Hatha Yoga Los Angeles

Hatha Yoga Los Angeles What is Classical Hatha Yoga
Derived from Sanskrit, Ha means Sun Tha means moon. They are not taught merely for physical fitness and strength.

Designed by Sadhguru who is an accomplished yogi of the highest
Classical Hatha Yoga; Yogasanas, surya kriya, Upa yoga, Angamardana; are offered as a set of powerful postures to transform the body and the mind into a possibility for ultimate well being. This practice is rooted in the yogic tradition of ancient India and is based on the principle of opposing energies. There are many schools and var

ieties of hatha yoga, and all of them include asanas or poses as well as breathing techniques and meditation. Some asanas act as gentle stretching exercises and increase flexibility, others develop strength and balance. However, the practice of hatha yoga goes beyond physical exercises, because it helps achieve a balance between the body and mind cultivating higher forms of awareness through asanas or postures, breathing and meditation and relaxation techniques. Yoga Asanas are offered as a set of powerful postures to transform the body and the mind into a possibility for ultimate wellbeing. They are a way of aligning the inner system to the celestial geometry, becoming in sync with the existence, thereby naturally achieving a state of health, joy, and bliss. Let’s look at what may be considered the very basic unit of Hata Yoga: the asana. People today think of asanas as impressive body-twisting postures that are essentially about fitness, flexibility or building muscle. Whereas “yoga,” by its very definition, means “that which takes you on to a higher dimension or higher perception of life.” Hata yoga demands a certain involvement of body, mind, energy and the inner-most core. Unfortunately something this profound is often reduced to a physical exercise.

“Asana” quite simply means “a posture.” Any way that we may sit, stand or position our hands is an asana. And so, innumerable asanas are possible. However, a particular posture that leads you to a higher possibility is called a yogasana. There are eighty-four basic yogasanas through which one can elevate one’s consciousness. Sadhguru says, “When we say eighty-four asanas, do not think of them as just eighty-four postures. These are eighty-four systems, eighty-four ways of attaining.”

🎉 No medicine better than nature and nothing matches its majesty and power. A small of peace of heaven on earth with my ...

🎉 No medicine better than nature and nothing matches its majesty and power. A small of peace of heaven on earth with my friend and spiritual sister Angela at SRF San Diego 🌍

Super Blue Moon  🌕 Despite its colorful name, the moon won’t appear blue 🩵 nonetheless it was magnificent ☺️ Instead, th...

Super Blue Moon 🌕 Despite its colorful name, the moon won’t appear blue 🩵 nonetheless it was magnificent ☺️ Instead, that’s the name given to a third full moon in a season with full four moons, as is the case of tonight’s event. A supermoon happens when a full moon takes place as the moon is its closest to Earth along its orbit. The proximity varies even for supermoon occurrences, with the strongest ones appearing about 14% larger than when a full moon is farthest from Earth.

💥happy Independence Day! It only takes a small percentage of people who are aware, conscious and conscientious to change...

💥happy Independence Day!
It only takes a small percentage of people who are aware, conscious and conscientious to change the course of history! When faced with tyranny one must not conform and stay silence as the history proves our silence is conformity to consenting away our freedoms and liberty! No where in the Declaration of Independence it is stated that governments have power over people but the complete opposite! We are now visibly seeing that because “the few” spoke up against the path of authoritarianism in the aftermath of 2020 and all that ensued the pandemic, there is evidence of course correction in the narrative around the mandates, etc. 🎉🌟

🇺🇸 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”🙌

Happy birthday dad - pedar jan ❤️ I am not sure if it’s fair to have one day in a year only to celebrate you and your li...

Happy birthday dad - pedar jan ❤️ I am not sure if it’s fair to have one day in a year only to celebrate you and your life, as you are more present today in my heart as ever though I can’t find you on this mortal plane. You are always with me in the unseen, watching over me stronger than before and your memory has been carved into me eternally 🙏🩷 I love you and miss you ❤️

🎉 Happy Fathers Day friends! 🩷The Father archetype is embodied in the Divine Masculine 🙌 🌟 The divine masculine energy p...

