A.D. Naturopathy

A.D. Naturopathy Naturopath specializing in women's health optimization

“I wish I could just skip my period all together.”I get it, it’s annoying to be bleeding and uncomfortable for around 5 ...

“I wish I could just skip my period all together.”
I get it, it’s annoying to be bleeding and uncomfortable for around 5 days per month.
But that’s the thing your period should only make you bleed and feel uncomfortable. That’s it.

Signs of an irregular or abnormal period include:
-bleeding heavily for several days
-cycles longer than 30 days
-cycles shorter than 28 days
-lots of clots
-excessive pain
-severe PMS
-intense bloating
-loss of ovulation
-very light bleeding

If these symptoms resonate with you, the solution is not to eliminate your period all together. The solution is to figure out WHY this is happening and find ways to lessen or get rid of your unpleasant symptoms all together.

Periods are a NORMAL and NECESSARY part of being a woman.
Let’s normalize that.

“Need” is a strong word, but these will most likely help!PCOS management is multifaceted and requires changes in many as...

“Need” is a strong word, but these will most likely help!

PCOS management is multifaceted and requires changes in many aspects of your lifestyle.

It is possible to feel better, manage your symptoms and get your body back the way you want it - but it takes time and effort.

Instead of being hyper focused on losing weight or  being a certain size, I encourage my clients to focus on goals that ...

Instead of being hyper focused on losing weight or being a certain size, I encourage my clients to focus on goals that matter way more for their overall wellbeing.

Of course, it’s ok to want to feel good in your skin and want to be healthy, but this should never come at the cost of your mental or physical health.

Having a body that works optimally > weight loss.

It sounds cheesy to wish everyone better health for the New Year, but there truly isn’t anything more important. 🌟 From ...

It sounds cheesy to wish everyone better health for the New Year, but there truly isn’t anything more important. 🌟
From years of working with clients and having my own health issues; I can firmly say that taking care of yourself (or trying to) is the best gift you can give yourself.
We never know what curve-ball life will throw us, but we can do our best to prevent certain things and take control of our wellbeing.
It’s never too late – there’s no age to health and wellness.
Do one thing every day that’s good for you every day.
Then two.
Then three.
And so forth…
Remember, it doesn’t need to be complicated. 😉
If you’re not sure where to start, I can help!
📲Send me a DM or visit my website.

Unfortunately, these are still very common recommendations given to clients and it makes me cringe every time I hear abo...

Unfortunately, these are still very common recommendations given to clients and it makes me cringe every time I hear about it 😖
Do yourself and me a favor - don’t fall for every nutrition guru’s advice - I prefer to call them nonsense connoisseurs.

1. 🫐🍓🥭While the original reasoning behind this stems from berries having a lower glycemic index than let’s say, a banana; we can all agree that I rather you eat any fruit over Oreos.
What if you don’t even like berries? Are you going to deprive yourself of all others fruits because one bite of a mango is going to give you instant diabetes? NO.
This all or nothing approach only leads to food fear/anxiety and isn’t healthy for anyone.
Eat the fruit. You’ll be fine.

2. 🥛🧀Do I recommend you have a glass of milk at breakfast? No (probably not really ever).
But a good quality yogurt or cheese (that isn’t loaded with added sugar) that you can digest/tolerate well isn’t an issue.
Of course if you eat dairy and get bloated, acne and have trouble breathing; I wouldn’t recommend it. But the idea that any and all dairy is bad is once again an extreme idea that is simply false.
Also, who doesn’t like cheese?

3. ❌🚫This one makes my ears bleed.
The whole point is to enjoy an occasion where you eat something you wouldn’t normally eat and spend quality time with loved ones.
Imagine spending the entire day before or after stressed (and hungry) that you can’t eat due to the excess calories of your cheat??? That sounds healthy.
Is it sometimes wise to wait an extra hour the next day to eat breakfast just to give you digestion a little break? Sure. But if you wake up feeling fine, please EAT.
The main point here is that many ideas conveyed about nutrition are very extreme and unhealthy both physically and mentally.

Remember, food isn’t the enemy; it’s your life source. So any concept that makes dangerous eating habits seem like a good idea is a BIG NO in my books! 🙅🏻‍♀️

If you have chronic irregularity with your cycle (never comes on time, lasts longer/shorter each month, skipping months/...

If you have chronic irregularity with your cycle (never comes on time, lasts longer/shorter each month, skipping months/ having your period more than once, inconstant bleeding days and/or ovulation), it could very well be an issue with your nutrition! 🍽️

Skipping meals, not eating enough in general or enough of each macronutrient (carbs, fats and protein) and/or a lot of processed/inflammatory foods play a big role in your hormonal health and thus, in your cycle.

