Happy 7th birthday to my sweetness of a boy! ♥️
His birthday is always a whirlwind of emotion for so many reasons…from his premature birth experience and extended NICU stay…to my own struggles in the aftermath of that experience…to the sheer survival of the first couple years of life…and now to this new stage of boyhood! It’s easy to get swept away in all the hardships along the way. I’m going to choose to celebrate him and all the wonder and adventure he’s brought to our lives!
He’s wild and adventurous and loving. He’s never met a stranger and will always make a new little friend along the way, whether it’s other kids, adults, or animals. He’s got a big heart and I couldn’t be more proud of that. He is my best snuggler and takes up way too much room in the bed. He’s the best travel companion and will carry his own luggage. 😉
When he was still in the NICU, one quote by Shakespeare carried me a lot along the way…”though, he be but little, he is fierce.” And trust me, he lives up to it in every way. My little guy who started at 3 lbs 15 oz is now a vivacious 48 lbs willowy boy, strong and healthy and ready to go from@the second his eyes open in the morning until they close at night (his mouth, too).
So here’s to my Mighty Mateo and your boyhood, sweet boy! Your Mama & Daddy love you so much, as do all your friends & family near & far! ♥️
Photos by Linnea Geiger Photography, Elizabeth Roses Photography, Barefeet Imagery, Through Alessia's Lens
As a chiropractor, I have encountered some preconceived notions about what people think I do.
💫 First and foremost, chiropractors take care of the nervous system, which so happens to be largely enveloped with the spinal column, and therefore, it’s why most adjustments are addressed with the assessment of the bony structures of the spine. In my practice, I see babies from minute after birth to adults into their well-lived years, and everyone in between.
💫 Second…as your family chiropractor, my mission is to create an environment of collaboration with you (and your family unit) to best address and meet your individual needs, through guidance, education, and support. Life is always easier when you have someone to walk beside you.
💫 And third…you have to remember to have fun in the office. As a family chiropractor who sees a ton of young people in the office, it’s important not to take yourself seriously. So I take my shoes off, get down on the floor with them, and (pretend) adjust so many stuffed and inanimate toys as they will bring me because they trust me. 🧸
Curious if I can help meet your family’s health & wellness needs? Just ask me anytime; send me a DM, text, or schedule a time to meet me virtually via our website with link in bio 👆🏼.
Video: @tapalko27 ♥️
Cover photo: @linneageiger ♥️
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