The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery

The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery is Long Island's premier program for the treatment of substan We are self-pay or commercial insurance only.

We take most commercial insurance plans. We will check your insurance when you come in for an assessment. We do not take ANY Medicaid plans and Medicare does not pay for our services. Self pay: approximate cost is $7500 for 6 month program. Total cost dependent on actual utilization. We offer an early intervention program for first time DWI and DOT referrals.


Chronic Pain, Pain Management
and Chemical Dependency

Prolonged pain destroys the quality of life. It can erode the will to live, at times driving people to su***de. The physical effects are equally profound. Severe, persistent pain can impair sleep and appetite, thereby producing fatigue and reducing the availability of nutrients to organs. It may impede recovery from illness or injury, and in weakened or elderly patients may make the difference between life and death.

As a society, we are more physically active than ever before. We are living longer than ever before. As a result, the number of people living with chronic pain is rising dramatically.

In most instances of non-malignant chronic pain, there comes a time when there is nothing more to be done medically or surgically. All investigations have been done, all appropriate consulting physicians have been seen, all necessary surgical procedures have been performed, various medications have been tried, and numerous therapeutic modalities have been pursued.

In spite of everyone's best intentions and efforts, the patient remains in pain. This point in time -- when a person has come to the end of the therapeutic rope, when there is nothing more that can be done -- is a very challenging time, particularly for the addicted person.

The difficulty in distinguishing between the emotionally impaired addict and the psychologically healthy pain sufferer continues to be a challenge for health care workers who tend to under-treat pain and often dismiss claims of pain in the addicted person as drug-seeking behavior.

Where does pain management end and addiction begin?

KPC has specially trained personnel to professionally and effectively work with this client base.

Our experienced staff are uniquely qualified in:

understanding chronic pain
how to assess for addiction vs. pseudo-addiction in the chronic pain patient
how to rule out addiction in the chronic pain patient on medication
understanding pain management in the recovering addict
treatment approaches

If you or a loved one is struggling with chronic pain and use of op**tes that aren't helping, call me. 516-364-2220 Claudia Peters Ragni

We can help


Evidence-based Practices are treatment and prevention interventions related to mental health and substance abuse, shown by evidence to be effective. Some of the most common Evidence-Based Practices used in addictions treatment include, in order of effectiveness as per research from NIH.

Pharmacological Treatment

Camparal, Lucemyra, Vivitrol, Buprenorphine/Sublacade, Disulfiram, Revia, all of which we have integrated into our care model.
Behavioral Interventions

The backbone of our programming, effective behavioral counseling interventions include

Brief intervention
Strategic Family Interventions
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Motivational Enhancement
Multi-dimensional family therapy
Individual Counseling
Supportive Interventions

Relapse Prevention
12 Step integration

Comprehensive assessment to insure appropriate service match
Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy have distinct modes of action, time to effect, target symptoms, durability, and applicability. Each has some limitation when used alone. The combination has been found to significantly enhance outcomes for op**te, alcohol, and co***ne use disorders. Understanding that many who suffer from substance use disorders have heterogeneous resources, problems and preferences, these methods can be integrated both philosophically and in practice.

Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT), which is the primary model at KPC, is based on principles of cognitive psychology and social learning theory and teaches patients to develop new cognitive and coping skills for substance use behaviors. In addition to a number of specific investigations, CBT has been studied in major multi-site research studies including National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA’s) Project MATCH and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Collaborative Co***ne Treatment Study. In both of these projects, CBT was found effective in reducing alcohol and drug use and in supporting improvement in other life domains. Moreover, CBT appears to be associated with durable effects that have been shown to increase after the termination of active treatment. Social and coping skills training and relapse prevention are adaptations of CBT.

In addition to medication, if necessary, CBT group and individual therapy, we strongly recommend patient integrate into some form of self-help.

call 516-364-2220 or 631-273-2221


ARE YOU UNSURE AS TO WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM? HAVE YOU RECEIVED A POSITIVE URINE ON THE JOB OR A DWI? For those looking to figure out what their relationship with substances is, Positively Negative is the program for you!!