🎉 Happy Fathers Day friends! 🩷
The Father archetype is embodied in the Divine Masculine 🙌

🌟 The divine masculine energy presents leadership, confidence, safety, protection and guidance, inspires right action and truth, is decisive, encouraging and disciplined, is logical and reasons … it is responsible, and driven by harmonious and aligned work to provide! 🙌

We have seen increasingly an attempt to diminish the importance and value of the Divine Masculine in the west and more and more feminization and emasculation of men is seen unfortunately which ultimately has devastating implications if not brought into light and course corrected! 🙏

‼️How is Mold or Mycotoxins impacting your health? 🤔 Mold is naturally occurring than can be toxic, producing mycotoxins...

‼️How is Mold or Mycotoxins impacting your health? 🤔 Mold is naturally occurring than can be toxic, producing mycotoxins can grow on food (cereals, coffee, dried fruit, nuts, spices) or on water-damaged building materials. Mold growth on food can occur before or after harvest, during storage, or on/in the food itself, often under warm, damp, and humid conditions. Oral exposure to mycotoxins occurs either directly by eating infected food or indirectly from animals that consume contaminated feed (e.g., milk). Most mycotoxins are chemically stable and survive food processing. Another route of exposure can occur through inhalation of airborne mycotoxins from residential or occupational water-damaged buildings.

✅ What is the Mycotoxins Test?

The Mycotoxins test is a urine test that measures mycotoxin excretion in urine. It is done at the comfort of your home. And we can ship it to you!

✅ Why Order Mycotoxin Testing?

According to the World Health Organization and Food and Agricultural Organization, 25% of the world’s agricultural products are contaminated with mycotoxins. Mycotoxin exposure can potentially contribute to a myriad of health harms. Mycotoxins are recognized to have direct allergenic, inflammatory, carcinogenic, and immunomodulatory effects. Respiratory issues such as sinusitis and asthma may occur following mycotoxin inhalation exposures. Gastrointestinal damage has been routinely documented following high-dose exposure to mycotoxins via oral consumption. The link between aflatoxin exposure and increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is well established, and several other mycotoxins demonstrate carcinogenic potential. Growing evidence indicates mycotoxins can exacerbate conditions of immune dysregulation, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, connective tissue disorders, celiac disease, and other autoimmune conditions, especially in those who have pre-existing immune dysregulation. Furthermore, ongoing studies investigate associations between mycotoxin burden and neurological issues such as Parkinson’s disease, ALS, and other neurological or neuropsychiatric conditions.

‼️ If you have any of the following symptoms book a free 20 minute strategy call:

Shortness of breath
Anxiety (fears, uneasiness)
Red or swollen eyes
Itchy eyes
Sensitivity to light
Irregular heartbeat
Stiff muscles
Insomnia at night
Lack of concentration/brain fog
Increased urinary frequency
Swelling/burning lips/tongue
Rashes or hives
Watery eyes
Headache (not migraine)
Sensitivity to sound
Stiff joints
Daytime sleepiness
Itchy Skin

This is after 10 year of EPA knowing the facts that the herbicide DCPA exposure represents a serious risk to pregnant wo...

This is after 10 year of EPA knowing the facts that the herbicide DCPA exposure represents a serious risk to pregnant workers and their children, so it’s imperative that we warn people about those risks now,” said Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Michal Freedhoff. “We’re committed to taking action to protect the health of children, workers, and others who are exposed to DCPA.”

DCPA is an herbicide registered to control weeds in both agricultural and non-agricultural settings, but is primarily used on crops such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and onions.

In May 2023, EPA released its assessment on the risks of occupational and residential exposure to products containing DCPA, after the agency reviewed data that it compelled AMVAC to submit, which had been overdue for almost 10 years. The assessment found concerning evidence of health risks associated with DCPA use and application, even when personal protective equipment and engineering controls are used. The most serious risks extend to the developing babies of pregnant individuals. EPA estimates that some pregnant individuals handling DCPA products could be subjected to exposures from four to 20 times greater than what current DCPA product label use instructions indicate is considered safe. EPA is concerned that pregnant women exposed to DCPA could experience changes to fetal thyroid hormone levels, and these changes are generally linked to low birth weight, impaired brain development, decreased IQ, and impaired motor skills later in life.

