Tita Martell International Clairvoyant

Tita Martell International Clairvoyant Clairvoyance - Palmistry - Specialised Healing - Past Life Regression - Akashic Records. These servi I was born in Peru.

I have been tested for ESP and has passed the 3 faculties: clairvoyance, clairsense and clairaudience. I attended workshops and seminars in intuitive and cellular healing, colour therapy, aura reading, visualisation, palmistry, feng shiu, and remote viewing. I have qualifications as a healer and past life regression therapist. I would like to note that the future is not predetermined and that ther

e are probable futures created by your thoughts, desires and emotions in your field of consciousness. Depending of what road you take it will take you to the one of that future before you. My desire is to help and empower others to find their true self.



Information on what 2024 brings for you, a general idea of your love life, work, people. Will give clarity in any subject you are stuck or confused and help you to move on, diferent choices you could take to embrace this year with a new vision.

Will need a pic of the person you are interested and focussing to see if there is a future or time to move on. If single when this will happen or if there is anything that is blocking to attract your soulmate.
Pictures can be send via WhatsApp/ FaceTime or email.


Is it time to change your job? will help you to make the right choices and advice to breakthrough financial difficulties.
Will need the name of your job and names of jobs you are applying too. Plus logos if you can.

Will advice to have a session of medical intuitive which you can read how it is done on my website.

It will help you to release traumas, blockages and unwanted emotions from the past which it is very good for your mind, body and connecting with your inner self power.

If you would like to know or curious what you were in your different past lives this is the session for you. It will help to identify patterns in this life time and get to know and understand yourself. Your weaknesses and your strengths which will help you to heal your emotional past experiences and focusing on your strengths plus your purpose in this lifetime.
This is done via email voice recording and will need a few pics of your face.

Will help you to understand your children and how to guide them to develop the best of their potential.
It is done via email voice recording. Will need a pic of your child and date of birth and country.

If you are confused if he/she is your soulmate or need to know more you can book for a soulmate relationship session.
You can check my blog on my website to learn more about soulmates

You can look up on my website

You can look on my website.

Only can be face to face.

I only do this sessions one to one.


Are you ready to start a new business? Or you already are self employed and need to know what do you need to grow and be successful or you are stuck and not doing to much progress. What changes you need to do.
Or if you want to start a business enterprise or increase it. I could help selecting the best of your team, products, location, innovation, worldwide expansion and globally economy outlook.

You can select any of the services to surprise a friend o family if you think they will be happy to receive or need them.

All this services can be done face to face which is 5 pounds cheaper (cash or card) or via online on WhatsApp, FaceTime or Skype.
You can send me a tx, email, WhatsApp, Instagram or through my website.




After seeing hundreds of people this year, I noticed this year has been one of the most challenging year for my customers and friends in issues of health, relationships, finances and also feeling stuck.

I am not surprise as 2023 it is a year for healing the past, even past life experiences for our soul growth and expansion.

Learning from the past is a process of releasing attachment to mental stories, experiences, perceptions and old beliefs.
Reliving the past is a habit worthy of of breaking. When is broken, we can be present in the now and focus on where we are headed.

Happiness it is an inside job and that it is no one else’s responsibility to make us happy. When we choose to move through any cognitive dissonance and release victim consciousness, we create spaciousness to experience, know and have a different, happier and more balanced life.

If you wonder or are interested what 2024 will be for you I am here to help you with my insight which will enable you to sort out and understand your situation and move with inner calm and stability.
With calmness and not fear about what it is happening but most important to move ahead in the right direction.

When you know it will calm your mind and give you reassurance and a sense of courage and determination.

Let 2024 be a year of transformation, growth, stability and awareness to initiate a better happier future.

2024 is an auspicious year, is number 8 which promises financial gains, stability, maturity and spiritual growth.




Now that Christmas is coming have you thought what present can you give to a friend, family or partner that will help them and transform their life or they need some help and clarity because they are in a cross road, feeling stuck or feeling down and need some clarity in matters of love, money, health or to make very important decisions?

This is a unique gift which they will appreciate very much, which could be the initiation of a new path in their life. 💕

Vouchers can be bought on my website for any service. Once purchased, the gift card will be directly emailed to to the person of your choice.

After the email is received, then they need to contact me and provide the gift card number and we can schedule a session of any service they have chosen. Either clairvoyant reading, emotional healing therapy, medical intuitive, past life regression, akashic records, children readings and business reading.


