Fruitful meeting done with president pmdc Dr Rizwan Taj along with YDA Pakistan and central cabinet of All province's.. president pmdc Dr Rizwan Taj agreed on all demands of YDA,and will nominate member of yda to facilitate young drs in pmdc matters with Pmdc president and with Pmdc Members .
1.strict policy and support foriengn graduate in quality of education
2. High light fees policy of private medical college
3. Quality and faculty requirements and facility for pts and Drs in public and private medical college,will be revisited and examined by Pmdc with member of YDA.
4. No more delay in pmdc license,no more strict checking of Drs in pmdc , facilitate Drs in respect manners in pmdc , YDA members should be member of pmdc because YDA knows issues of Drs at Root levels ..and many more minor issues were discussed as young drs facing on daily basis in pmdc issues..
Stay united.
Long live YDA
Long live resistance
Long live YDA Sindh.
Dr waris Ali Jakhrani
President YDA Sindh.