Happy Easter and also happy Persian Easter; Sizdah Bedar 🎉The similarities between the ancient Persian Easter and Christ...

Happy Easter and also happy Persian Easter; Sizdah Bedar 🎉
The similarities between the ancient Persian Easter and Christian Easter are mind boggling 🩷🙏🩷

Jesus said …. Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you; pray for those who mistreat you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt"

Mithra said: … it is not good to just take whenever and whatever you want. It is also okay to refuse to take when you can. And to be able to give up and give something of your own to the overtaken.

… Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of evil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against “powers”, against the “rulers of the darkness” of this world, against spiritual wickedness in “high places”!

… strength is not to knock someone down, but to get them back up on their feet... He used his ever-growing host to help and dispense justice in lands strewn with lawlessness. He took from those who did as they pleased and amassed more and more at the expense of the helpless and the slaves... He was the shepherd with the spear in his hands, breaking the bones of those who dared to hurt the defenseless!
Amen آمين AUM 🙏🩷🙏

Happy Norouz everyone 🎉 🎊💝 “This year Navroz was celebrated on March 19th or 20, depending on what part of the world you...

Happy Norouz everyone 🎉 🎊💝
“This year Navroz was celebrated on March 19th or 20, depending on what part of the world you are on different time zones as well but always on spring equinox. Nevertheless, March 21st is acknowledged by the United Nations as the International Day of Nowruz, highlighting its worldwide recognition and cultural importance.

Navroz dates back to the Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian Empire, and has evolved through the ages. It is deeply intertwined with the history of Iran and the broader region, reflecting the cultural practices and traditions of various communities. Navroz is a cultural celebration as well as a spiritual event, where people reflect on the past year and express hope for the future.

Central to Navroz celebrations is the Haft-sīn table, which includes seven items starting with the letter ‘S’ in the Persian alphabet. These items symbolize nature’s renewal and human virtues. Families gather around this spread, which includes items like sprouted wheatgrass for rebirth, vinegar for patience, apples for beauty, and garlic for medicine. The preparation for Navroz begins weeks in advance, with a thorough house cleaning, known as ‘khooneh tekouni’, to welcome the new year. The exchanging of presents, dances and leaping over bonfires also make up a significant portion of the festivities.

Navroz transcends national and religious boundaries, celebrated by diverse communities across the globe. In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly recognized March 21st as International Nowruz Day, highlighting its importance as a cultural heritage. It is celebrated across Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, the Kurdistan Region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, India, and Pakistan.

Navroz is a time for introspection, forgiveness, and setting intentions for the new year. It is a period when people visit their elders, pay respects to deceased relatives, and mend strained relationships. The festival concludes with Sizdah Bedar, a day spent outdoors, which is believed to ward off bad luck and ensure the vitality of the coming year.”

🕉️ Mahashivratri 2024 and International Women’s Day fell a day apart this year! Mahashrivratri is the night of union whe...

🕉️ Mahashivratri 2024 and International Women’s Day fell a day apart this year! Mahashrivratri is the night of union when Shiva finally unites with his beloved. It is the union of the masculine and the feminine 🩷

Within the life force of all of us rests the attributes of both the feminine and masculine energies! But there is predominance of masculine within the male species and predominance of feminine within the female species and this is normal. This is mostly determined by the physiological, biological, anatomical and chromosomal factors. Form determines function and the male and female forms determine their function and their relationship to the self but to the outside world. These distinctions are by nature marking the significant differences that are paramount to life itself and the very balance of living things as nature has intended!

That said too much of either feminine or masculine energies in either gender can distort the balance and cause unnecessary pain and suffering. So in eastern philosophy we say there has to be a balanced perspective. For example it would be beneficial for the male to cultivate intuition and compassion and for the female to cultivate logic and reasoning. 😊🙏😊

Happy International Women’s day! 🌷🩷Whether born man or woman we all have attributes of both the feminine and masculine e...