PSYCHIC UPDATEAs a clairvoyant I always receive powerful messages which I need to pay attention and write it all down in...


As a clairvoyant I always receive powerful messages which I need to pay attention and write it all down in a piece of paper, so much information comes about but I select how much I need to disclose at this moment on time. This channeling helps me very much in my own evolution and understand what it is happening right now
In my life and around the world energetically, but as my soul purpose to work as a clairvoyant I feel to pass this information to people that are ready to listen, heal and move forward into the next chapter in their life.

We are experiencing massive shifts of consciousness at every level. It is an intense time mentally, physical, emotional and past lives experiences, childhood traumas and conditioning beliefs plus karma release.

Whatever we need to release and heal it will show up, could be financial security, relationships, body issues or illness, our inner fears, our emotions will intensify as anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety, injustice, worthiness, victimización, powerless and a very strong feeling of breaking trough in whatever it is stopping us to be happy and to have a clear mind in what direction and action we need to take.

People will feel a strong feeling for a big change and will be able to see the manipulation, control, injustice, suppression and everything that needs to change in their lives, as well as, globally like politically, social economically, environmental, financially, misuse of power. They will feel to regain their own self power to fight for their own freedom and self expression.

As we experiencing all these massive changes of healing and transformation we start from us first as energetically we are all connected.

The tool of our healing it is in the feeling of our emotions and our thoughts.
It is exactly when you go to the doctor and you have a health check and you get the results.

First find your space and feel your body is there any tension, pain, is it heavy or light allow the emotions to surge. How your head feels?
Then go to your mind what thoughts are showing up? Your thoughts and your emotions it is the clue in what it needs to be release and heal, what it is outdated and stopping you to create the same reality again with different people and different circumstances.

This energetic shift won’t allow us to by pass any more to pretend or wish that all will be ok or to stay in our confort zone and suppress our fears. But we all have the power of free will and free choices giving to us as and a act of love from the universe.

If you would like to work with me I can help you to let you know what thoughts and emotions you need to release and give you clarity to move forward and co create a new realty in your life. That is the purpose of my gifts to bring light into darkness and bring the best self of yourself. I am very experienced in what I do in any service I offer and it is 💯 percent privacy.

Trust whatever is unfolding in your life as natural to the cycles of transformation and change and know that it is all for a highest purpose. ♥️

Understanding How to free your mind by Tita Martell How to free your mind Your thoughts and what you think are the key to creating your reality. Everything around you that you see or experience in the “outer” world has a connection in the invisible, inner world… Continue reading



Have you ever been curious about who has you been in a diferent past life? If you had that feeling that one day you would like to know, don’t wait just fallow your soul calling.

By accessing your Akashic records, you will understand what different roles you had to play or do to grow and expand.
We can identify and release any drama and hurts we had experienced because our lack of understanding and awareness, as they were only lessons for the expansion of the soul.

We can look why in this lifetime we have problems with money, love, and why we attract the same sort of relationships again and your habitual responses are in the same way with every relationship.

If we can clear the past, we have a new NOW in the present therefore we can create a healthier and happy future.

These Akashic records will be done by MP3 recording and you will receive it via your email.
I will need your name, date of birth and a couple of pics where I can look at your eyes (the eyes are the window of the soul) and I will pick up the most relevant lives that are blocking you in this lifetime.

To purchase a session you will need to go to my website and send and email requiring the session.
The information I requested can be send by email, WhatsApp or FaceTime.
This session can take one week or two weeks to be delivered.




I always found my psychic insights go parallel with the planets and stars of the universe which it is a beautiful combo.

This cosmic event serves us to reflect, reassess, and realign ourselves with our true purpose. we could face a challenging phase filled with frustrations or obstacles, but ultimately they offer valuable lessons and opportunities for personal growth.

By embracing this temporary shifts, we can gain invaluable insights into ourselves while paving the way for future success.
It is also important for focusing on personal development or seek guidance from mentors who can facilitate growth in areas that interest you.

Intuitively I feel this full moon in Aries is related to past lives incarnations and this full moon will illuminate the blockages and obstacles we encountered in our past lives soul journey with the purpose to find our true self and be the leaders of our own life.

We will find opportunities to notice where we feel tempted to sugarcoat reality, to choose to be nice over being real, and sacrifice our authenticity in order to be accepted by others. We will have chances to observe when we feel tempted to loose ourselves in relationships to avoid making uncomfortable choices, to avoid being alone, and to avoid taking responsibility to do what it takes to move towards our purpose.

