Suited to obese patients with weak heart, wheezing, feel suffocated. Fat deposits in the upper part of body when compared to legs. Sensitive to cold air. Women who are always tired and weary, catches cold easily.
Obese children with white coated moist tongue. Tendency to grow fat. Irritable child cannot bear to be touched or looked at. Aversion to cold bathing. Desire for acidic foods, pickles. Gastric ailments from overeating. Digestion disturbed very easily. Eructation’s tasting of ingesta. Bloating after eating. Diarrhoea alternates with constipation.
Weight gain from sluggish metabolism, fat accumulates, mostly in the abdomen. Obesity due to thyroid hormone imbalance or from PCOD. Fatty, fair, and flabby persons. Profuse perspiration, especially scalp. Sensitive to cold air, Catches cold very easily. Craving for eggs. Special desire for indigestible things like dirt, pencils and chalk.
Suited to those persons who are of lax tissues, weak, lazy indolent, fat, red, clumsy, awkward and of unclean habits. Dislike physical exertions, averse to go outside of their routine and get homesick easily. Persons react poorly and are afraid of cold. Complaints worse from cold air. Craving for alcohol and other stimulating pungent things. Slow digestion with much flatulence.
Calotropis is a good medicine for weight loss. Obesity while flesh decreases, muscles become harder and stronger.
Fucus is tried when Calcarea carb. fails. Thyroid hormone imbalance is the main reason for weight gain. Obesity from non-toxic goitre.
Graphites is suited to persons who have a tendency to put on unhealthy fat. The patient is usually fat, relaxed, chilly and costive. Obesity in women with hormonal imbalance at menopause. Obesity with delayed me**es. The patient has skin eruptions or history of skin eruptions. Frequent constipation.
Weight gain from depression. Changeable mood, melancholic, sad, tearful, eat more , causes weight gain.
Obesity with anaemia, bloated face and paleness. Best adapted to young, anaemic, pseudo-plethoric persons, who though looking strong are so weak that they are unable to speak or walk. Flushing of face. Cold extremities. Palpitation from least motion.
Fat deposition mainly on the lower part of the body, on thighs and buttock; upper part is lean. Weight gain from thyroid hormone imbalance. Lycopodium patients have a flatulent abdomen, much noisy gas pressing out. Immediately after eating abdomen is feeling full, and bloating. They prefer hot food and drinks. Desire for sweets. Mentally the patient is irritable, angry. Loss of self-confidence. Poor self-esteem.
Weight gain from thyroid hormone imbalance. Upper part of the body is lean, fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks. Long standing depression is another cause for weight gain. Natrum mur is suited to sensitive and anemic persons with catarrhal troubles. They are depressed and introverted. Consolation aggravates. Wants to be alone to cry, cannot cry in front of others.Desire salt and salty foods. Obesity from PCOD. Natrum mur patients cannot tolerate sun light.
Nux vomica is suited to persons having sedentary habits. Irritable and angry persons. Sensitive to light, noises, odours. Desire for alcohol, spicy foods etc. Constipation. Frequent ineffectual urging, passing small quantity at each attempt.
A general remedy to reduce weight and fat
Weight gain from PCOD. Scanty and painful me**es. Mild, gentle and yielding disposition. Weepy. Aggravation from rich foods, fats, pork, pastries, desserts, ice-cream. Feels better in open air. Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints.
Weight gain from hormonal imbalance. Obesity around menopause. Angry, irritable and sensitive persons. Indifferent to whom she loved best. Weight gain from PCOD. Dragging or bearing down sensation in the pelvis, as if everything would escape through the va**na.
Obesity from imperfect function of thyroid gland. Psoriasis associated with obesity.