Happy International Women’s day! 🌷🩷Whether born man or woman we all have attributes of both the feminine and masculine energies. But born as a woman you embody naturally more of the attributes of the feminine. Within life and the universe divine feminine energy represents attributes such as: restoration, life, renewal, creation, birth, healing, receptivity, openness, motherhood, nurturing, love, understanding, compassion, insight, intuition, wisdom, forgiveness, connection, harmony and sensuality.

In today’s postmodern competitive world the nature of masculinity overrides the feminine which has resulted in a disconnect from the feminine attributes in women who either by choice or by default have fallen into the life of the provider, or driven by ambition in a masculine environment! So, we may have learned to suppress a soft compassionate exterior and outlook in our daily interactions in order to cope with the competitive work place where the masculine is the driving force and energy.

So to reconnect and cultivate these aspects of the divine feminine, we each must find and discover a unique expression of these traits as it serves our lives and personalities so the qualities of softness, nurturing and inclusiveness can flourish, which empowers the feminine divine in its totality.

This is not about conforming to an archetypal idea of what divine feminine is or isn’t. It is about letting go of things that disallow our own unique feminine essence from emanating the radiant divine essence through us.

The feminist movement unfortunately contributed to the cultivation of the masculine energy. We fell into this trap either by rebelling against the traditional expectations of family, culture or society or by embracing these expectations when they are not in alignment with our unique feminine nature and what we are actually in agreement with.

Mother Nature has designed all things in perfect harmony in coherence with the universal laws and principles and no man made fancy ideas or exaggerated post modern progressive agendas can replace these facts, truths and realities that are self evident! 🩷🙏🩷

⭐️ A talk and Book Signing Event. I will be Giving a Talk at the Conscious Life Expo Feb. 11th  Century A and the same d...

⭐️ A talk and Book Signing Event.

I will be Giving a Talk at the Conscious Life Expo Feb. 11th Century A and the same day a Book Signing event has been scheduled for me by the Expo at 4:45pm on the second level Mezzanine (on the same level as the talk) and I would love to see you there and sign a book for you!

Also come to my booth for a free pulse and tongue analysis at Pacific Ballroom Booth 831.

Get your one day pass

Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo

⭐️ Dear all,  I will be Giving a Talk at the Conscious Life Expo Feb. 11th  Century A Room🎊 Join me at this year's annua...

⭐️ Dear all, I will be Giving a Talk at the Conscious Life Expo Feb. 11th Century A Room

🎊 Join me at this year's annual Conscious Life Expo where I share tips about transforming your health and wellness. And if you have been experiencing more serious health issues, learn about the new functional medicine testing technologies now available to uncover the secrets to the underlying cause(s) of these health challenges. This is a free lecture but you do need to purchase a one-day pass for the Expo!

Here is where you can get your Sunday pass: https://consciouslifeexpo.com/day-pass/

⭐️ Dead line is Feb. 1st / Dear friends, thanks so much for your loving support and your vote but if you haven’t already...

⭐️ Dead line is Feb. 1st / Dear friends, thanks so much for your loving support and your vote but if you haven’t already, please vote for my book Wholly You 😊🙏❤️

My book “Wholly You” has been nominated for an award by Conscious Life Expo 2024 but to win it I need your vote 🗳️
It’s a very simple process and takes 15 seconds. Use the link below and scroll down to find the picture of my book and click on it! That’s all ✅ thanks a million 🙏


⭐️ dear friends, I need your loving support 😊🙏❤️ I am excited to announce that my book “Wholly You” has been nominated f...

⭐️ dear friends, I need your loving support 😊🙏❤️ I am excited to announce that my book “Wholly You” has been nominated for an award by Conscious Life Expo 2024 but to win it I need your vote 🗳️
It’s a very simple process and takes 15 seconds. Use the link below and scroll down to find the picture of my book and click on it! That’s all ✅ thanks a million 🙏


🎊Happy winter solstice - “Also known as: Shab-e Yalda, Shab-e Chelle Shab-e-Yalda or Shab-e Chelleh (Yalda Night) is one...

