Chez Rose—Holistic Living

Chez Rose—Holistic Living Holistic living embodies EVERYTHING we do. Bliss is a discipline! You can refresh your life. 💛 Healing lies within. Welcome! My name is Rose.

You are a haven, a refuge from external stressors, a safe place for restoration, a sanctuary of renewal. I am a proud single mother of one, and former communications executive who triumphed over Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) in the comfort of my own home. On this page, I share holistic tips and daily rituals that saved me from alarmist despair, and granted me the humble platform

to empower others toward transformation, and balance. Holistic living is the mindfulness and integration of our physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual lives. If one aspect is out of balance, malnourished, or denied, it inevitably has an impact on everything else. As a holistic consultant—Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT500) + Holistic Nutritionist in training—I focus on the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit for vitality, and longevity. From my world to yours, I share how to set a solid foundation to heal, and thrive, honoured to be living proof that it is possible to renew yourself, and completely Refresh Your Life.™

We create stories based on what we believe. We fall in love with stories—stories of people, culture, and history—of thin...

We create stories based on what we believe.

We fall in love with stories—stories of people, culture, and history—of things outside ourselves, to evade what lies deep within.

We are stories; things we invented, as protection, things we experienced, as truth…

All individual chapters of a collective story.

I know people who changed reality because they had too much sadness, too much alcohol, too many drugs, too much sugar, or too much medication.

They don’t recall how life truly happened.


I choose to be oceanfront. I have my reasons.


Geography, however, is not factor in how we take care of ourselves, and each other.

We can create a haven, inside, a zone where our beliefs dissipate…

We can choose things that resonate, surrender, allow life to unravel as it should.

We can accept that change is innate, and inevitable.

We can live in neutrality—the awareness that everything is transient, and temporary, like this spectacular sky last night, in constant flux…

Like us.


Become what money can’t buy. 💛

Become what money can’t buy.


Clarity. Ease.Expansion.Eat the purest foods you can find. “Which ones, Rose?”It depends where you live, and I’d be happ...




Eat the purest foods you can find.

“Which ones, Rose?”

It depends where you live, and I’d be happy to help.


We seek thrills—sparks, within—those numbing agents that bury pain and darken our now and forever, or brilliant synapses...

We seek thrills—sparks, within—those numbing agents that bury pain and darken our now and forever, or brilliant synapses that render us more profound, more reasonable, of higher intellect, or understanding…

When, in fact, the ultimate sensation is of great neutrality, one of heightened awareness where we surrender to opposing forces…

The paradoxical duty, and honour, of simply being.


Start with yourself.💛

Start with yourself.


Did you know the heart has its own nervous system? 🫀Rose, Tulsi and ginger are staples in my home.What about you?💛Anima ...

Did you know the heart has its own nervous system? 🫀

Rose, Tulsi and ginger are staples in my home.

What about you?


Anima Mundi Apothecary

In high school, I told my friends that my dream was to live oceanfront, and work online. Internet had barely been initia...

In high school, I told my friends that my dream was to live oceanfront, and work online.

Internet had barely been initiated—it was dial-up—and I was already imagining sending my work via email.

Here I am.

It only took 35 years.

I went to school 5 times in 4 different disciplines, and raised a child on my own in that time. I even gave birth at home.

Life can unravel in the most unexpected ways.

It does not mean it’s easy, it means it is limitless.

We are expansive.

Transformation is endless.

Where do you dream to be?

What do you dream of doing?


There is a place within, an innate state of being.Still.Tranquil. Expansive. We seek balance, and relief—freedom from su...

There is a place within, an innate state of being.




We seek balance, and relief—freedom from suffering.

Pain is inevitable. We cannot escape it.

What we build is resilience.


Conscious, holistic living grants a passport to gratitude; an open door, an added perspective.

We can choose.

What is your focus?

The pain, or the conviction that it is temporary?




My workshops share home-based secrets, tools that can boost the micro (cells), to enhance the macro (life).



See you oceanfront, one of the most optimal places in the world to be.

with Roseline Mouana, BFA, RYT500, (CNP)




Don’t be fooled by concepts.We cannot intellectualize or rationalize how we feel. We cannot evade our emotions. Suppress...

Don’t be fooled by concepts.

We cannot intellectualize or rationalize how we feel.

We cannot evade our emotions.

Suppressed emotions become physical challenges we must then work arduously to untangle, and dissolve.

