Your body is talking to you… are you listening?
Sensations are how your body communicates what you need. Your unconscious mind is wired to move toward what feels pleasant and away from what feels unpleasant. Only moving toward what feels pleasant can actually be bad for you. Like eating too much sugar, there may be short term benefits but long-term stress. Becoming curious about unpleasant sensations tells you how much stress your body is experiencing. Judging your unpleasant sensations as bad layers the stress up and pushes you towards short term fixes. In this busy world, it makes sense to tune out all the layers of stress. The key to unwinding the stress is to tune back in and ask your body what you really need.
#bodyawareness #knowyourself #stressless #yourbodywillthankyou #mindfulness #selfcare #listentoyourbody #unwind #reset #selflove
I’m Stacey Lynn and I’m all about encouraging you to connect with your body as a wise source of information telling you exactly who you authentically are and what you authentically need. Your pain is not something to be avoided, it’s not something that is bad or wrong. Judging your sensations is what it is to judge your body as bad or wrong. it’s time to tune in to your body. To listen to the messages your pain is desperately trying to communicate to you. #bodyawareness #authenticity #stressless #selflove #knowyourself #mindfulness #yourbodywillthankyou #reset #unwind #painisinformation #letgo #sensationsareinformation #listentoyourbody #learntoletgo #bodyworktherapy #healthyliving #bodyworktherapist #painrelief #wellnessgirl #balancedliving #inspiringquotes
You Can’t Let Go of What You Don’t Know You’re Holding On To. The reason you're having a hard time letting go is because you have been holding on to tension in your body. You have likely been holding onto the tension for so long you've either become numb to it, or it's screaming at you. Often both. Letting go requires you to give your body permission to unwind your patterns of holding. If you have become numb to the sensations of holding on, you'll require practice tuning into the sensations. If the sensations of holding on are screaming at you, you'll require practice allowing the sensations to exist. Believing that the sensations of tension are bad is what it is to resist them. Resisting the sensation is what creates the pattern of holding. The first thing to let go of is the belief that what you are feeling is bad. The more we tune into and allow the uncomfortable sensations, the better we are at letting them go. #learntoletgo #letgo #holdingon #unwind #bodywork #sensationsaresensations #listentoyourbody #tuneintoyourbody
Releasing the SCM with movement. My fingers are at rest and my thumb melts into the anterior fibers as Amanda moves her head up, down, and side to side.
#tensegrity #biotensegrity #manualtherapy #bodywork #bodyworkteacher #bodyawareness #bodyworkcoach #breathe #letgo #neckpaintreatment #fascia
#bodywork #bodyworktherapy #bodyworkteacher #bodyworkcoach #anatomytrains #deepflowbodywork #bodyawareness #bodymind