Dhanak Healthcare Centres and DKT Pakistan are celebrating International Rural Women's Day today.
Talking about Family Planning or Birth Spacing is still considered #taboo in Pakistan. The situation is much worse in #rural areas where women aren't allowed to discuss their Sexual and Reproductive health instead, men speak for them, and men take decisions for them.
It's high time we create safe spaces like Dhanak Healthcare Centers where women can openly discuss their issues. We must #empower the rural women of Pakistan to be able to speak up for themselves. Conversations around contraception lead to the prosperity of the entire household.
#DKTPakistan #DhanakClinics #internationruralwomensday #ruralwomen #ruralwomenempowerment #familyplanning #BirthSpacing #contraception #taboo #womenshealth #sexualhealth
Across the globe, World Breastfeeding Week calls for stepping up and educating people about the need for building a strong support system for breastfeeding and highlighting the nutritional benefits associated with it.
Nursing mothers need our support dealing with Postpartum depression (PPD) which affects approximately 15% of new mothers. Not only does breastfeeding reduce the risk of PPD, but it also helps to eliminate feelings of fatigue, sadness, and loss of appetite. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding for two years as a supplement to your infant’s diet.
#WorldBreastfeedingWeek2022 #HealthandRightsofWomenandGirls #FamilyPlanning #BirthSpacing #PopulationControl #DKTPakistan #health #wellbeing
Earth Day 2022 | Invest in our planet
With the growing population of our planet, its health is deteriorating at an alarming rate. This is our home, our place of living and that of our future generations. It’s time to make some serious efforts and #InvestInOurPlanet.
#EarthDay #InvestInOurPlanet #DKTPakistan #FamilyPlanning #savetheplanet
DKT Pakistan | Ramadan Care - Symptoms of UTI
Urinary Tract Infections are common amongst women in Ramadan. This can have a serious impact on your kidneys if left untreated. Watch out for these symptoms!
#RamadanHealthTips #RamadanCare #Ramadan #DKTPakistan
DKT Pakistan | Rakshanda Jabeen spoke about family planning awareness
With many others in attendance at the 12th WIBCON, Rakshanda Jabeen, a true rockstar, stood out! She spoke to us about the dire need for family planning awareness amongst the masses in Pakistan.
#RakshandaJabeen #WIBCON22 #EmpoweredWomen #DKTPakistan