrecoverycoaching #knowyourvalues #decisionmakingskills #decisionmaking #peoplepleasingrecovery #yourhappinessmatters #burnoutcoaching #bowvalleylocals #lifedesigncoaching #canmore #bowvalley #burnoutcoachforsuccessfulwomen #bigdecisions #decisionmakingstrategy #coachingformidlifewomen
Feeling “blah”? 😐 What have you been picking up?
Our energy is contagious.
If you’re feeling low or “blah”, take a look at who you’re spending time with.
I invite you to seek out people that are really enjoying life and who love to lift others up too.
Notice how your energy changes when you’re around different people.
Awareness is always the first step.✅
I ❤️ geeking out on energy management.
💥If you’d like more energy 💥 and tools for managing your moods 🧠 send me a DM.
Find out how coaching can help you with your energy and moods 😊
You deserve to have all the energy ⚡️ you want!
Without overdoing caffeine and sugar 🤪☕️🍫
#burnoutprevention #burnoutcoaching #burnoutrecoverytip #burnoutrecovery #burnoutcoachforwomen #edgeofburnout #personalenergymanagement #boostyourenergy #manageyourmood #energyiscontagious #bowvalleylife #bowvalley #canmore #canmoremoms #bowvalleyentrepreneurs #femaleentrepreneur
What thoughts are flying around in your head right now?
I call those seemingly random thoughts, mind chatter.
Recovering and preventing burnout🔥requires us to notice our mind chatter.
This first step involves AWARENESS.
Before you can create a new habit or make a change you need to be aware of your current thoughts. 🧠
I invite you to start paying attention to your mind chatter today.
No judging if a thought is good 👍 or bad.
Just be CURIOUS 🧐
That’s it!
When you’re brushing your teeth, notice what you’re thinking.
When you’re driving to work or cleaning the kitchen notice your thoughts.
Remember, no judging your mind chatter.
Only observe ❤️
Bonus: As you notice your thoughts you’re becoming more mindful 💕
Want to learn more about mind chatter and how your brain works?
Work with a mindset coach. Send me a DM to find out how coaching can help you with your mind chatter.
Thoughts are powerful tools or blocks 💥
#burnoutrecoverytip #burnoutrecoverycoach #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #mindchatter #mindfullnesspractice #thoughtawareness #wellnesscoachingforwomen #becurious #curiousity #bowvalleylife #bowvalleylocals #bowvalley #canmore #canmorecoach #manageyourthoughts
Today I’m sharing another simple BURNOUT RECOVERY 🔥 and prevention tool.
Can be used anytime you’re feeling frazzled or depleted and only takes 3 minutes.
I do it as part of my morning routine to prevent burnout. ☀️
I call it my daily check-in ✅
You ask yourself 2 questions, pause and listen for the answers. 👂
You’ll know exactly what you need to do next.💡
Question 1. How are you feeling right now?
Question 2. What do I need right now.
Action Step: Follow through and give yourself what you need right now. Practice true self care💕
It doesn’t need to be complicated.
Keep it simple💋
Want more simple tools like this?
Consider working with a coach. This is one of the ways I support my clients that are recovering from burnout or want to prevent burnout.
Burnout sucks 😩
Send me a DM to learn more about how coaching can help with burnout🔥
#burnoutrecovery #burnout #burnoutprevention #lifecoachingforwomen #getyourenergyback #dailycheckin #burnouttips #lifedesigncoaching #lifedesign #wellnesscoachingforwomen #bowvalleylocals #bowvalleylife #canmore #canmorecoach #entrpreneurburnout #mindsetcoachingforwomen #powerfulquestions #morningroutinetips #pauseandlisten #trustyourbody
I’m back with another simple tool you can use today to deal with burnout🔥.
I use it everyday and I teach it to my clients.
It works 🎯
It’s called “Completing the Stress Cycle.”
I learned it from my favourite book on burnout, “Burnout” by @enagoski and @amelianagoski .
If you’ve experienced burnout 🔥 or are recovering from burnout 🔥, it’s an incredibly helpful resource.
Please know that you’re not alone. Burnout is very common especially in women who have the tendency to over give and are the Helpers in their communities. The Human Giver Syndrome is real.
If your experiencing burnout and want to learn how coaching can help, send me a DM to book a complimentary consult call.
#burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #burnout #burnoutrecoverytips #burnoutisreal #worklifebalace #completingthestresscycle #moveyourbodyeveryday #lifedesign #lifeandwellnesscoach #mindsetcoachingforwomen #bowvalleylocals #bowvalley #canmorelife #canmoremoms