This energy also will point the need to gain awareness and break free from patterns and habits that result from the conditioning and programming we internalised from our family, society, and culture, on the unconscious level, this conditioning, together with repressed emotions, unacknowledged fears, and unhealed wounds from the past still shapes our behaviour.

This full moon in Aries will offer us opportunities to deepen our deconditioning journey and move past inner blocks that prevent us from creating a reality that it is fully aligned with our Soul’s desires and fully resonant with our authentic selves.

And lastly this is an opportunity to evolve and accomplish something your soul may have trying to fulfill for many lifetimes .
Fall in love with your mission again by recognising that it is the reason you are here this lifetime. It is a journey designed for you by you.
Be grateful for the people who have helped and support you. And be grateful for being you. ♥️



A good relationship it is very important for our well being, but we might feel confused or feeling emotional distress about not knowing about the person we are dating or our own partner or if there is any future together or if you are feeling it is time to move on.

In a soulmate relationship, we feel there it is a meaningful connection, he/she enhances our life, we feel uplifted, there is honestly, support and brings the best qualities in each other.

would like to know about a present relationship, or someone you just met and to have information of how much he/she is interested in you, or is they are seeing someone else or how emotional attached they are to the last relationship or if he/she it is real soulmate and it is worth the wait.

As a clairvoyant I would be able to see very clear his/her personality traits, what she/he thinks and feels about you and if there is any future together.

If you are still single and finding difficulty finding the right relationship I will be able to see Clairvoyantly what bloackages you need to heal and release to find true love.

Just remember you don’t have to stay in a relationship that makes you unhappy because you are scared of being lonely or have and outdated belief that you won’t attract the right person because of circumstances in your life.

The session it will take one hour or 1 hour and a half depending of how many persons you would like to have information.

I would require a clear picture of him/her where I can see the eyes as the eyes are very important to see their soul.
A name(s) and birth sign. The pic(s) can be sent via email at [email protected] or WhatsApp and FaceTime.
This session will be an audio/visual via WhatsApp, FaceTime or Skype and also it can be recorded by me and send it via your email or you are welcome to recorded on your on mobile recorder.

You can also browse my website www.titamartell.com to read my blog about Soulmates/twin flames. ❤️


LUNAR ECLIPSE ON (19/03/2023)AND NEW MOON ON (20/03/2023) IN ARIES

It marks a time of closure and endings and carries all the potential for new beginnings.

There is a healing nature to this eclipse, it shows us old patterns and behaviour that are not serving us and reinforces their release, detaching from this energy can be challenging because we cling to the familiar, we do everything to hold but doing this we sacrifice our own growth.

This energy is asking us to step away from chaos and trauma and illuminates places where we are attached to drama and mistrust. We are in the process of endings/beginnings and rebirth.

We need to honour any sadness within us and say goodbye to our old ways, this fire energy cause us to fell angry, frustrated and impatient but when we dig deeper we often discover that our root of our anger is sadness and grief. When we don’t allow our grief to be felt we feel the anger instead. Honour your anger too and ask yourself what it is anger covering up with its presence.

If we go deeper into self awareness we will realise that the anger, sadness, mistrust, frustration, blaming, judgment it is within us it it never about others, we rather project outwards to blame our conditions, people, circumstances instead of looking in ourselves to feel what it needs to be heal. Feel your responsibility to yourself to heal.

This eclipse it is all about our growth and our evolution. To grow into the person you meant to be in this lifetime you need to let go of your old self, it is an outdated energy, an old story which causes heaviness, physical, emotional and mental issues.

Aries new moon is asking us to commit to say yes to ourselves, it will remind us of our potential. This combination of this eclipse/ new moon it is a rebirthing process. Some pieces of our energy will release, shift and transform to enter a new energy.

Allow and align yourself with the vibrations of this new energy to help you to see your potentially in this lifetime. You will need to be brave to go into the unknown maybe shedding some grief for your soul experiences which causes you attachment to them and unconsciously shutting down to your own heart center.

When we allow to integrate all our fragmented parts of ourselves into our heart with love and compassion to us then a new wave of renew energy will take us to a place of freedom and full potentially to create a new chapter in our life.

Feel a commitment to yourself over anything else in your life and be the leader of your life. Aries has a warrior energy which will teach us to overcome our fears with courage and confidence. ❤️



Clairvoyance Update 🌹

2022 has been a challenging year but the good news is that 2023 will be a better year. This year is a year in which we will need discipline, will power, effort and to put our ideas into ACTION. 😌

Yesterday was the new moon in Aquarius which pushes us into our potential new futures, very catalyst and pivotal, it gives us the opportunity to create a different reality from that of the past two years.