The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery has the ONLY program designed specifically to meet the needs of the client that has had one or two incidents involving drugs or alcohol, but does not appear to have an abuse or dependence diagnosis. These clients are generally resistant to getting the help they need. This program does not label the client but, through the unique psychoeducational process, helps the client take an honest look at their use.

This program escapes the traditional lecture and video presentation format to offer both client interaction and documented results. In 18 hours, this program effectively addresses the problem of the employee that is an occasional or social user who has had at least one negative consequence as a result of their use.

Positively Negative works for adults by adhering to proven principles of learning. Each session engages, interacts, and produces important learning in participants

This psychoeducation actually changes attitudes towards the self and the risk of taking drugs or abusing alcohol.

Why does someone test positive on a drug test?
Why does someone drink to intoxication?
Dependency. Addiction, impulsive behavior. Positively Negative aims at those "positives"...

who chose the immediate gratification of getting high in spite of the risks
who reject connections drawn between mood­changer use and decreased safety.
Change in the likelihood of abusing drugs or alcohol requires changes in attitude and coping. Individuals must identify circumstances connected to their drug and alcohol use. They must learn basic skills of situation avoidance and drug refusal. The goal is for the individual to challenge certain commonplace thought and behavior patterns that might lead to use and to replace them with more constructive responses to surroundings.


MY SITUATION Exploration of influences (internal pressures, habit, culture, etc.), resistance to evaluation, compliance, drug testing. Effects of mood changers, abuse of alcohol or drugs.
MY THINKING The nature of problems, core beliefs, automatic thoughts, intellectualization, rationalization.
MY FEELINGS Emotional and attitudinal patterns, attributions. Defiant attitudes, challenging authorities and rules.
MY COPING Coping and change. Progression of use/abuse. Communication skills. Coaching and counseling.
SIMULATIONS Life problem situations, mood-changer situations.

CALL TODAY: 631-273-2221


Medication-Assisted Therapies

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.

Medications used in MAT are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and MAT programs are to be clinically driven and tailored to meet each patient’s needs.

Research shows that a combination of medication and therapy can successfully treat these disorders, and for some people struggling with addiction, MAT can help sustain recovery.

MAT is used to prevent or reduce opioid overdose and to alleviate the compulsive cravings for op**tes and alcohol. Unfortunately, too many providers prescribe medication without addressing the behavioral and mental health issues that are the jet fuel that pushes the craving to use.


Science has come a long way in helping us understand how drugs of abuse change the brain. Research has revealed that addiction affects the brain circuits involved in reward, motivation, memory, and inhibitory control. When these circuits are disrupted, so is a person’s capacity to freely choose not to use drugs, even when it means losing everything they used to value.

In fact, the inability to stop is the essence of addiction, like riding in a car with no brakes.

There are many medications available to help the user decrease or eliminate cravings.



Introduced in mid-2004, Campral is a very effective medication for the treatment of alcoholism. Patients report virtually no side effects and reduction in cravings. The downside is patient compliance. It requires dosing three times daily.


Approved for use in 1994, naltrexone is an effective medication to help patients with cravings. Taken orally, 50mg daily. The down side is it is taken daily, and when a patient wants to use, they stop the medication and it’s out of their system in 24 hours. Revia is effective for alcohol and op**te dependence.


Originally approved for alcohol dependence, Vivitrol is a tool to help reduce alcohol cravings. In addition, when a patient drinks on Vivitrol, they will get no “high” or pleasure. They will, however, get drunk.



The mechanism of action of Naltrexone hydrochloride in alcoholism is not understood; however, involvement of the endogenous opioid system is suggested by preclinical data. Naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist, competitively binds to such receptors and may block the effects of endogenous opioids.