Under eating/poor food choices are big stressors on the body
More stress = more cortisol = deregulated s*x hormones

Here are my tips:👇🏽
-Eat minimum 3 meals a say (add in a snack or two if needed)
- DON’T skip meals
-Make sure you’re eating enough of everything: a easy way is to ensure an even split between macros on a daily basis
-Follow a meal schedule as much as possible
-Variety and little restriction all while focusing on mainly whole foods
-Allow yourself to eat a little more before your period (increased hunger is common - around 200cals more should do the trick)
Of course there are other factors that can influence your cycle, but starting with what/how you eat is a great place to start!

PS: bonus that carbs help lower cortisol so don’t be scared of them😉

Many people notice a change in their digestion in colder months (often more constipated/irregular and/or having more blo...

Many people notice a change in their digestion in colder months (often more constipated/irregular and/or having more bloating, gas, and indigestion). 😩
Of course, summer months come with more access to vitamin D, a tendency for lowered stress levels and more social gatherings, making the digestive process easier.
On top of these 3 tips, adding in a vitamin D supplement can be a great support as well (just make sure you’re also getting adequate magnesium).
Do you notice any changes in your digestion during winter?
Not sure how to get rid of constant bloating and feeling full?
I can help! 👇🏽

DM to book your consultation or visit the 🔗 in my bio!

Contrary to what you may think, your body is always trying to help you. Yup! Even when it’s storing fat that you don’t w...

Contrary to what you may think, your body is always trying to help you.
Yup! Even when it’s storing fat that you don’t want. 🤨
Why would it do such a thing? Well, it’s trying to protect you from whatever habits, environment, etc. you’ve adopted that it deems “unsafe” or harmful for it’s well-being and survival.
AKA it’s trying to save you and also wake you up!🫵🏽
Instead of punishing your body for doing its JOB, start working with it so it can undo these protective mechanisms and eventually that stubborn belly-fat you want to get rid of WILL go away! 😃
My tips? 🤔👇🏽
-eat a high protein meal within an hour of waking up
-get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep
-cut down your caffeine intake
-practice mindfulness techniques
-limit processed foods and alcohol
-have more social connections
-move your body in ways you enjoy
-slow down and breathe
Most importantly, remember that your body is on your side, even when it’s doing things you don’t understand. Be patient with it and work WITH it not against it.
PS: slowing down and breathing multiple times a day is probably the best advice I can give.
Let. It. Go.❣️

Ladies! It’s time to take care of YOU! 🫡🫶🏼These may seem obvious or overly simple, but let me tell you that most women i...

Ladies! It’s time to take care of YOU! 🫡🫶🏼

These may seem obvious or overly simple, but let me tell you that most women in their 30s aren’t doing even one of these consistently! 🫠

🩸 Blood sugar regulation is probably the pillar of proper health, optimal aging and reducing risk of disease. Eating a balanced diet, adequate protein intake, proper sleep, and exercise are all ways that can help you keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day!

🍽️ As we hit our 30s, the goal is to eat in ways that fuel our bodies to keep on aging optimally. It’s time to step away from the “I can get away with it” mentality from our 20s and embrace the fact that our bodies need sufficient nutrients to work the way they should. Adequate calorie intake is key here and in most cases you probably need to be eating a lot more than you think!

😴 Not sleeping enough is no longer acceptable. Of course there are circumstances that make it harder (kids, job schedules, etc.) However, for the rest of women that I meet in my practice, lack of sleep often stems from being on their phones too late, staying up watching Netflix, lifestyle habits that disrupt sleep, etc. Let me tell you that getting your sleep in order will do wonders for your overall health and aging.

🧘🏻‍♀️Stress is the #1 root cause of many of the issues my clients face. Be it irregular cycles, digestive issues, fatigue, weight gain - stress (psychological and physiological is often to blame). Meditation, journaling, breath work, therapy, etc. are all useless tools to help you regulate your nervous system and keep your body from developing unwanted protective mechanisms. Find what works for you and stick to it!

How many of these are you currently integrating in your life? 🤔

Ready to start feeling your best?
📲Send me a DM or visit my website for more info!

More than ever I have clients coming to be taking all sorts of natural estrogen “blocker” and “balancers”, thinking that...

More than ever I have clients coming to be taking all sorts of natural estrogen “blocker” and “balancers”, thinking that these are the solution to their PCOS, menopause, PMS, and other women’s health issues.
While this type of supplement does have its place in certain cases, the real focus when it comes to estrogen dominance should be on increasing progesterone, in order to restore balance between both hormones.
It’s important to remember that estrogen dominance is often a result of elevated cortisol (high stress), which lowers progesterone levels and then creates a state of heightened estrogen VS progesterone. So, if you just try to lower your estrogen, you’ll end up with lowered levels of both hormones: AKA more unpleasant symptoms!
How to improve progesterone?🤔
-Get enough sleep 😴
-Work on reducing stress 🧘🏻‍♀️
-Focus on nutrient dense foods 🥩
-Increase whole food carbs 🍠
-Vitamin B6
-Omega 3s
More importantly, ditch the estrogen balancing formulas, in most cases they aren’t needed and can make you feel even worse.