Clairvoyantly I can see four useful tools which will help us to navigate these new energies:

- Focus
- Action
- Intuition
- Healing

It will help greatly to change the beliefs which are outdated, they belong to our past, our stories made up of our past perceptions.

It is very important to be clear about what we want, be specific and allow it happen without fear.

Fear belongs to the past and to the mind, not to the heart. Our spirit, our soul wants to move, whereas our mind wants to stay in the status quo because of fear of failure or creating disruption. We are more powerful and strong than we think we are if we only dare to try.

If you are ready to see what 2023 holds for you, to have clarity and put into action what needs to change and make a quantum leap in your life.

Contact me through my website, WhatsApp, FaceTime, or email.

07717 131588

Best wishes,


People now are asking to have a medical intuitive session, some because they are ill or have a chronic condition and are looking for another alternatives, a more holistic way to heal and others because after seeking for medical care and explanation even when other serios conditions has been excluded they still feel pain, unwell and extreme fatigue and have been told that probably could be a psychosomatic disorder.

A psychosomatic disorder causes a mayor emotional distress and problem functioning.
Generally an individual think the worse of their condition and keeps focusing in the illness, fatigue and pain whick makes their conditions worse and get into vicious circle they can’t get out of it.

The mind and our thoughts are very powerful as our beliefs recreate again what we believe.

As a medical intuitive I will be able to read your aura and beliefs in your outer and inner energy, a body intelligence has an energy which I can comunícate.
I will receive information of what it is going on, how it feels and what it desires to free themselves of their condition.

I will look as well internally from top to bottom ( like an ex ray) to see if there is a physical condition or yet to manifest in the future if doesn’t get heal.

Will check your 7 chacras (energy fields) to see if they are out of balance, emotional stress causes them to get out of alignment which produces disharmony in the physical body and mind.

This session can be done in your own confort of your home. I would suggest to lay down in a sofa or bed with your eyes closed which i will apply relaxation of your whole body to be able to read your body, it feels like taking a time out for yourself, the session can take halve an hour to scan your body.

After I take notes of your body I will read it for you what I have found, what your body energy is saying and give you advice of what you need to heal your body and mind.

I will recommend if it necessary to see your doctor to do specific blood tests or other alternatives therapies as Accunpunture, Shiatsu, homeopathy, herbalist or emotional healing therapy which is another service I can provide.

I also will recommend if it is needed some vitamins, yoga, walking, diet, dancing etc.

You can browse my website to get info about medical intuitive, emotional healing therapy and other services I provide. ❤️




Just to let you know gifts or sessions for face to face it is cheaper than online.
Private readings are 75.00 for 1 hour session and it can be purchase by contacting me on WhatsApp, FaceTime or email and it will post it by email.
Gifts purchases are valid for 6 months after date of purchase.

Some customers are asking if I do face to face or just online, I do both. Others are asking what it is the difference between face to face or online.

I would say the only difference is that online you will do on your own confort of your home and face to face you will need to travel to come and see me, but the clairvoyance/psychic connection it is the same as it is an audio/visual via WhatsApp, FaceTime or Skype.

2023 it is going to be a powerful year and will bring many changes if we are open and see life with diferent eyes.
We were entering into a complete new cycle/chapter of our life and many changes in the horizon.
Manifestations will happen very quick as this new energy it is moving very fast. Focus on love rather than fear as it will manifest which energy and thoughts we are focusing.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.




Surprise a friend, family member, a loved one with a gift which might help them to have clarity and well being in their life.

As we are approaching 2023 we are entering a new energy of transformation evolution, changes and healing of all aspects in our life. To enter this energy we need to let go of the past, and have a completely different approach of what our life had been otherwise it could be challenging and heavy but we are given free will and the choice is always ours.

These gifts can help to move on and give them hope that there is a new beginning, a light of the end of the tunnel if they are willing to be open to it.
Awareness it would be the magical wand to enter 2023 as we enter the unknown which will require connection with our feelings, our mind and our spirituality.

You can choose which session will suit them best to approach a new beginning, and healing of mind and body.

I do emotional healing therapy to help them to move on from the experiences they have been trough which caused emotional pain, confusion and repeating the same story again.

Clairvoyance to see where they are now, what they need to change and different path for a new future.