Instead of multiplying the suffering—compounding our pain, create inner obstacles that result in illness, and disease—we can courageously deal with our torment… Strive for a higher state of being, an enhanced mode of living.




Inner freedom.

We must dive into our hearts—face the suffering.






Immersion.Embodiment.Shift.Expansion. Are you ready for the ultimate change?Stay tuned for an exciting announcement, an ...





Are you ready for the ultimate change?

Stay tuned for an exciting announcement, an invitation to explore and discover what is the most unique, most extraordinary of all…



with Roseline Mouana, BFA, RYT500, (CNP)

Welcome to my workshop!Inspired by life—how intense and glorious it can be. Grounding.Restorative.Expansive. Limited spo...

Welcome to my workshop!

Inspired by life—how intense and glorious it can be.




Limited spots available in September,
October, and November.

See you under a starlit sky, where the only disruption, is thunder. ⚡️


with Roseline Mouana, BFA, RYT500, (CNP)


Feeling defeated?You might be simply exhausted.Don’t give up, let’s goooooo 🙌🏽💛

Feeling defeated?

You might be simply exhausted.

Don’t give up, let’s goooooo 🙌🏽


Do you have certains cravings?There is reasoning behind these wants and needs. 💛

Do you have certains cravings?

There is reasoning behind these wants and needs.


🍽️✨ Wondering why you crave certain foods? In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), cravings aren’t random—they’re your body’s way of communicating what it needs. Balance is key, and incorporating the five flavors—sweet, salty, spicy/pungent, sour, and bitter—into your diet can harmonize your body’s energies and promote overall health.

Here’s what your cravings might be telling you, plus herbs and foods to stay balanced:

1. Sweet Cravings 🍫: Your body needs more energy or comfort. Herbs: Licorice, Astragalus, Fennel, Goji Berry. Foods: Pumpkin, Honey, Sweet Potato, Melon, Dates. *Try naturally sweet foods like fruits and whole grains. Balance your spleen energy with warm, cooked foods.

2. Salty Cravings 🧂: Indicates a need for more minerals, related to kidney and bladder energy. Herbs: Nettle, Seaweed, Cleavers, Horsetail. Foods: Celery, Miso, Fish, Umeboshi.
*Opt for mineral-rich foods like seaweed and leafy greens. Stay hydrated and support your kidneys with warm soups and stews.

3. Spicy/Pungent Cravings 🌶️: Your body is trying to stimulate digestion or dispel cold and dampness. Herbs: Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Mustard Seed. Foods: Onions, Radishes, Chili Peppers, Wasabi.
*Incorporate warming spices like ginger and garlic to boost metabolism and improve circulation.

4. Sour Cravings 🍋: Indicates a liver imbalance or need for detoxification. Herbs: Rosehips, Hibiscus, Schisandra, Hawthorn Berry. Foods: Citrus, Vinegar, Cranberry, Green Apple.
*Enjoy foods like lemons and fermented vegetables to cleanse your liver.

5. Bitter Cravings 🍵: Your body needs to clear heat or toxins, often related to heart health. Herbs: Dandelion Root, Oregon Grape, Burdock, Chamomile. Foods: Dandelion Greens, Bitter Melon, Endive, Kale.
*Include bitter foods like dark leafy greens and herbal teas to cool the body and support your heart.

Cravings are a natural part of life and can guide you toward a more balanced state. Trust your body and nourish it with intention.

Bonjour August! 😊So happy you are here. 💛

Bonjour August! 😊

So happy you are here.


Holistic living means that I consider absolutely everything I am doing so that my body can be at its very best.Holistic ...

Holistic living means that I consider absolutely everything I am doing so that my body can be at its very best.

Holistic living encompasses where we live, how we think, what we eat and drink, the quality of our sleep, the household and cosmetic products we use, the air we breathe, the past we had, the medical interventions we overcame, the state we are in, the mindset we choose, and the people we spend time with.

I was once caged by extreme stress, and freed myself from a page full of debilitating symptoms.

I even left Canada, to distance myself from concrete grids and big city intensity, and be closer to the ocean, and coconuts. 🥥💕

I move slowly, and proceed mindfully.

I eat foods that are as close to the Earth as possible, avoiding anything processed—even coffee. I’ll eat dark chocolate. Yes, chocolate is processed, but it’s chocolate. 🥰

Sometimes, I need help. This is the fundamental component of holistic living—that the body functions as a whole, never in separate parts.

When tension accumulates in the mind, organs, muscles and tissues, we can turn to the experts for relief, and restoration.

