Healthful Living and Family Nutrition

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Healthful Living and Family Nutrition healthful living, healthy lifestyle management , family nutrition


As there are rains everywhere
Chances of getting infections like seasonal flu, viral illnesses, dengue etc. is also on higher side
Eat healthy , do exercise
Take care of yourself...


श्वेताने एका तासात १० KM अंतर कापले. आकाशने तेच अंतर दीड तासात पूर्ण केले.

दोघां पैकी तंदुरुस्त कोण ?
कोणाचा फिटनेस चांगला ?

अर्थात सर्वांचे उत्तर *श्वेता* असेल.

श्वेताने हे अंतर तयार केलेल्या ट्रॅकवर पूर्ण केले तर आकाशाने दगड-मातीच्या वाटेने चालत असे म्हटले तर ???

मग सर्वांचे उत्तर *आकाश* असेल.

पण जेव्हा आम्हाला कळले की *श्वेता ५०* वर्षांची आहे तर *आकाश २५* वर्षांचा आहे ??

मग सर्वांचे उत्तर पुन्हा *श्वेता* असेल.

पण आम्हाला हे देखील कळले की आकाशचे वजन तब्बल *१४०* किलो आहे तर श्वेताचे वजन *६५* किलो आहे.

पुन्हा सर्वांचे उत्तर *आकाश* असेल

जसे आपण आकाश आणि श्वेता बद्दल अधिकाधीक माहिती मिळवतो, तसे तसे कोण चांगले आहे याबद्दल आपली *मते भिन्न* होतात आणि *निर्णय बदलतात.*

जीवनाचे वास्तवही असेच आहे.
आपण प्रत्येकाबद्दल खूप वरवर आणि घाईने आपले *मत* तयार करतो,
ज्यामुळे आपण स्वतःला आणि इतरांना *न्याय* देऊ शकत नाही.

प्रत्येकाला वेगवेगळ्या *संधी* मिळतात.
प्रत्येकाचे *आयुष्य वेगळे* आहे.
प्रत्येकाची *साधन-संपत्ती भिन्न* आहे.
प्रत्येकाच्या *समस्या* वेगवेगळ्या आहेत.
प्रत्येकाचे *उपाय* वेगवेगळे आहेत.
प्रत्येकाची *विचारसरणी* वेगळी आहे.

*प्रत्येकाने आपल्या आरोग्याची, संपत्तीची, परिस्थितीची अथवा जीवनाची श्रेष्ठता कोणाशी _तुलना_ करण्यात नाही*
*स्वतःची परीक्षा घेण्यामध्ये आहे.*
*आपण सर्वोत्तम आहोत,*
*आपण जसे आहोत तसेच रहावे*
*आपल्या परिस्थितीनुसार सर्वोत्तम होण्याचा प्रयत्न करत रहावे.*

*निरोगी रहा,*
*समाधानी रहा,*
*हसत रहा,*

  On 12th March 2022, a awareness and question answer session on HEALTHY LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT at Kala group Corporate of...

On 12th March 2022, a awareness and question answer session on HEALTHY LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT at Kala group Corporate office, Chinchwad
It was very interactive session.

 Seeing and reading so many posts in the various groups, i felt to write about it.Due to advances in science and knowled...

Seeing and reading so many posts in the various groups, i felt to write about it.
Due to advances in science and knowledge with specialist available concept of family doctor in city areas has diminished.
Family doctor is primary care physician and resolves minor health problems of the family from younger to older one.
He or she is person who knows the family and their relations , health issues of family members. If specialist treatment is required, they refer to the particular specialty.
Family doctor is not only the doctor but he knows each person by nature, Behaviour, relations among them .
This helps doctor to counsel and accordingly suggestions to family.
I feel this family doctor concept and practice is required in urban and city areas.
Dr. Madhura Ashturkar

  2022A workshop on lifestyle management .... Limited number of participants in each batch


A workshop on lifestyle management ....
Limited number of participants in each batch

  Proteins are require for GrowthMuscle massRepair Boost immunityIn our balanced diet plate 25% of protein component is ...

Proteins are require for
Muscle mass
Boost immunity

In our balanced diet plate 25% of protein component is needed

We have seen in previous post vegetarian and non vegetarian sources of proteins
Daily requirement of protein for an adult is 0.8 to 0.9 gm per kg body weight

  Whole meal  - धिरडे Mixed flours of भाजणी, ज्वारी, बेसन  ( cereal and pulses together)With कोथिंबीर मिरची कांदा गाजर b...

Whole meal - धिरडे
Mixed flours of भाजणी, ज्वारी, बेसन ( cereal and pulses together)
With कोथिंबीर मिरची कांदा गाजर barik karun thode dahi mix all well keep for half an hour and make it on dosa tava with little oil
And eat with fresh dahi
धिरडे-पुर्ण आहार


As we have seen cereals and pulses eaten together will give us complete proteins.
Few more recipes of combination of both
Chole bhature
Idli sambar
Vada Sambar
Dal Pawan
Rajma chawal

Eat healthy
Make your own recipes which include both cereals and pulses with addition of vegetables

  Vegetarian sources of proteins These are not complete protein as it doesn't contain all 9 essential amino acids .How t...

Vegetarian sources of proteins
These are not complete protein as it doesn't contain all 9 essential amino acids .
How to get complete protein with veg diet?

