Aladdin’s Journey

Aladdin’s Journey This is a page about Aladdin’s journey. He was born on 12/29/21 with rare brain disorders, ACC, hydrocephalus, and bilateral open lip schizencephaly.

Despite all of this, he’s thriving. �


God has been good! Dr said Aladdin would never sit, smile, roll over etc. but God said otherwise!


It’s been awhile since we posted on here. Aladdin is doing great still and growing like a w**d everyday.But as I’m layin...

It’s been awhile since we posted on here.
Aladdin is doing great still and growing like a w**d everyday.

But as I’m laying down tonight memories flood my mind and especially this one memory of the day he was born and the post that we made on Facebook (pictured below).

The words “worse case scenario he has to get a shunt..” is what was posted and that line runs through my mind as I’m laying here.

Looking back a shunt was the last and worse thing that could’ve happened (atleast we thought that) and did happen.

Now looking back a year and some months later (while Aladdin is thriving) the Lord has reminded me that he’s still God even in the ”worse case scenarios”. The worse case scenarios do not remove him from his throne nor strip him from his power. In fact he knew the situation would come to this even before the diagnosis happened.

If you’ve followed Aladdin’s story you know that God has outdone himself time and time again in just this past year. Proving doctors, reports and diagnosis wrong.

If you are reading this and your situation doesn’t look to good or hope seems lost…. He’s still moves in the “worse case scenarios”.

These lyrics have become true in our walk this past year and still to this day I have to repeat them to myself:

“Believing gets hard when options are few,
When I can’t see what you’re doing I know that you’re proving you’re the God that comes thru”

Hope this encouraged someone tonight❤️

When Aladdin was first born they told us outside of eating and sleeping, there wouldn’t be much he could do. They said h...

When Aladdin was first born they told us outside of eating and sleeping, there wouldn’t be much he could do. They said he would have very low quality life due to the severity of his Schizencephaly (how much brain he had missing) combined with his Hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain) and ACC (missing his part of the brain that lets the right and left communicate)

All 3 of these were working against him.

As soon as we got home. We started therapy 3 times a week. We were told it was gonna be a long road. There was already a plan in place when he graduated from early intervention to have him on a waiting list with a PT and OT for older kids.

Here we are, he is 10 months old. And he just got discharged from therapy today. We went through the checklist today and he has checked off all of the 12 month old things on the list.

I don’t make this post to brag, or to rub it in the faces of families who have had a hard road with their medically complex babies.

I make this post to let you know there is hope. This is nothing other than the hand of God working in Aladdins life. This can’t be explained by doctors, therapists, surgeons, or specialists. Most of all I make this post to bring glory to God.

Your road may be longer, it may be harder, but there is hope. When there is absolutely no way possible, God says “Let me show you what I can do” 💙

My boy did SO good at his checkup today. His shots always make him sleepy so he’s taking a good nap now 💙His pediatricia...

My boy did SO good at his checkup today. His shots always make him sleepy so he’s taking a good nap now 💙

His pediatrician said we must’ve had a lot of people praying because Aladdin is a miracle baby! I told him we had a lot of prayers going up!

He’s very healthy! He is 96th percentile in weight, and 93rd percentile in height! 😊

It has been awhile since I’ve made an update on here! Life has been so busy chasing Aladdin around on all his new advent...

It has been awhile since I’ve made an update on here! Life has been so busy chasing Aladdin around on all his new adventures I can hardly keep up!

By the grace of God he has been doing extremely well! He’s made leaps and bounds in his therapy, they’ve moved him down to therapy one time a month! They, as well as we, are amazed at how God has moved in his life! It is so evident every single day and I can’t thank Him enough!

With the part of the brain Aladdin was born without (which scans show is growing now) he shouldn’t be able to talk. But he is on the level of a one year old in his vocabulary! He is very vocal and loves to use his voice. He has tons of personality. 😊

He LOVES to eat. His food, my food, and your food too. 😂 he’s a whopping 25 pounds! And boy this pregnant mamas back feels it. 😂

We always say thank you to everybody who has prayed for Aladdin. We know your prayers made a difference in his life. We are forever grateful. 🤍

Update on Aladdin: We just left from Aladdin’s MRI. They said his brain is GROWING and the fluid has gone down! He’s get...

Update on Aladdin:

We just left from Aladdin’s MRI. They said his brain is GROWING and the fluid has gone down! He’s getting more brain, and less fluid. His head hasn’t grown any (which is good) and he doesn’t have to go back for 6 months! And not another MRI for a year! Also enjoy this picture of him eating a rib 😂


It’s been awhile since we posted! Aladdin is doing so good! He is currently getting over a double ear infection, but he is getting stronger and smarter everyday. 💙

Aladdin had his first, and last appointment with Neurology today! “Reading his papers and his history, this is not what ...

