Kausay Pacha: Thought and Transcendence
May 20 - 21, 2023 Online
Dear Ayllu,
I’d like to invite you to another online class live from Peru. The focus is to have a deeper understanding of the shaman’s medicine body. The range of exploration includes: Trance states and doorways to our divinity within, the shaman’s way of seeing and perceptual shifts, the shaman’s mythohistory to preserve the flow of consciousness across time. The evolution and cross-pollination of thought, perception, and healing methodologies into the 21st century. We’ll explore the different maps of consciousness and the mythos of shamanic channeling and shapeshifting.
We will have the participation of Dr. Ricardo Cardenas, a medical western doctor trained by shamans and Mt Spirits. Through 30 years of experience, Dr. Cardenas has created a unique blend of spiritual energy healing and western healing, in his practice. He’ll be sharing his views on the evolution of core maps of thought and perception around healing and transformation. Similarly, Doña Aleja will take us into a deep exploration on the nature of existence and transcendence as pillars to attain higher states of consciousness. Shamans are cartographers of the soul’s journey and bridges between the seen and the unseen domains. Ecstatic direct experiences, are sources of primeval awareness and wells of divinity. Through dialogue and exercises, we learn ways to maintain clarity and coherence. The noise of daily life, severely, conditions our beliefs and perceptions removing us from our inherent connection to our inner knowingness. Additionally, consensual reality imposes on us how to think and how to feel; disconnecting us from the genius, creativity, and innocence of our minds and hearts. We learn to navigate in the Kausay Pacha, the active morphogenic fields of the universe, to embrace understanding of the luminous maps of evolution and the visions and dreams of our humanity. While in Peru, we will be in ceremony at the foothold of sacred mountains with our dear shaman colleagues. They will share their views on the need of embracing a more sustainable and fulfilling cosmovision for these changing times. Additionally, in our dark room in the village of Maras, we’ll be talking to our beloved Mt Spirits. Apu Waskaran, Apu Illimani, and Apu Chaupi Orqo. Through transcriptions and translations, they will provide more knowledge on other aspects of the Kausay Pacha the vital energy matrix permeating all dimensions of time and space. Kusay Pacha is the engine that propels existence to transcend its own models. For shamans the necessity to transcend and remain fluid is vital, since personal power and keen awareness is part of the goal of the quest.
Join us in another wonderful gathering of like minded individuals dedicated to healing and growth. Many of you have been studying and traveling with us for a number of years and have become magnificent shamans and dear friends. These online classes are designed to keep you sharp, connected, inspired, and to give you more tools for your shamanic practices.
Jose Luis
Saturday, May 20, 2023. 11am - 2pm & 4 - 7pm EST
Sunday, May 21, 2023. 11am - 2pm & 4 - 7pm EST
Cost $275.00 US
This is an advanced training seminar and it’s only open to Mesa Carriers
You’ll be able to access the recorded class for 15 days
During the class, make sure you have ample and quiet space to work with your Mesas.
You will need pure water in a couple of glasses, flowers, and a white candle for ceremonies.
Please contact [email protected] for questions, additional information, or registration.
Payment can be made via:
PayPal Rainbow Jaguar Institute LLC [email protected]
Venmo (Tatjana Jakob)
Or you can send your check to:
Rainbow Jaguar Institute
42765 Center St. South Riding , VA 20152