Yami is a marvel, and a great friend, offering acupuncture, deep tissue massage therapy, Thai massage, herbal solutions—pindas!—and an intense v***r treatment sourced by flammed rocks, and aromatherapeutic water.

As someone profoundly familiar with pain, this is something you should experience for yourself.

Fire, water, volcanic clay, aloe from her garden, hot stones…

A deeply regenerative haven for the mind and body.

I focus on the micro at the cellular level, she assists with the macro at the physiological level.

Stay tuned for our collaborative offer!

It’s going to be a glorious August. ✨

What modalities have you tried, or would like to try?


Transformation is an art.Bliss is a discipline. You can completely refresh your life!Happy to help. 💛

Transformation is an art.

Bliss is a discipline.

You can completely refresh your life!

Happy to help.


Lead from the heart. It has incredible power.🖤

Lead from the heart.

It has incredible power.


The micro becomes the macro.The macro IS micro.Microscopically, we are wondrous, complex.There is life way past the skin...

The micro becomes the macro.

The macro IS micro.

Microscopically, we are wondrous, complex.

There is life way past the skin, tissues, muscles, and cells, deeper, past the molecules, at the subatomic level…

We are energy. ✨

Imagine a garden.

Every detail counts! 🌱

We tend to it every day, monitor intruders, nurture each component…

You are the garden on this collective land called Earth.

You can transform, transmute, and flourish!

The human body is designed to do so.

One step at a time, you can completely refresh your life.


Love is a responsibility. Life is a responsibility. We are here to learn, to optimize—to live with vitality, and longevi...

Love is a responsibility.

Life is a responsibility.

We are here to learn, to optimize—to live with vitality, and longevity.

There are ample obstacles and distractions that prevent us from thriving, so it’s up to us to rise above adversity, and be at our best.

It takes work.

Some people, like me, go to far away lands to live with vast nature.

Some stay in cities, submerged in urban delights.

Whatever we choose, we can captain how we feel.

The human body is designed to live as long as possible.

Transformation is innate.

It takes courage.



There could be surprises along the way—things that shatter what we believed, things that shock us…

There could also be elation, a certain quietude, and serenity…

The possibilities are endless.

How are you feeling?

What are you doing about it?


Beware those who are convinced about you. Those who criticize you, and bring you down. What do they know about you?Do th...

Beware those who are convinced about you.

Those who criticize you, and bring you down.

What do they know about you?

Do they know your struggle?

And what about you?

Are you convinced about others?

Are you critical, and categorical?

Do you focus on others?

We all struggle.

The key is to live with as much inner freedom as possible.

This extends outwardly, it changes who we attract—who resonates, who must go.

The more you work on yourself, the more the right people will stay.

Joy starts with the self.

Bliss is a discipline.


Year 14.My decision to transmute inner fire was fierce. There was unwavering conviction, and discipline.I was tired of f...

Year 14.

My decision to transmute inner fire was fierce.

There was unwavering conviction, and discipline.

I was tired of feeling tired, exasperated by my reactions, the reactions of others, the clash and clang of urban living, and a page full of debilitating symptoms.

I was slowly dying, ready to snap.

Stress is a killer.

I journeyed within—in wild, remote places—far away from city grids, steel frames, and frenzied masses.

I went on a quest for peace.

It was far from easy; a gruelling unraveling of emotional knots, and compounded chaos.

It took grit.







Profound integration.


How I overcame adversity became sought after by first responders, orphanages in Central America, and the corporate world—an honourable role to uplift, and empower.

Transformation is tough work.

Evolution is not a comfortable process.

We are all suffering, some so intensely, it is projected outwardly. Like lava, it bursts and burns, ravaging everything in its path, still nourishing the earth, somehow.

A paradox.

Some people are unredeemable, convinced of their stance.

Let them be.

Let it burn.

Return within.

What do you do nurture yourself?

I dove into every detail, fell in love with how the micro becomes the macro.

I went back to school.

Three times.

I traveled to oceanfront jungles, left preconceived notions and resentment behind, to gain neutrality, and expansion.

My clients are shocked and elated that in the end, I simply lead them back to themselves.

Let’s begin.


Did you buy another pair of shoes again?How many jackets do you need to feel fulfilled?Who are you trying to impress?Do ...

Did you buy another pair of shoes again?

How many jackets do you need to feel fulfilled?

Who are you trying to impress?

Do you think that your appearance will appease the wounds you avoid?

Yeah, I used to think so too.