Aladdin had his first, and last appointment with Neurology today!

“Reading his papers and his history, this is not what I expected to walk into. I don’t see a reason for him to follow up unless you have concerns. He is right on track like any normal 4 month old, I’d actually say he is a little advanced.” -Aladdin’s Neurologist

These are the people who told us when he was first born that he would have low quality life, and that he would be unable to function like a normal kid.

Just another praise report of how faithful God is. 🙌🏼

Oh you know, Aladdin thinking about all the ways God is allowing him to prove the Doctors wrong. 🤔We have an ARMY CRAWLE...

Oh you know, Aladdin thinking about all the ways God is allowing him to prove the Doctors wrong. 🤔

We have an ARMY CRAWLER! He made huge progress in therapy today and his therapist was in absolute shock!

The therapist’s exact words were “you gotta stop making so much progress! I have 3 kids in college and I need to keep this job! This is huge!”

We are so thankful that God is going above and beyond in Aladdin’s life. Even though He doesn’t owe it to us to prove Himself, He keeps doing just that. 💙

Schizencephaly (second rarest brain defect)We had never heard this word until they told us that Aladdin had it. It’s sou...

Schizencephaly (second rarest brain defect)

We had never heard this word until they told us that Aladdin had it. It’s sounded like straight up jibber to me. All I knew is that the NICU doctor told me 3 parts of my baby’s brain was missing and that he would have low quality life due to the severity of his schizencephaly. The 2 major parts of his brain that are missing which was most concerning to the neurologist, are most of both of the Frontal lobes (front part of the brain). That controls things like voluntary movement, personality, social interaction, emotions, behavior control, learning etc. Aladdin has one of the biggest personalities, he is super social, he LOVES people, he can voluntarily grab his toys, roll over, hold his head up, sit for a few seconds (this is new), push up all his weight with his legs, he can self soothe, and he is one of the best natured babies I know. (I know I’m biased but ask ANYBODY that knows him, it’s true) he has learned this all in a few short months! I know that it’s nothing other than the hand of God. He has 100% proven the Drs wrong and I know He will continue to because Aladdin absolutely is thriving in all that he does. That being said, this month is schizencephaly awareness on May the 19th! Join us that day in wearing purple or green (or both) with the hashtag . 💜💚

We found Aladdin’s favorite way to pass tummy time, on mommy!Aladdin is doing so good and getting SO strong! You may see...

We found Aladdin’s favorite way to pass tummy time, on mommy!

Aladdin is doing so good and getting SO strong! You may see just a baby holding up his head, I see a strong boy who has worked hard to get here. 😭💙

Someone turned 4️⃣ months yesterday! 🥳This is the first month that he hasn’t been in the hospital/sick when he has turne...

Someone turned 4️⃣ months yesterday! 🥳

This is the first month that he hasn’t been in the hospital/sick when he has turned a month older!🙌🏼

Aladdin is crushing the odds that were placed on him in the NICU so far in his therapy and everyday life! We know it’s nothing short of an answered prayer and God’s hand at work.

We got mommy a family photo session for Mother’s Day since she has been wanting one since he came out of the womb🤣

Aladdin loves:
•His mommy
•Sleeping next to his mommy🙄
•His pacifier
•Being nosey (like his mom)
•Apparently the camera as of yesterday🤷🏼‍♂️

All smiles in therapy today. 🧡

All smiles in therapy today. 🧡

Apparently we hold our head up for long periods of time for Winnie the Pooh 👀😂

Apparently we hold our head up for long periods of time for Winnie the Pooh 👀😂

Straight chillin 😎 Love this romper from Ready Set Romper! ☀️🌴

Straight chillin 😎

Love this romper from Ready Set Romper! ☀️🌴


Aladdin is super excited about his toys today 🤣💙

No babies consumed popcorn in the making of these pictures 🍿😂We ADORE this super soft and cute romper from Ready Set Rom...

No babies consumed popcorn in the making of these pictures 🍿😂

We ADORE this super soft and cute romper from Ready Set Romper 😍 love that it has no zippers or buttons! Quick and easy to put on and take off for all of the mid-night diaper changes 👏🏼


We had a fun evening at the park with all the kids from church. 💙
You can’t tell from the video but Aladdin enjoyed the swing. 🤩
Look at how strong Aladdin’s neck is getting!! Not too long ago he couldn’t hold his head up very well at all! His therapist told me I was doing a good job practicing with him because he has gotten a lot stronger, but I give all the glory to God for every step Aladdin takes in life. 🙌🏼

Raw moment: I’ve tried to downplay, if you will, the miracle and healing God has preformed thus far in Aladdin.It’s not ...

Raw moment:
I’ve tried to downplay, if you will, the miracle and healing God has preformed thus far in Aladdin.

It’s not the healing we planned. The shunt is not the miracle I wanted. It’s not the path we chose.