Past life regression to heal different past lives which relates to this new life.

Love relations to know how the other person feels or think about them or it is time to move on. As well as an understanding the other halve to have a better relationship. I will need a picture, birt sign and name of the person they are interested.

Soulmates relationships session you can read my blog and service regarding this session.

Medical intuitive session to see what it is causing illness in the person and how it can be help to restore well being.

Business or financial sessions to know about their work, job and financial future or start a new creative venture.

Akashic records to see who they have been in their past lives which will influence personality traits, understanding better themselves and what potential they bring in this life.

Children’s readings to see the best way to help and support a child to achieve their full potential, their soul purpose. Will need a pic of the child, burt sign and name.

To purchase these services you can visit my website and select the session of gift purchases and which session.

Sending you lots of love and light energy for 2023 ❤️



Intuitive insight.

This is the time to reset your mind, body and soul connection.

Do you have time and space to reflect what do you want? Are you being conscious that every thought, belief and emotion it is creating your own reality?

The moment you examine your life and take action in what it needs to change the universe will smile to you and give you what it makes you happy.

We need to let go of limited beliefs, those old beliefs are the ones that are keeping us prisoners of the immense capacity to expand and go to next level of true happiness.

Don’t wait for things to change before you can move if circumstances hasn’t changed it is because you having committed yet for a new way of living.

In the field of consciousness there are many possibilities just waiting for you to see it and deliver what your heart desires.

If you don’t like the story you have created now it is the time to create a new one. Be excited to go in the unknown, search for clarity and don’t let fear stop you in your soul journey of discovering your soul purpose in this time life. ❤️



My intuitively insight goes in accordance with the full moon/eclipse on 9/11/2222 and the clairvoyance readings I am doing at the moment.

This energy which it is heavy and intense is pushing us to bring sudden changes in our values, finances, physical bodies, relationships, thinking patterns, beliefs and our sense of purpose.

We will clearly feel the tension between the pull of the old, the known and the urge to break free from it and explore new solutions and experience new ways of being.

Pay attention to triggers coming up, try to identify past situations these triggers are linked too and ask yourself when was the first and last time you felt in that way, what subconscious beliefs and assumptions might have resulted from and have reinforced by your own experiences.

If you would like some clarity and insight to step from the old energy and move to a more empower reality of self sufficiency, self love, self care and find your personal truth and value you can visit and browse my website.
I would be happy to assist you in relation to love life, finances, physical body, subconscious patterns, career, business and initiate changes in your life. ❤️



We are experiencing a big energetic shift which will transform our lives.
Have you found what do you really want? Or are you are still stuck between the past and finding difficult to move in the new you.

This shift will point out what we need to change, and what we need to let go, either relationships, work, our thoughts, our emotional entanglements and everything that makes us heavy which it is not healthy for our physical bodies and emotional stability.

At this time It is very important to make decisions and to have the courage to move into the unknown even if it scary. It is time to trust in ourselves and the higher energy which it is always pushing us to move forward for our own benefit.
Nothing will happen until we make decisions and commit to what we really want, we have to make the first step for this energy to open all the doors of possibilities.

In the past you weren’t ready or didn’t have enough awareness to make these changes but now it is the time, if is not now when? Don’t wait, or make excuses. This shift is encouraging us to return to our self worth, self value and to be true to ourselves.

We have all the potential to create a new book of our life. The old cycle is finished and we can enter now in the field of possibilities if we allow to happen. It is all about energy, this energy can move fast and light or can be dense if we don’t take action. Enjoy the ride even if it is scary for your mind, have fun meanwhile you are shifting and making the changes that it is needed for the new you and most most of all trust your intuition. ❤️



Just to let you know Christmas gift cards are available to purchase on my website. Some friends and customers have already been buying them since November but some might not be aware as the gifts cards it is a new feature on my website.

Perfect to surprise a love one, a family or a friend for Christmas or birthday.

2021 has been quite hard for so many people and some are still stuck in relation with money, business, love and their health, let them see 2022 with new eyes, hope and a new awareness in their future lives.

They might find the session quite interesting and progressive for years to come.

They can choose a clairvoyance reading, Akashic records, emotional healing therapy, past life regression, soulmates reading or medical intuitive session.

Don’t forget to write their name with their email and the theme you would like to use. After they receive the gift they can contact me with their code, on WhatsApp, FaceTime, email, tx or email.

Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year, keep positive, let go of fear trust yourself and the universal light.



140 Linacre Avenue

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm




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