And then I got sick of it—the show, the mascarade… I got sick of feeling exasperated, insomniac, and resentful.

I was furious.

That’s what decades of injustice can do.

Anger never served me, it was destructive.

I certainly accomplished a lot with that raging fire, but at what cost?

I almost died of extreme stress.

Not worth it.

Now, I live in wild places, far away from skyscrapers and sirens, in zones where I have no choice to be with myself.

It took me two years, but I love it.




I did it for me, and to be the best woman I can be as the mother of my child.

What are you doing for you?


I knew someone who hated the rain.“I don’t want to walk with you, we don’t have an umbrella, I don’t like the feeling of...

I knew someone who hated the rain.

“I don’t want to walk with you, we don’t have an umbrella, I don’t like the feeling of rain on my head.”

Years later, I met someone who got soaked from torrential rain.

“I parked the car. How are you feeling?”

I was waiting to see a doctor.

It’s not what we do for someone, but how.

If the action is dismissive, this is ego-based—self-righteous—a stance of dominance, and control.

If the intention is altruistic—selfless, compassionate—that’s love.

I am not referring to romantic love.

Love in general.

All-encompassing love.

The love that braves storms.


It’s all gift-wrapped. All of it.🖤Client 1: “But Rose, this scandal happened.”Client 2: “How could they do that to me?” ...

It’s all gift-wrapped.

All of it.


Client 1: “But Rose, this scandal happened.”

Client 2: “How could they do that to me?”

Client 3: “I wish I could meet someone decent.”

R: “Start with yourself.”


Salvation is not a location, it’s in the daily discipline to honour our imperfections, our emotions—to live with passion...

Salvation is not a location, it’s in the daily discipline to honour our imperfections, our emotions—to live with passion, and integrity.

Are you being true to yourself, or grabbing a bag of chips to justify the pain you choose to hold on to?

Transformation is possible.

Are you ready?


Love.Transformation. Evolution.In that order. 💛




In that order.


There is a haven, inside, a refuge you can create.In 2010, I wanted to balance my body from a page full of debilitating ...

There is a haven, inside, a refuge you can create.

In 2010, I wanted to balance my body from a page full of debilitating symptoms.

With focus and discipline, a complete overhaul of absolutely everything, and a return to three different schools to study orthomolecular medicine, biochemistry, Tibetan, Buddhist, Ayurvedic and yogic principles, and neuroscience, it worked.

After so much global bousculade—a few years where the world came to a frightening halt—we are more aware of the importance of health than ever before.

The products you use to clean your home, the cosmetics you prefer, the quality of your coffee grains, how well you sleep, the food you eat… Everything has an impact on the body.

Tune in.


The heart knows what the mind should follow.

Intuition is a powerful compass that leads us to our most optimal selves.

Beyond a mindful approach, there are tools that soothe the body—a return to who we are innately designed to be.

I am here to empower you to follow your own map.

What’s in your heart?


There are zones that make me want to stay forever. This is one of them. 🖤Do you have a favourite place?Mine used to be t...

There are zones that make me want to stay forever. This is one of them. 🖤

Do you have a favourite place?

Mine used to be the library.


For some people, intimacy and depth of living is violent, threatening—perfect for combat, and rivalry. For others, it’s ...

For some people, intimacy and depth of living is violent, threatening—perfect for combat, and rivalry.

For others, it’s poetry.


What’s happening?💛

What’s happening?



Toronto, ON



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My Story

Welcome! Bienvenue!

Thank you for being here. In 2011, I crashed from extreme, cumulative stress. Raising my only daughter on my own, I was in a 9 to 5 role that was consuming me for over 15 hours a day. With debilitating symptoms that rendered me dysfunctional, and in the depths of what seemed like irreparable illness, I refused my doctor’s five prescriptions, and completely transformed my life.

How? I explored natural solutions such as Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Japanese acupuncture, massage therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychotherapy, Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), and energy healing. I also took a good look at everything I was doing. I cleared my home, removing clutter and harmful household products. I then enrolled in 500 hours of yoga teacher training to heal, and inadvertently became a teacher. I also eliminated any foods that increased stress in my body, and focused on foods that enhance what our bodies are naturally designed to do.

Diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) at the age 43, I learned the hard way that the body keeps the score on everything we think and do. To extend my knowledge toward others who may not know where to turn, I am now a student at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition. I am delving deeper into the impact food has at the cellular level, and the benefit of holistic living, understanding everything is interconnected.

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