Executive Director’s Message
It is a matter of pride and joy for me to be the custodian of the oldest Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Centre of the country at the launch of the first comprehensive website of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC). Over the years, the people who have worked in JPMC have upheld the esteem of the illustrious name of the Quaid, through tireless work a
nd utter dedication. It is no surprise that the community this hospital has served, has rallied round JPMC and supported it in many aspects of its operations and service delivery formally, as well as informally. Consequently, JPMC has proved itself to be an excellent model of public/private partnership in higher medical education, research and health services delivery. JPMC is a flag bearer for higher medical education and research in the country. Its Basic Medical Sciences Institute (BMSI) has single-handedly trained all the basic medical sciences’ teachers working in the medical schools of this country. JPMC has also trained and continues to train the largest number of postgraduate trainee doctors; producing highly competent specialists in nearly all disciplines of Medicine and Surgery. Faced with recurring mass violence in the city, JPMC has again led the way, by single-handedly and effectively dealing with victims of recurrent mass casualties. JPMC’s Blood Bank is self-sufficient and is capable of providing fully screened, voluntarily donated blood and blood products at short notice. The three surgical units and surgical subspecialties, such as Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Urology, Neurosurgery, Thoracic Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedic surgery, are some of the pioneer departments of the country. Similarly the Medical Units, Medical ICU and medical sub-specialties such as Neurology, Nephrology, Oncology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Gastroenterology, National Poison Control Centre and Endocrinology have all been developed through the efforts of generations of physicians working in JPMC. The Gynaecology & Obstetrics department of JPMC performs the highest number of deliveries per year, of any of the large hospitals in the city. The work environment of this department belies its existence in a public sector hospital in many areas. This has been made possible through the generous participation and donation of numerous individuals and NGOs, as well as foreign aid agencies. We are indeed proud of our ‘state-of-the-art’ Radiology Department, which is equipped with a wide range of cutting edge diagnostic, and therapeutic radiology equipment and relevant expertise. The department now boasts of a newly installed Cyberknife, the only one in the country, for the treatment of early cancers with radiation. With the installation of Cyber Knife, JPMC offers the entire range of radiotherapy services in its various other facilities like the Oncology/Radiotherapy department and the Atomic Energy Medical Centre. The Anaesthesiology department, Physiotherapy, and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation department not only provide services to a large number of patients, but also serve as training sites for trainees drawn from all over Pakistan. We have pioneered and maintained a legacy of show-casing our research in Annual Medical Symposia, which are attended by teachers and researchers from all over the country. JPMC also has the distinction of having established the first Nursing College of this country, as well as the oldest Nursing School, which has trained successive generations of highly skilled and dedicated nurses. Training and Education in various other disciplines, such as Physical Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Medical Technology, and various Para-medical training courses, were also pioneered in this Institution. Meanwhile there is a constant endeavour to improve and upgrade all our services, in accordance with the emerging knowledge in the field of Healthcare delivery, Education, Training and Research.