But it still is a miracle.

Whether God would’ve chose to speak the word and the fluid disappear. Whether He would’ve chose to do it own His own, or like He did and used the doctors to put a shunt in….

It still is a miracle.

Looking at these pictures I will not short hand Gods miracle.

It may not be how you planned, but His hand is still working for your good!

Update‼️9:35PMThank you all for the prayers. His incision doesn’t have an infection… but he was running a fever. Therefo...


Thank you all for the prayers. His incision doesn’t have an infection… but he was running a fever. Therefore they are running test on Aladdin to see what is causing his fever and make sure it’s nothing with his shunt.


Asking for prayers for this sweet boy who can’t seem to catch a break. We are having to go right now to get one of his incisions checked, it looks infected. We will update as soon as we know if it’s infected or not


Aladdin is having fun talking to his leap frog puppy. 🥰

I’ve felt led to start a blog for awhile now, but like a lot of us do I’ve doubted myself about it. I decided to go ahea...

I’ve felt led to start a blog for awhile now, but like a lot of us do I’ve doubted myself about it. I decided to go ahead and take a leap of faith and start it! I want to keep this page strictly for updates on Aladdin so the page I’ll be posting my blogs on is The Shunammite Mother

Feel free to give it a follow! 💙

Had to bring little man back to the Dr today cause he can’t seem to kick this upper respiratory stuff!! He spiked a feve...

Had to bring little man back to the Dr today cause he can’t seem to kick this upper respiratory stuff!! He spiked a fever of 100.4 and is back to having a hard time with his bottles. They gave him a steroid shot to hopefully knock this out! Prayers he gets better soon. 💙 if he isn’t better by Monday they want us to bring him back in to make sure this isn’t progressing into pneumonia. Please be believing with us that, that won’t be the case.

He’s still happy as usual. Love my sweet baby. 😍

Just realized we never posted a pic from Aladdin’s dedication. (He pooped all over his original outfit before the pictur...

Just realized we never posted a pic from Aladdin’s dedication. (He pooped all over his original outfit before the picture) He had a wonderful dedication where the presence of God came and filled the room🙌🏼
Big thank you to everyone who came and special thank you to Aladdin’s Great Uncle Jerry for doing his dedication and also to Uncle/Aunt Ryan, Emily & Caleb for singing his favorite song💙
-If anyone recorded the song please send it-

On other news Aladdin has been under the weather with his sinus/allergies and not feeling the best. Today he is eating normal but still coughing and has a lot of mucus. Praying he’s better soon.

Love you all

We haven’t posted in awhile…Aladdin had to go to Chattanooga to do a follow up post shunt surgery today. The doctor said...

We haven’t posted in awhile…

Aladdin had to go to Chattanooga to do a follow up post shunt surgery today. The doctor said everything looked great and that we wouldn’t have to come back until July!🙌🏼

Aladdin has been doing wonderful. He’s learned how use different types of voices to get our attention. He’s also constantly trying to roll over.

We thank you all for the continued prayers for Aladdin.

5 days left to order your Aladdin Shirt. We appreciate everyone who has aldready ordered and has prayed for our little m...

5 days left to order your Aladdin Shirt. We appreciate everyone who has aldready ordered and has prayed for our little man.🙏🏼


This Sunday is Aladdin’s dedication! It will be @ Aldrich Assembly in Montevallo, AL. We know not everyone can attend but want everyone who has prayed, supported him and those who have even even been following his story to be a part. So this Sunday if you’d like, we are asking people to wear blue (any shade) and tag us and use the hashtag

Also, the shirts are still on sale at the moment, you have 15 or so days left if you’d like to purchase! 👕

As of right now no new updates on Aladdin. He’s has been well (besides teething 😅) and has been such a happy baby!

Sunny days call for strolls in the park. ❤️ Aladdin is doing so good thanks to everybody who reached heaven. Gods been s...

Sunny days call for strolls in the park. ❤️ Aladdin is doing so good thanks to everybody who reached heaven. Gods been so good! 🙌🏼

We’re breaking out of here!! Aladdin got discharged this morning! 🙌🏼 he’ll still need prayers as he recovers, thank ever...

We’re breaking out of here!! Aladdin got discharged this morning! 🙌🏼 he’ll still need prayers as he recovers, thank everybody SO SO much for every prayer you’ve prayed for our baby boy! ❤️

Aladdin is out of surgery and doing well! They said he did great and he’s already taken 2 pedialyte bottles and is now g...

Aladdin is out of surgery and doing well! They said he did great and he’s already taken 2 pedialyte bottles and is now getting his first formula bottle. Thank y’all for the prayers! We can tell he is in a little pain so please keep the prayers coming as he recovers! ❤️ they said if he does well today and through the night that they would let us go home tomorrow! Pray that be the case for us! We’d all be more comfortable at home


Cookeville, TN





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