Cereals are deficient in lysine, leucine while pulses are deficient in methionine
To complement each other,
Cereals and pulses are eaten together
Like खिचडी, वरण भात पुरणपोळी

  EggEgg is the best source of protein. One egg weighing 60 gms contains 6 gms of protein.Egg is call as complete protei...

Egg is the best source of protein. One egg weighing 60 gms contains 6 gms of protein.
Egg is call as complete protein as it contains all essential amino acids. And
Absorption in body is 100 percent.
White part of egg contains the protein and yellow is fat part.

  Sources of Proteins Veg sources - all types of dals including toor, chana,  urad, moong dals and pulses and sprouts an...

Sources of Proteins
Veg sources - all types of dals including toor, chana, urad, moong dals and pulses and sprouts and soyabean
Non veg sources - Milk and milk products
Egg, Chicken, mutton , meat fish

Pics courtesy Google

 Proteins are building blocks of body.Proteins are required for growth, development and immunity of our body.Deficiency ...

Proteins are building blocks of body.
Proteins are required for growth, development and immunity of our body.
Deficiency of Proteins lead to undernourishment, not proper growth and repeated infections.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are classified as essential and non essential amino acids.
Amino acids which are not produced in our body and we need to take them through our diet are essential amino acids
And those which are produced within are non essential amino acids.
Both are important for various types of proteins.

 Exercise daily as per recommended Types including cycling, walking, running, Aerobics, dance Exercises, Yoga etc Any ki...

Exercise daily as per recommended
Types including cycling, walking, running,
Aerobics, dance Exercises,
Yoga etc
Any kind of Exercise is helpful in which we are comfortable

 Consistency is the key for doing exercise and keeping yourself fitMotivate yourself to do workout daily

Consistency is the key for doing exercise and keeping yourself fit
Motivate yourself to do workout daily

 How much exercise to do daily for adults?30 mins moderate exercise like fast walking 5 days week for maintaining cardio...

How much exercise to do daily for adults?
30 mins moderate exercise like fast walking 5 days week for maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness
If we want to reduce weight, 45 to 60 mins daily moderate exercise.
Pics courtesy Google

  Keep motivating yourself for doing exercise regularly

Keep motivating yourself for doing exercise regularly


There is very much cold season in Maharashtra.
The temperature is dropped down
In this cold environment
1. Keep covered with warm clothes
2. Eat healthy food also more energyand protein giving food
3. Skin become dry in winters
Use various cold creams, moisturizer, coconut oil for protecting skin
4. Exercise daily



  In day-to-day life, we all come across some or other of stress as it is an inevitable part of todays lifestyle.Stress ...

In day-to-day life, we all come across some or other of stress as it is an inevitable part of todays lifestyle.

Stress management is nothing but how do you handle it?
Moderate level of stress is helpful and gives better performance and outcome.
All of us have undergone stress during exams: remember during this period we do maximum studies.
On the other hand, if we get more tensed, it has bad impact on our mental and physical health....
Learn to live and manage with stress!!!

  diseasesThe chronic diseases which occurs due to the way a person live Major important factor of lifestyle are Sedenta...

The chronic diseases which occurs due to the way a person live
Major important factor of lifestyle are
Sedentary habits, eating unhealthy, stress, lack of sleep, addictions to To***co and alcohol etc .
If we are willing to prevent and control the lifestyle diseases, we need to actively and positively makie change in own lifestyle.
Pic courtesy- Google

Happy New Year 2022 , happy and Prosperous New Year

Happy New Year 2022
, happy and Prosperous New Year


Again at the year end, number of cases due to covid are on rise.
These cases are due to both delta and new omicron variant.
Preventive measures are required to prevent increase in no of covid cases
1. Avoid crowded places
2. Wear mask always when outside and wear it properly
3. Maintain social distancing
4. Use Sanitizer and repeated handwashing
5. Complete 2 doses of vaccine for adults

and take care


Children are at home and learning online due to Covid Pandemic.
Sitting at home has increased screen time and no of hours child is sitting. As there is comparatively less activities, and eating habits , children are becoming obese .
Solution to increase activities of children -
1. Daily playing at least for 1 hour
2. Avoid junk food
3. Other than studies, reduce screen time

  living and lifestyle clinic

living and lifestyle clinic

  Calorie and protein requirement during pregnancy and lactation is increased.300 kcal extra in pregnancy and 600 kcal e...

Calorie and protein requirement during pregnancy and lactation is increased.
300 kcal extra in pregnancy and 600 kcal extra in lactation period.
Balanced diet with iron rich and calcium rich diet is recommended.


Lifestyle ones own way of living.
Some habits make us healthy - some of these are sound sleep, good personal hygiene, eating healthy food, doing exercise regularly, doing job or work, etc
But some unhealthy habits in our living styles make us prone for some of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, obesity, stroke etc.
Unhealthy habits include lot of eating junk food, sedentary habits, not taking regular sleep, not carrying out exercise, stress, addictions etc .
To adopt the lifestyle is in our hands to make our lives healthier and happier.....

  living # Lifestyle clinicMob no 8530127655What's App 8530127655

# Lifestyle clinic
Mob no 8530127655
What's App 8530127655

  GirlsSpecial attention is required for adolescent girls as growing age and development of child. This is period with s...

Special attention is required for adolescent girls as growing age and development of child.
This is period with starting of me**es and physical and psychological changes.
Good balanced diet with rich iron , protein and calcium help to grow.
Pic courtesy


Opening Hours

Saturday 18:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00





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