BUPRENORPHINE: Brand names: Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, Bunavai, Buprenex, Butrans, Temgesic, Sublicade

It is a partial angonist that helps manage cravings while allowing the body to rebuild it's natural endogenous opioid system. Works well for extended outpatient detox. Any doctor may prescribe.


At KPC, when Buprenorphine is indicated, we prefer inducting the patient on to injectible buprenorphine (Sublicade) as when the patient is ready to come off it, there is no withdrawal syndrome as in other forms of buprenorphine.

We will work with you or your loved one to find the best possible supports needed to cross the bridge from active use to recovery.

You can do this....we can help you.


The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery provides information, education, and treatment services to addicted persons and their families.

The treatment team at KPC developed and pioneered the concept of Intensive Outpatient Rehabilitation as an alternative to traditional inpatient treatment and we remain on the forefront of the addictions network on Long Island.

The fundamental principle underlying our therapeutic efforts is the concern for the individual's recovery from chemical dependency which involves sobriety, the psychological and spiritual growth of the individual as a whole, and the healing of the intra-family conflict.

The strength of our program lies in the excellence and integrity of the staff, the dedication to effective treatment which combines individualized counseling and psychological treatment with the group process of recovery, and the willingness to deliver what we set forth as our treatment policies and capabilities. Our strength is also in our flexibility to offer each client individualized treatment within a structured setting.

The staff of KPC is well known in the treatment community for providing the highest-quality patient care in a healthy and affirming environment.

Because of escalating health care expenses and the ensuing cost-containment measures that have been instituted by health care underwriters, the challenge has been to provide more refined diagnostic and assessment procedures to ensure that the client's needs will be adequately addressed in a flexible and innovative manner without significant compromise of client care.

We have devoted years of effort to this assessment and diagnostic process to ensure that the proper facility is chosen to ensure safety and appropriate care and that the level of care will be suitable to meet the needs of the client and their family.

KPC offers two premier outpatient treatment centers that combine the qualities of effective care, trust, dignity and respect. The client always comes first.

We thank you for the time you spend here. If there is any way we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact us and I will personally respond to your inquiry.

Stay well.

Claudia Peters Ragni
Founder and Executive Director


Think You're Addicted?
Only you can answer that question. This quiz may help: Check the box of each statement that applies to you:

I use more than I intend to.
I avoid people and/or places that do not condone my usage.
I spend more money on alcohol and/or drugs than I can afford.
I wonder why some people don't use.
I sometimes drink or drug alone.
I guard my supply.
I have tried substituting one substance for another thinking
"one" particular substance was my problem.
I have neglected my responsibilities due to my using.
My family and friends complain about my using.
I use because my family drives me crazy.
I have conned doctors for "legal" drugs, telling myself that it's okay
to use them because they are legal.
I use one substance to offset the effects of another.
I have been in trouble with friends, family, school, or my job because of my using.
I have been in trouble with the law as a result of my using.
I have empty alcohol containers in my car.
I take drugs that I don't prefer.
I do things while under the influence that I would not ordinarily do while straight.
The good times are gone from my using.
I think I must be high to have a good time.
I have questioned my own sanity.
I have had a blackout, where I wake up the next morning and
don't remember what happened the night before.
I lie about what or how much I use.
I use alcohol or drugs to feel more comfortable with people.
I have tried to control my use.
I have tried to cut down my use.
I have tried to stop using.
I am ashamed of my using.
I think I might have a drinking or drug problem.
I want to stop but I can't do it alone.

DO YOU HAVE FIVE OR MORE STATEMENTS CHECKED? If so, then you probably have a problem. The good news: You're here, which means you're concerned about taking those first steps on the road to recovery.

Addiction is a disease that ends in either recovery or death. It robs us of our pride, self-esteem, family, friends and, at times, our desire to live. If you've approached the above test honestly, it may help to show you how your life has become unmanageable.

