Enzymes are Important for Weight Loss Because They Keep You Regular
If your diet contains few raw foods and lots of processed or frozen foods, you may not receive the amount of enzymes, vitamins and minerals your body needs. Diets deficient in fiber, minerals and enzymes may cause you to become constipated.
If you suffer from constipation on a regular basis for months or years, it will impair your digestive system. The enzymes in your digestive tract will be depleted, and you'll feel bloated and heavy.
Regular constipation causes f***l matter to build up in your digestive tract. This causes you to weigh more – you may be carrying up to five pounds of f***l matter in your colon.
Poor digestion does more than cause you temporary discomfort. It makes you overweight and may lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux (GERD), fatigue, anemia, or dysbiosis (an imbalance in natural gut bacteria).
Enzymes are important for weight loss and for proper digestion. If your digestive system can't break down food, you won't absorb nutrients (causing fatigue or anemia) or detoxify your body.
You'll develop a sluggish metabolism and gain weight. When your digestion is poor, the food you consume won't supply your body with sufficient energy or help build healthy muscles and tissues.
Enzymes are Important for Weight Loss, and Lipase Leads the Way
According to a 2012 article posted on Forbes.com, Danish scientists have discovered a way to “switch on” the fat-burning enzyme Lipase, increasing its metabolism-boosting power to 45% of the time, up from 15%. This increased fat-burning from Lipase will help people who have a hard time losing weight from diet and exercise.
Scientists also determined that the “on, off switch” works for all enzymes, not just Lipase. There's even a company in Denmark called Novozymes producing enzymes for commercial and industrial use!
Other Facts about Enzymes
While enzymes are important for weight loss and digestion, they are hard at work performing other biochemical processes in your body. Enzymes also have an effect on mood and anxiety, so it's a good idea to eat raw food for enzymes or take a wheatgrass supplement for its high concentration of enzymes, amino acids and other nutrients,.