🎊Happy winter solstice - “Also known as: Shab-e Yalda, Shab-e Chelle Shab-e-Yalda or Shab-e Chelleh (Yalda Night) is one of the most ancient Persian festivals annually celebrated on December 21 by Iranians all around the world.

This is one of the most celebrated traditional events in Iran which marks the longest night of the year, that is, in the night of the Northern Hemisphere's winter solstice. The longest and darkest night of the year is a time when friends and family gather together to eat, drink and read poetry (especially Hafez) until well after midnight. Fruits and nuts are eaten and pomegranates and watermelons are particularly significant.

The poems of Divan-e Hafez, which can be found in the bookcases of most Iranian families, are read or recited on various occasions such as this festival and Nowruz. The fruits signify the hope for having a fruitful spring and summer. The red-colored fruits are believed to symbolize the crimson hues of dawn and glow of life, invoking the glory of Mithra. Pomegranates with angelica powder are also believed to protect individuals against the Devil.

In ancient Iran, once lived a goddess named Mithra. She was the goddess of light and brought warmth to lives. Yalda night celebration is believed to be a dedication to her, who brings light back into the people’s lives. To live a minute of brightness more each day is a privilege ancient Iranians valued and is celebrated through centuries.

This ancient festival goes back to the ancient time when many Persians believed in Zoroastrian religion. The annual winter ceremony manifests the traditional concept of light and good prevailing over darkness and evil in the ancient Iranian religion"…
copy rights itto.org

🎉Join us for a fun night at my book signing event 😊 After a successful book signing event in LA, another book signing ev...

🎉Join us for a fun night at my book signing event 😊
After a successful book signing event in LA, another book signing event has been organized for me in Dana Point, Orange County area where we will come together for a night of fun and community event where you can meet and connect with new friends but also bring your book WhollyYou if bought from Amazon or get one at the event and I will personally sign it for you!

bring a friend as I speak about the book and healthy living while enjoying the refreshments provided by the hostess Ellysa. It would be wonderful if you RSVP to Ellysa as directed below.

Date: December 8th, 2023
Hours: 5-8pm

Location: Remax Office, 24582 Del Prado, Suite G, Dana Point, CA

Refreshments will be served!

Please RSVP to Ellysa .com or call or text 714-580-2029

Happy Father’s Day Pedar Jan ❤️ Everyday you are not here in this physical realm is a day to celebrate your life. You ar...

Happy Father’s Day Pedar Jan ❤️ Everyday you are not here in this physical realm is a day to celebrate your life. You are missed tremendously but your presence in my heart is stronger than ever ❤️🙏❤️


9478 W. Olympic Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA


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Our Story

Classical Hatha Yoga in LA & OC

Designed by Sadhguru who is an accomplished yogi of the highest order, Isha Hata Yoga programs are an unparalleled opportunity to learn practices derived from a yogic tradition that has been maintained in its full sanctity and vibrancy for thousands of years. The classes will be conducted by highly trained teachers and will offer Classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension.

What is Classical Hatha Yoga Yoga Asanas are offered as a set of powerful postures to transform the body and the mind into a possibility for ultimate wellbeing. They are not taught merely for physical fitness and strength. They are a way of aligning the inner system to the celestial geometry, becoming in sync with the existence, thereby naturally achieving a state of health, joy, and bliss. Let’s look at what may be considered the very basic unit of Hatha Yoga: the asana. People today think of asanas as impressive body-twisting postures that are essentially about fitness, flexibility or building muscle. Whereas “yoga,” by its very definition, means “that which takes you on to a higher dimension or higher perception of life.” Hata yoga demands a certain involvement of body, mind, energy and the inner-most core. Unfortunately something this profound is often reduced to a physical exercise. “Asana” quite simply means “a posture.” Any way that we may sit, stand or position our hands is an asana. And so, innumerable asanas are possible. However, a particular posture that leads you to a higher possibility is called a yogasana. There are eighty-four basic yogasanas through which one can elevate one’s consciousness. Sadhguru says, “When we say eighty-four asanas, do not think of them as just eighty-four postures. These are eighty-four systems, eighty-four ways of attaining.”

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