516-364-2220 OR 631-273-2221


Questionable Practices engaged in by questionable treatment facilities

Here are the most common practices we heard about that are taking place in the addiction treatment industry, and that are considered unethical by leaders in the treatment industry and by government officials. Many of these practices, especially those involving kickbacks, are also illegal if performed by providers that are paid by taxpayer dollars:

Using call centers to share patient prospect information with and between treatment providers
Paying bounties for referrals
Giving large gifts to interventionists with whom a program works
Claiming to take a patient’s insurance, when in fact the anticipated reimbursement is very low
Paying or receiving kickbacks to/from labs that are overcharging insurance companies for drug tests performed on a facility’s patients
Promising a cure or quoting statistics that are not provable with data
Using nutrient supplements that are proprietary and billing the patient
Using brain scans and other unproven treatments and billing the patient
Internet marketing scams
Providing airline tickets to treatment
Marketers “hanging out” in hospital ED to “scoop” patients into their programs
Marketers trolling self help meetings looking for patients
and last but not least, the illegal practice of waiting deductibles and copayments which is against the Federal Stark law.

When you or a loved one goes to treatment, make sure ALL their operations are transparent, ethical, and in writing prior to admission.

Ask questions.

KPC; Thirty years of honest high quality treatment on Long Island 516-364-2220 and 631-273-2221

Claudia Peters Ragni, Founder and Executive Director and Alison LaMonica, Executive Clinical Director of The Kenneth Pet...

Claudia Peters Ragni, Founder and Executive Director and Alison LaMonica, Executive Clinical Director of The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery. If you want to speak to one of us, we are available to help you or your loved one. In addition we have a phenomenal staff of over 20 experienced clinicians to help our patients on their recovery journey.



Evidence-based Practices are treatment and prevention interventions related to mental health and substance abuse, shown by evidence to be effective. Some of the most common Evidence-Based Practices used in addictions treatment include, in order of effectiveness as per research from NIH.

Pharmacological Treatment

Camparal, Lucemyra, Vivitrol, Buprenorphine/Sublacade, Disulfiram, Revia, all of which we have integrated into our care model.
Behavioral Interventions

The backbone of our programming, effective behavioral counseling interventions include

Brief intervention
Strategic Family Interventions
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Motivational Enhancement
Multi-dimensional family therapy
Individual Counseling
Supportive Interventions

Relapse Prevention
12 Step integration

Comprehensive assessment to insure appropriate service match
Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy have distinct modes of action, time to effect, target symptoms, durability, and applicability. Each has some limitation when used alone. The combination has been found to significantly enhance outcomes for op**te, alcohol, and co***ne use disorders. Understanding that many who suffer from substance use disorders have heterogeneous resources, problems and preferences, these methods can be integrated both philosophically and in practice.

Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT), which is the primary model at KPC, is based on principles of cognitive psychology and social learning theory and teaches patients to develop new cognitive and coping skills for substance use behaviors. In addition to a number of specific investigations, CBT has been studied in major multi-site research studies including National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA’s) Project MATCH and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Collaborative Co***ne Treatment Study. In both of these projects, CBT was found effective in reducing alcohol and drug use and in supporting improvement in other life domains. Moreover, CBT appears to be associated with durable effects that have been shown to increase after the termination of active treatment. Social and coping skills training and relapse prevention are adaptations of CBT.

In addition to medication, if necessary, CBT group and individual therapy, we strongly recommend patient integrate into some form of self-help.

Our very own Dana McAllister starring in the "Outsider", a wonderful story about honesty, transparency and the meaning o...

Our very own Dana McAllister starring in the "Outsider", a wonderful story about honesty, transparency and the meaning of real. You were FABULOUS Dana💝



The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery has the ONLY program designed specifically to meet the needs of the client that has had one or two incidents involving drugs or alcohol, but does not appear to have an abuse or dependence diagnosis. These clients are generally resistant to getting the help they need. This program does not label the client but, through the unique psychoeducational process, helps the client take an honest look at their use.

This program escapes the traditional lecture and video presentation format to offer both client interaction and documented results. In 18 hours, this program effectively addresses the problem of the employee that is an occasional or social user who has had at least one negative consequence as a result of their use.

