I am a retired RN with 40 years nursing experience, 25 years as intuitive healer & natural health care worker. After 40 years on my spiritual path I was awakened in India in 2015 and Divinely gifted with Galactic Language in 2016. After much study and research, I am now ready to share this gift. I channel Galactic Language for mind/body healing as well as intentional energy healing. It can facilit
ate a change in the energy field and clear subconscious patterns, programs and belief systems from this and past life times. Heal core issues releasing blockages and unlocking the sacred keys of becoming a Divine Human. This language conveys the frequencies of light, sound and cosmic information from the ancients of the star system, our star lineage. It carries healing codes of light and unconditional love emanating from the Heart of the Universe, God, Creator, Source. This quantum energy language is capable of working on the cellular and even the DNA levels of the Emotional, Physical, Mental and Spiritual bodies. You no longer have to be victims to your DNA. The Language communicates directly to your soul and the Innate, the smart body, at all levels where you are ready for a shift or healing to occur in your life. This can release and heal the deepest wounds and blockages that have kept us feeling unable to move forward. This newly discovered support will assist us in our rebirth and re-calibration to move us to greater freedom. We can achieve better health; reprogram our aging process; be all that we can be and what we came to do with the pure sound frequency of Galactic Language. Step forward into the new you. I have also created a self directed learning course for intentional energy and light language healing called Nu Horizons in Healing. You may view my video presentation on you tube at: https://youtu.be/H3YtMo6wNOI
Donalie is a gifted professional healer with a lifetime of experiences to draw from. Specializing in healing through language; she is bringing us an instant new technique of energy work that needs to be experienced to be believed! Personal attention, warmth and sincerity are just the beginning of your healing journey with her. Leah Tuttle
Shakti Rios
I watch many light language videos on the web. I myself am slowly opening my awareness to this kind of ability. But EVERY-TIME I listen to your light language i feel a very strong visceral response. It is so clear to me that you are truly connected. I’m so grateful for your presence and your light language. I look forward to every single video you create. ❤️❤️