I am a certified angel card reader. I received my certification from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, co-authors of several angel oracle and angel tarot card decks as well as numerous books. I am also an author of a book published in 2012 called Treasures of the Soul and have been a licensed massage therapist since 1997. Above all else, I have been and intuitive and a lightworker since I arri
ved on this beautiful earth plane. What is a lightworker? I love Doreen Virtue’s definition.
“A lightworker is a soul who has made a sacred contract. Lightworkers are those who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. Each lightworker is here for a sacred purpose.”
My spiritual journey has taken me on a miraculous, joyful journey. Yet, like most human souls it has taken me up many treacherous mountains and down many dark valleys and difficult pathways. I have struggled with adversity as most of us have. Yet through all of my trials and triumphs, I was keenly aware of Spirit and the beautiful angelic realm. They were always close by to help me overcome my hardships, celebrate my victories and spark my remembrance of my sacred mission and life purpose. Angels are messengers from God. Our wonderful creator created them as a conduit to deliver His messages at times when, due to our emotional struggles, we are unable to hear His still, divine and loving voice. Angels are able to align their vibration with ours so that we can hear them clearly. However, the angels urge us to ask them daily for guidance, inspiration and direction in all aspects of our lives, big and small. I have asked to be of service for the angelic realm. I work with angel oracle and angel tarot cards created by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. The cards are sacred and beautiful but they are merely a tool by which I connect with the angels and hear their messages. They also ask me to teach others how to connect with the angels themselves so that they can always consult with them and be guided on the path of love, light and service. You can receive a reading in various ways: by email, phone, or in person. You can ask a question about anything of concern in your life i.e. romance, relationships, life purpose, health, current challenges, moving to a new home or to a new state or country. No issue is off limits and your answers will come to you with love on the wings of angels. Simply send me an email at [email protected] .I will confirm receipt within 24 hours and complete your reading within 72 hours but usually before. Once you receive your reading you may contact me again for any clarification and further explanation. Private spiritual consultations are also available. So join me on a great adventure into the world of angels. Remember your own power and magnificence, connect with your Divine life purpose, and develop your own gifts of spirit and intuition. I look forward to becoming your spiritual partner on our holy and sacred paths.