Positively Negative works for adults by adhering to proven principles of learning. Each session engages, interacts, and produces important learning in participants

This psychoeducation actually changes attitudes towards the self and the risk of taking drugs or abusing alcohol.

Why does someone test positive on a drug test?
Why does someone drink to intoxication?
Dependency. Addiction, impulsive behavior. Positively Negative aims at those "positives"...

who chose the immediate gratification of getting high in spite of the risks
who reject connections drawn between mood­changer use and decreased safety.
Change in the likelihood of abusing drugs or alcohol requires changes in attitude and coping. Individuals must identify circumstances connected to their drug and alcohol use. They must learn basic skills of situation avoidance and drug refusal. The goal is for the individual to challenge certain commonplace thought and behavior patterns that might lead to use and to replace them with more constructive responses to surroundings.


MY SITUATION Exploration of influences (internal pressures, habit, culture, etc.), resistance to evaluation, compliance, drug testing. Effects of mood changers, abuse of alcohol or drugs.
MY THINKING The nature of problems, core beliefs, automatic thoughts, intellectualization, rationalization.
MY FEELINGS Emotional and attitudinal patterns, attributions. Defiant attitudes, challenging authorities and rules.
MY COPING Coping and change. Progression of use/abuse. Communication skills. Coaching and counseling.
SIMULATIONS Life problem situations, mood-changer situations.



If you are questioning the substance use of yourself or a loved one, consider an objective professional assessment. Maybe a little education is needed, some individual or group therapy, maybe a more intensive level of care. We are here to help you figure out if your use of alcohol or drugs is simply recreational, social or problematic. The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery has been providing the Long Island community with the highest quality assessment and treatment for thirty years. Call today if you have any questions. 516-364-2220 or 631-273-2221


Are you an addiction counselor CASAC-T or above looking for the right fit - an agency where you can be patient focused with a great support team behind you? The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery is looking for an IOP counselor for 3 evenings per week. Four day work week a possibility. Four weeks vacation, 1 week sick, birthday off, about ten holidays, good health bens, 401k, FSA, wellness benefit, but the best benefit is the work environment. If you are interested, call me at 516-364-2220 or email me at [email protected].
We are also looking for a more seasoned mental health therapist to see our patients once they step down from IOP. Fee for service, as many hours as you may be interested in. We provide all services on site and take pride in the collaboration of the team to provide the highest quality care to our patients.

Everyone experiments with drugs and alcohol. For about 15% of the population, their brain is hijacked and it's no longer...

Everyone experiments with drugs and alcohol. For about 15% of the population, their brain is hijacked and it's no longer a choice. The addicted brain is wired differently than a non-addict. It is a compulsion that is difficult to understand. Addiction is not a choice. Love them and lead them to treatment

Our experience shows that in over 80% of all cases, hospitalization is NOT NECESSARY for the successful treatment of alc...

Our experience shows that in over 80% of all cases, hospitalization is NOT NECESSARY for the successful treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse.

Structured Outpatient Rehabilitation is the preferred way. Our patients continue to remain employed—live at home—and learn to develop healthy stress management skills through every day living.

It is a reality-based treatment model.

Treatment is most effective where the patient is supported by the family or loved ones and KPC offers a variety of services for family members.
An initial consultation may be arranged in order to answer any question you may have or to discuss any problem.

“Our program is affordable, and it works!”

While in Phase One, the patient attends 3-5 sessions per week, 3 hours per session. This is the most intensive phase of the program, when patients, after a comprehensive evaluation, undergo a combination of education and therapy dealing with critical issues in early sobriety.
It is during the rehab program that a stable pattern of physical health is established, sober coping and AOD refusal skills are developed. The patient is expected to attend outside peer support groups and obtain at least a temporary sponsor.
Once the patient has achieved their treatment goals as set forth in the initial treatment plan, they will be stepped down to the Clinical Care phase of the program. The patient will attend 2-3 sessions per week, 1.5 hours per session. Through educational and group discussions, patients gain an understanding of the nature of addiction as a disease proves and appreciate the effects of the disease on family and personal growth and development. They deal with ongoing issues in sobriety, internal problems and external stresses.

