Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic

Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic BY APPOINTMENT ONLY -
Book online She always has her clients interest at heart and loves what she does.

Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic opened their doors in Maple Ridge, BC, August 1, 2013. She is proud to add a professional and fully equipt Spa and Laser Clinic to the down town core. Anita Viljoen, owner of Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic has been an Aesthetician and Laser Technician for over 10 years . She doesn't mind saying she is passionate about her work and loves to get the best results for her clients.


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Increase your Moisture with Clayton Shagal products, which are available at Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic.

Increase your Moisture with Clayton Shagal products, which are available at Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic.

Pendant l'été, la texture de la peau change souvent en raison de la chaleur et de l'humidité. 🌾

Les peaux sèches peuvent ressentir un meilleur confort, tandis que les peaux mixtes deviendront souvent plus grasses. Quel que soit votre type de peau, l'hydratation demeure un geste quotidien essentiel. 💧

Pour une peau saine et éclatante tout au long de l'été, faites confiance à Clayton Shagal et ses produits adaptés à vos besoins et surtout…buvez beaucoup d’eau! 🚰


During the summer, the skin's texture can change frequently due to heat and humidity. 🌾

Those with dry skin often feel more comfortable, while those with combination skin often feel that their skin is oilier than usual. Whatever your skin type, moisturizing is still an important part of your daily skincare routine. 💧

For healthy, radiant skin all summer long, you can count on Clayton Shagal for the products you need to keep your skin happy and healthy – just don't forget to drink lots of water! 🚰

So True

So True

While Reiki is not a magical cure, I have seen so much positive change in mental health with the clients I work with. I strive to create a safe space so that my clients are able to open up and release what no longer serves them💕


Yip # 5 To hell with it!!

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Rocco needs your prayers, he was rushed to Boundary Vetanery Hospital last night in a lot of pain. We found out he has a...

Rocco needs your prayers, he was rushed to Boundary Vetanery Hospital last night in a lot of pain. We found out he has a slipped vertebrae in his back.
He is on heavy pain medication and needs time to heal.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. Have a special day

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. Have a special day

Thanks everyone for your input, but I have been thrown a curve ball. Nicole did not like any of our choices and came up ...

Thanks everyone for your input, but I have been thrown a curve ball. Nicole did not like any of our choices and came up with LOKI - I fell in love with it immediately so LOKI it is !!!


Dernier droit avant la fin d’année scolaire! 🔜

Pour afficher un teint radieux lors de la graduation et au bal de finissants, on s’offre le Soin Ladies Night, signé Clayton Shagal 🎓✨

Conçu pour maximiser l’effet des ingrédients actifs, il promet un effet lifting, une peau lumineuse, plus hydratée et une atténuation rapide et efficace des signes de fatigue.

Tout ce qu’il faut pour une peau resplendissante! ☀️


It’s almost the end of the school year! 🔜

To display a radiant complexion during graduation and prom, treat yourself to Ladies Night Treatment, by Clayton Shagal 🎓✨

Designed to maximize the effect of active ingredients, it promises a lifting effect, luminous, more hydrated skin and rapid and effective reduction of signs of fatigue.

Everything you need for glowing skin! ☀️

Happy Mother's Day - Past, Present or to be, you will always be in our hearts

Happy Mother's Day -
Past, Present or to be, you will always be in our hearts

How lucky, I was told to look up tonight!!

How lucky, I was told to look up tonight!!


A big thank you to the Ridge Meadows RCMP for hosting our member-only B2B event last night. The information shared by Superintendent Mehat & Inspector Gander was very educational and engaging for our members.
A special thank you to Gingerbread Haus Bakery for lovely desserts.
, , , ,

Happy Mother Day

Happy Mother Day

Hydratant, antioxydant et éclaircissant ultra-performant, notre Soin Illumine porte très bien son nom! ✨

En plus d’atténuer les signes du vieillissement, il stimule la production naturelle d’antioxydants, de vitamines et de minéraux, pour renforcer et réparer la barrière de protection cutanée.

Avec la fête des Mères qui approche, quel beau cadeau à offrir à maman! 💖


High-performance moisturizer, antioxidant and brightener, our Illumine Treatment lives up to its name! ✨

In addition to reducing the signs of aging, it stimulates the natural production of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, to strengthen and repair the skin's protective barrier.

With Mother's Day approaching, what a great gift to give to mom! 💖


Contact Kornelia, if you have any questions

Call Kornelia for your next Dental Cleaning
at 604-790-8814

Available at Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic

Available at Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic


Hello All!
Are you due for your next dental cleaning?
Looking to achieve that sparkling smile without breaking the bank?
Look no further!
I am a registered Independent Dental Hygienist and I thrilled to offer special pricing for New Patients, Seniors, Students and Patients without dental insurance ! Whether it's a routine cleaning, polishing, or professional in-office whitening, l've got you covered!
Maintaining good oral hygiene shouldn't be a luxury - it's a necessity!
And with our affordable rates, there's no reason to put off that dental appointment any longer.
Book your appointment now and let's get your smile shining bright!
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to prioritize your dental health without breaking the bank.
Call or Text Kornelia (604)790-8814
to schedule your appointment today!


Book Now,
May 1, 2024 - 11 am


Call Kornelia for your next Dental Cleaning
at 604-790-8814

Available at Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic

Available at Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic

Pleins feux sur notre Crème Illumine! ☀️

Son mélange d’antioxydants et d’hydratants en font une crème anti-âge et anti-ride des plus efficaces. Utilisée quotidiennement, elle agit comme un bouclier, en protégeant la peau des agressions cutanées ☂️

Au printemps, les peaux normales et matures utilisant la Crème Idratense pourront la remplacer par la Crème Illumine pour les temps plus chauds 💛


Spotlight on our Illuminate Cream! ☀️

Its blend of antioxidants and moisturizers make it a most effective anti-aging and anti-wrinkle cream. Used daily, it acts as a shield, protecting the skin from skin aggressions ☂️

In spring, normal and mature skin using Idratense Cream can replace it with Illumine Cream for warmer weather 💛


Oral Hygiene - Tip of the day

🦷Maple Ridge Dental Hygiene
📲 (604) 790 - 8814
📍 Maple Ridge, BC

👨‍💼SM Manager:.a

IT's alway good to know a bit about the products you use on your skin.

IT's alway good to know a bit about the products you use on your skin.

Nos produits sont développés selon les principes des Bonnes Pratiques Cliniques 💚🌱

Nos ingrédients actifs sont donc méticuleusement sélectionnés en laboratoire, nos produits sont tous conçus dans le plus grand respect de l’environnement et ne sont, en aucun cas, testés sur les animaux 🐇


Our products are developed according to Good Clinical Practices 💚🌱

Our active ingredients are meticulously selected in a lab and our products are all designed in an environmentally friendly way, never tested on animals 🐇


11930 223rd Street
Maple Ridge, BC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 11am - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 7pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 9:30am - 5pm


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Our Story

Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic opened their doors in Maple Ridge, BC, August 1, 2013. She is proud to add a professional and fully equipt Spa and Laser Clinic to the down town core. Anita Viljoen, owner of Cameo Spa and Laser Clinic has been an Aesthetician and Laser Technician for over 10 years. She always has her clients interest at heart and loves what she does. She doesn't mind saying she is passionate about her work and loves to get the best results for her clients.

Cameo has added a new service this year, called Vascu-Lyse this machine helps remove Spider veins, skin tags and sun/age spots.

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