Heartfelt wishes for a beautiful rest of 2023! It's been interesting to say the least. May our brothers and sisters all over the world know peace and equanimity. May the world slow down just a bit so we can focus on some of what matters: love, connection, joy, compassion, curiosity and creativity. I invite you to join us in Mexico in 2024 for a 5-day immersion in sound. This will be an intimate retreat for anyone looking to learn or expand their knowledge about sound through techniques in Deep Listening, voicework, meditation, improvisation, circle singing, drumming, and hands-on healing. There are 3 meals a day, yoga, swimming, and sound walks in nature. We rarely give ourselves the opportunity to dive deeply into something and this is an opportunity for deeply restorative, joyful, connecting, and heart-opening work through sound practices in a beautiful setting.
Learn more by clicking here: http://www.maharose.com/mexico