Depending on patient needs, placement in one of our specialty groups that addresses specific issues as it relates to relapse, abstinence and recovery may be indicated.
As our patients prepare for discharge, they will be stepped down into a Transition Group. In this phase, the patient completes a goal identification outline to help them take an inventory of where they have been and what they need to accomplish prior to discharge. We help them overcome sabotaging behaviors, learn how to say good-bye, understand how the impact of unresolved earlier life traumas affect their recovery efforts. They work on these areas of personal conflict and incorporate into their daily routine, the skills and sober coping mechanisms learned during the treatment process.
As they achieve realization of their goals at KPC, patients are again assessed for ongoing treatment needs and an appropriate referral is made.

Family Services
Chemical Dependency is a family disease, and every abuser affects four or five people around them. Thus, those who have lived with or have been close to the abuser, experience many painful emotions and feelings that need to be dealt with to insure family recovery.
The impact of addiction on an entire family is devastating and without treatment of the family, elements of communication, respect and hope disappear.
At our family sessions, we witness the relief experienced by family members who begin to realize that chemical dependency is a treatable illness.
The family comes to us frightened, angry and embarrassed and in a short period of time, they begin to experience a positive outlook and attitude. They gain a better perspective of themselves and each other. Relationships improve and become stronger.
At every session we guide and support the family members through the many periods of transition and adjustments which are part of the recovery process.


We provide the highest quality wholistic treatment in a professional atmosphere, taking into consideration the individual needs of each of our patients.

We are IN NETWORK with all major commercial insurance companies, labor unions and employer plans.

We use Quest Labs, which is in network with every plan so patients are only responsible for their copayment as per their individual insurance plan. For self-pay, our fees are reasonable and affordable.

Schedule of Services
We offer day as well as evening hours

(3-5 visits per week, 3 hours per visit)
Designed as an alternative to inpatient

(2-3 visits per week, 1.5 hours per visit)

(1 visit per week)

Outpatient Rehabilitation Bridge Group
Twice per week, 3 hours per group
on Saturdays and Wednesdays

Thursday evening

We offer on-site Vivitrol, immediate induction
We offer Sublocade off site

We work with two highly trained doctors to assess medical appropriateness and then facilitate outpatient detox.

For more information please call
SYOSSET: 516-364-2220
HAUPPAUGE: 631-273-2221

KPC is Long Island's premier program for the treatment of chemical dependency

The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery is thrilled to announce that Alison Genna LaMonica has joined the team as a "mini...

The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery is thrilled to announce that Alison Genna LaMonica has joined the team as a "mini-Claudia". KPC doesn't use titles, but the closest description is Executive Clinical Director. She will be working alongside Claudia, the founder and Director to continue to provide the community with the highest quality of care available to Long Islanders. She will bring fresh eyes to the work we do and energize all our programming. Alison brings to KPC over three decades of experience at Family Service League, Wellbridge and Outreach, three exceptional programs and we are grateful she has joined us on Planet KPC. Watch out world....

28 years ago today, The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery opened it's doors to help the sick and suffering addict and t...

28 years ago today, The Kenneth Peters Center for Recovery opened it's doors to help the sick and suffering addict and their families. With the Grace of God, we are still here doing the work. I am grateful beyond words, that I was picked to create the environment where our outstanding staff can create a loving, nurturing and recovery focused environment that allows families to heal. We are Long Islands premier outpatient program and I couldn't have done it without Craig Peters and Nick Ragni cheering me on and my work husband Larry Maltin, holding me up.Thanks to Kathy Zito and Pete Duffy, my original team! Happy 28th birthday KPC💖


Long Island
New York, NY


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