The annually subscribed care practice package offers:
A free introduction and initial assessment to see if we are a 'good fit' for each other. Regular visits so that we can get to know each other and I can find out and understand your needs or that of your loved one. The opportunity to present your life story for posterity and for those that may be caring for you. Explain to you the financial thr
esholds to local authority provision and explain the national eligibility criteria for care and support provision. If mentally incapacitated in relation to your care arrangements, act either as a professional Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare or act on the instructions of your Health and Welfare attorney. If capacitated discuss whether you want to appoint a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare and whether I can act as a certificate provider for you or your loved one. Identify your care requirements and preferences and source care at home including day and respite care or alternatives to care at home such as retirement villages, private care sheltered accommodation, residential or nursing care if or when the time comes. Refer to specialists, therapists and clinicians when required. Respond promptly to an emergency whether it is a fall, an hospital admission, an unexpected loss of a loved one or an illness. Attend meetings in relation to your care and health with you or on your behalf. Liaise with those involved in your care and health. Always report back to you or your loved one. Plan, oversee and co-ordinate a change of accommodation including participating in the handover of care and undertake regular reviews of the new accommodation and care arrangements. Quality assure the care and report my views on the standard of care you are receiving and achieve changes if needed. My promise to you:
To only act with the consent of the person being cared for or if mentally incapacitated, to do so under the guiding principles and practice of the Mental Capacity Act or as a professional attorney or deputy for Health and Welfare. To minimise the risk of transmission of infection from Covid-19. To demonstrate my credentials as an independent social worker and best interest assessor, professionally qualified, professionally registered, police checked, holding public liability and professional indemnity insurance. To keep your personal information safe and in line with GDPR 2018
To report to the authorities if you are not safe or at risk. The annual subscription is at the introductory price of £5,000 and will remain at that price for you or your loved one. The price reflects the time and dedication to your care and support to enable me to respond flexibly and promptly when needed. Based in South West London
Separately from an annual subscription:
I Can help you to FindGoodCare
I offer support to you or your loved ones, offer support to GP's, Solicitors and Independent Financial Advisors on all care related matters
I offer Mental Capacity Assessments and Best Interest Decision Making
I can act as a Professional Attorney for Health and Welfare
I can act as a Certificate Provider of Lasting Powers of Attorney. My aim is to offer a personalised and discreet service for you or your loved one. Providing independent care advice and guidance. Source, locate and negotiate with care providers of good quality care and accommodation. Offer personal assistance and practical help to save precious time and lighten the load. Uniquely placed to secure care without compromising on the quality. Expertly placed to oversee the care.