I am passionate about providing safe and effective laser treatments that will give you clearer, brighter, more youthful skin!
Press play and listen to the winner of our lip filler patients experience and just wait for her results!! Only 0.5ml of lip filler! 🎉
Even as a beginner skier, I can embrace the challenge and feel the freedom of coming down the mountain. #DeerValley #Utah #StRegis
Now offering……..Sofwave ™ is a NON-INVASIVE, NO DOWNTIME aesthetic device used for SKIN TIGHTENING and WRINKLE REDUCTION. It uses proprietary Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology to deliver focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s dermal layers, stimulating collagen production and improving skin laxity.
Juicin’ em up with only 0.5ml of filler. 👄
Do you have Crepy, Aging Knees?
Would you like to Smooth out the Skin Texture and make your legs appear Younger?
Placing PDO (Polydioxanone) Threads at regular spacing, intradermally can achieve this.
Your skin responds to these strong monofilament fibers by building New Collagen thus improving skin quality.
They are fully absorbable and last approx 4-6 months. After they dissolve, you will be left with younger appearing, healthier, smoother, more vital skin.
DM to book your appointment. 🖤
What is Tech Neck?
Tech neck is a cosmetic condition caused by the hours that we stare down on our smartphone and computer screens, thereby causing the circular wrinkles of our neck to deepen. It ages the delicate skin around our neck causing crepy aging texture.
In my practice, I use different modalities to address this. While I do recommend topical creams to address superficial concerns, combination therapy is best.
Adding superficial Micro-Tox and dilute Filler to the area can greatly improve the tone, texture and appearance of this skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance. I also love to add in Microneedling with Radio Frequency for an added benefit and more pronounced result.
The Sculptress Peel is a medical grade chemical peel that contains ingredients to transform your skin into looking healthier, younger and clearer in just one week. It contains the anti-aging ingredient Glutathione.
Glutathione is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, prevents signs of aging, and improves skin health. It also lightens pigmentation by converting melanin to a lighter color, and deactivating the enzyme tyrosinase, which produces pigment.
Your skin will be Dewy and Glowy!
Call or DM me with any questions.
#BeverlyHillsSculptress 🖤
Sculptress Peel:
☎️ Phone:
310. 975.0852
📧 E-mail: [email protected]
📍Beverly Hills
🌎 Website: BeverlyHillsSculptress.com
🕰 Time procedure takes: 15-20 minutes
💡 Technique: Sculptress Peel Application.
👩⚕️ Pain Free! 💁♀️ Results: One week!
DM or call me 310-975-0852
20% off until 4/15/20
#BeverlyHillsSculptress 🖤
Benefits of Witch Hazel as a toner:
1. Nourishes and moisturizes skin.
2. Removes excess oil, dirt.
3. Will not over-dry the skin.
4. Shrinks pores.
5. Can be applied to skin for itching, pain and swelling.
6.Has anti-microbial properties.
#BeverlyHillsSculptress 🖤
Ever notice an area of your chin that appears slightly dimpled? This is actually very common and is called peau d'orange.
This is caused by repeated contraction of the chin muscle, called the mentalis.
Strategic placement of #Botox #Dysport in this area will soften and smooth this area out. #StayAgeless 😊
☎️ Phone: 310. 975.0852
📧 E-mail: [email protected]
📍Beverly Hills
🌎 Website: BeverlyHillsSculptress.com
🕰 Time procedure takes: 10 min
💡 Technique: Strategically plasced botox Injections.
Sometimes the RESULTS just speak for themselves...
#BeverlyHillsSculptress 🖤
It’s fascinating to watch the effects Botox has on relaxing the muscle. This video does a great job of demonstrating this.
How does Botox work?
Scientific Answer:
Botox works at the neuromuscular junction, where it binds to the presynaptic cholinergic terminal and inhibits the release of acetylcholine. This functional denervation causes weakness of the muscle and inability to contract, thus reducing the capability of wrinkles forming!
Non Scientific Answer :
Check out this lovely lady who came in complaining of some wrinkles around her eyes that were exacerbated with smiling. I softened this up by strategically placing #Filler and #Botox in the peri-orbital region. The toxin has yet to kick in, but the filler is immediate!
She was thrilled with her results and they will only improve with time. 😊
Stay tuned for her Before and After in the next post!
☎️ Phone: 310. 975.0852
📧 E-mail: Info@Shea90210
📍Beverly Hills
🌎 Website: Shea90210.com
🕰 Time procedure takes: 20 min
💡 Technique: Botox/Dysport/Filler
💉 Topical numbing if desired
Downtime: possibility of bruising
#BeverlyHillsSculptress 💋
#AntiAging #RedCarpetReady
#ExpertInjector #Youthful #EntrepreneurLife #Wrinkles
#Shea90210 #AntiAging
#SheaAesthetics #BeverlyHills
#Botox #Dysport #Hollywood
#NaturalResults #WrinkleFree #PeriOrbitalWrinkles #Filler #Restylane #EyeWrinkles