Tips on how to lose weight naturally
Many people with type two diabetes face the challenge of controlling both their weight and blood glucose simultaneously and are confused about which one to make a priority. You can do both. Dealing with the immediate effects of exercise and food choices on your blood glucose does make weight loss more challenging, but it’s not impossible.
Don’t be in a rush to lose weight. By working hard at lifestyle changes, not only will you be healthier and slimmer, but you’ll also be more likely to keep the weight off and maintain your new healthy habits. It takes three months to one year to achieve desired weight loss goals. What is your reason for wanting to lose weight? What motivates you? One benefit of weight loss is better health, which leads to improved control of blood glucose and blood pressure, increased fertility, healthier pregnancies, and reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and more. Some benefits are directly related to your quality of life: you have more energy, sleep more soundly, cross your legs more comfortably, suffer less knee pain, and wear trendier clothes.
1. Calories Rule
A calorie is a unit of energy. We need calories from food to run our bodies. If we take in more energy than we need, it gets stored as fat, and you gain weight. The only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than the body uses. The other option, of course, is to burn more calories, which your body doesn't need to avoid having them stored as fat.
The amount of calories your body needs depends on many things: your weight, the amount of muscle and fat you have, your activity level, genetics, and more. To lose two kilos, you must cut back or burn about 3,600 calories. Make a few simple changes daily to start cutting down calories.
2. Exercise
If you’re not already active, it’s time to start. Physical activity is perhaps the best medicine available. It makes weight loss easier by burning extra calories. It also improves blood glucose control and cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk for heart disease and other chronic diseases, relieves stress, and enhances the quality of life.
A complete exercise program consists of each of the following components.
: activities that use large muscle groups and cause you to breathe heavily as you take in more oxygen; improves the fitness of the heart and lungs; suitable for burning calories
- Walking, swimming, jogging, biking, skating, dancing
: activities that use repeated movements against resistance; builds and tones muscle; increases strength
- Weight lifting, resistance bands, pushups, lunges, sit-ups
: increases ability of a joint to move through a full range of motion
- Stretching, yoga, Pilates
: strength, flexibility, and other activities that improve coordination and help you prevent falls
- Standing on one foot, sitting on an exercise ball, yoga
Walking is a favorite exercise among people who want to lose weight. Increase your motivation by using a pedometer. A pedometer is a little device that you carry in your purse or pocket or clip to your pants that counts every step you take while you are wearing it, or you can use various smartphone apps. If you have complications such as neuropathy or eye problems, speak with your doctor before you start exercising.
IMPORTANT! Whenever you exercise, especially if you are alone, wear a medical ID bracelet or carry identification that states you have diabetes and lists your medications and an emergency contact
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