When asking new clients about their BMs 💩 , those who are often/chronically constipated will try to reassure me by sayin...

When asking new clients about their BMs 💩 , those who are often/chronically constipated will try to reassure me by saying “but it’s always been this way – it’s normal”
NO, it’s not! 🙅🏻‍♀️
Did you know that not going to the bathroom properly every day counts as constipation? (it’s not only when you haven’t gone in a few days or weeks)
Other than being super uncomfortable, chronic constipation is an indication that something (or many things) isn’t functioning in your digestive system and/or in the rest of your body.
Although there are several causes, it’s also important to note that there are ways around it that don’t involve large supplement protocols and 30 days detoxes.
Of course, you should always consult a practitioner for your case, but here are some pointers that can make a world of difference:
-stop snacking all day long (this slows down motility)
-make sure you’re properly hydrated consistently (most people aren’t drinking enough water)
-go for walks after meals (this stimulates the digestive tract)
-take TIME in the morning to go to the bathroom – don’t try and rush it
-reduce processed foods/alcohol (seems like a no-brainer, but has more impact than we think)
-CHEW your food – way more than you normally would
-limit drinking while eating
-get 7-9 hours of sleep
-eat in a calm/present state
Stay tuned for future post with more tips on how to deal with constipation and other gut issues!


Welcome to living in the “grey area”When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, balance ⚖️ should be the standard.Unfor...

Welcome to living in the “grey area”

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, balance ⚖️ should be the standard.

Unfortunately, social media has become filled with fear mongering “experts” who make it seem like it’s impossible to actually be healthy and live well.

I promise that you don’t need to be eating carnivore in a pollution-free shack, with no electronics and only wearing organic cotton, in order to feel your best. 🙃

My philosophy will always be: less is MORE 🌿

Curious about how your current lifestyle could be optimized so you could feel better both physically and mentally?
Visit the 🔗 in my bio or send me a DM!

I am certified naturopath (N.D.), now offering my services in LaSalle and online!I offer naturopathy services as well as...

I am certified naturopath (N.D.), now offering my services in LaSalle and online!

I offer naturopathy services as well as personal training/coaching!

🌿I work with clients using these principles:

-Client education as the main priority
-Recommendations that make your life easier, not more stressful
-Health goals ALWAYS come before physical appearance goals
-We are a team and need to always work together
-Less is more approach to wellness

Your well-being is my priority. I believe in the power of natural remedies and a holistic approach to elevate your health and vitality. This is why I’ve made it my mission to help women feel empowered and regain control of their health and bodies.

I work with women from all walks of life, from busy moms to business women and, students; no matter your schedule, there’s always a way to make yourself a priority.

For more information and to learn how to work with me,
visit my website: ad-vitality.com

Excited to announce the launch of my new website! 🖥️With over 8 years of experience in the health and fitness field; I c...

Excited to announce the launch of my new website! 🖥️

With over 8 years of experience in the health and fitness field; I couldn’t be happier to add on naturopathy to my services.

I am dedicated to helping people truly learn and understand the fundamentals of healthy living through proper lifestyle optimization.
I work with women from all walks of life who are committed to making themselves a priority and want to feel good both physically and mentally 🌿

For all information on my services and for booking,
visit the link 🔗 in my bio! ☺️

Although it may seem obvious to take an estrogen balancing formula when estrogen dominance is suspected, the reality is ...

Although it may seem obvious to take an estrogen balancing formula when estrogen dominance is suspected, the reality is that it’s often not needed (and can actually make the problem worse) 🫤
Why? Because the real issue isn’t that you have too much estrogen, it’s what’s causing the dominance.
What can cause this? 🤔
In most cases, it stems from increased cortisol (AKA the stress/adaptation hormone), which leads to a decrease in progesterone and thus, estrogen dominance (think of progesterone and estrogen on opposing sides of a scale that you want to work in balance).
Symptoms of estrogen dominance:👇🏼
-Heavy periods
-Very painful cramps
-Severe PMS
-Water retention
-Fat accumulation (legs/hips/abdomen)
-Mood swings
-Lowered libido
-Insulin resistance
The solution? 🌿
Improve/lower cortisol levels and work at increasing progesterone to restore proper balance between both hormones!
Tips and tricks:🛠️
-Prioritize protein at all meals
-Increase unprocessed carb intake
-Eat adequate fiber (fruits/veggies)
-Move your body reasonably
-Limit exposure to toxins
-Take time to relax/unwind
-Eat a raw carrot salad every day
Supplementation that can help:💊
-Fiber (to help proper elimination)
-Magnesium (to lower stress response)
-Omega 3 (lower inflammation)
-Vitamin B6 (aids in improving progesterone levels)

It’s always best to work with a practitioner who can provide recommendation for your specific case!

Not sure if your lifestyle is providing you with optimal health?
I can help 🙋🏻‍♀️


7721 Boulevard Newman
Montreal, QC


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