Terri McDermott Yoga of Svastha Wellness & Peaceful Poses स्वस्थ

Terri McDermott Yoga of Svastha Wellness & Peaceful Poses स्वस्थ Helping others to achieve and maintain a natural state of wellness and balance.

Sharing some of the most beautiful writings, hope you enjoy 💕

Sharing some of the most beautiful writings, hope you enjoy 💕


Summer days are wonderful for encouraging us outdoors to commune with nature. We can also have lovely spontaneous insights, be it in the open air, in ‘thin places’ or in the radiant Light.

The eyes, as doors of perception, are cleansed, to paraphrase William Blake.

Nature herself, if we have eyes to see, is a book of Revelation, a scripture of green, blue and gold, innocent and un-fallen.

“Nature as paradise is still here, it is only we who are absent from her” (Nasr).

The sun is a symbol of the effulgent Atman in the centre of our being. Its radiance is the light of Consciousness or Awareness (Chit/Shiva). Its heat and energy are the vibrating Prana or Chit- Shakti.

The budding and blossoming which it calls forth represents the spiritual awakening of the third eye (Buddhi) and the state of awakening (Buddha).

Both words relate to the word ‘bud’ which is also the source of the word “beads” on which we perform Japa of mantra, to bring about that very spiritual blossoming.

From Vedic times, the seers and yogis meditated on Nature and saw her as the very form of the Goddess. I use the feminine pronoun, because Nature is not an ‘it’ as objectified in the cold dualism of Descartes.

Rather, she is ‘Mula-Prakriti’, ‘Maha Maya’, the divine substance, out of which all matter- and indeed the mind itself evolve, and in herself is certainly not matter.

For this reason, the mind may explore the last evolute of Prakriti, matter, but not the substance, Prakriti, from which it has come.

Hence, Isis declares, “No one hath ever lifted my veil”. Only the Goddess can do this, as a grace.

The Goddess is thus also Maya, whose month is May, the mysterious one who is a bridge between Spirit which reveals and matter which veils. She is known as “Shiva Rupa”, the very form of Consciousness (Shiva).

She is a mirror (Vimarsa) of the Effulgent Light of Consciousness,

And so, Mother Nature is celebrated as a Goddess in the Indian wisdom tradition, where she is the consort and “other half” of a variety of Gods in a relationship of Consciousness and its inseparable, transformative creative energy.

And thus, we have the timeless archetypes of Shiva and Shakti; Bhairava and Bhairavi; Rama and Sita; and Krishna and Radha. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, this reciprocity is reflected in the concept of Purusha and Prakriti.

The Goddess is of course central to the Ta***ic tradition or Shaktiism. Shakti is the reverberating, creative energy of Consciousness. She is worshipped under many names: Devi, Kundalini, Gayatri, Parvati, Tripura Sundari, Lalita, Kali, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Uma, Prajnaparamita, and Tara… we can never possibly exhaust the epithets.

In his “Introduction to Ta**ra Shastra”, Sir John Woodroffe exquisitely captures the beauty of Devi as the ever-fecund Nature Goddess: “The Great Mother who exists in the form of all Ta**ras and all Yantras is, as the Lalita says, the unsullied treasure house of beauty, the Sapphire Devi, whose slender waist bending beneath the ripe fruit of her breasts, swells into jewelled hips, heavy with the promise of infinite maternities”.

As Shakti and her consort are in eternal embrace, there is no separation or dualism. She therefore is the one who can lead us to Enlightenment, Samadhi, Nirvana, the Self, whatever name we may wish to give the Un-Nameable.

She is “the Mother who introduces the spiritual child to the Father for illumination or self-realisation” (Swami Radha).

And so, on this Bealtaine feast day, let us give thanks to the gifts of Mother Nature, who in her hidden form is the Devi, ‘heavy with the promise of infinite maternities’, and whose grace reveals the One who resides behind the veil of manifestation.

Om Tat Sat.


I’m in my happy place! Love this life and watching the jungle awaken here at Anamaya!

I’m in my happy place! Love this life and watching the jungle awaken here at Anamaya!

Love, love, love my antique, but new to me, Tibetan bowl.  Thank you, Reggie Hubbard, for awakening in me the gift of so...

Love, love, love my antique, but new to me, Tibetan bowl. Thank you, Reggie Hubbard, for awakening in me the gift of sound. ❤

Beautiful location to come find your own Peace at The Yoga Lounge in New Smyrna Beach, FL.

Beautiful location to come find your own Peace at The Yoga Lounge in New Smyrna Beach, FL.


Love this beautiful community of teachers I get to spend time with 💕🙏🏻

Beautiful words from Michael, a very brilliant being!

Beautiful words from Michael, a very brilliant being!


‘The true sage brings all the contraries together and rests in the natural balance of Heaven’ (Chuang-tse)

Twilight is a mysterious time, and yet it is the time of power for the yogi.

In ‘The Teachings of Don Juan’, Carlos Castaneda is instructed by the old shaman that twilight is a special time for the seeker, as it is the ‘crack between the worlds’, the liminal, ‘in-between’ time.

In world mythology, this is symbolised by the Symplegades, the ‘clashing rocks’ of the Sun Door through which the hero must pass in the brief hiatus of their opening.

On a temporal level, sunrise and sunset are liminal periods, auspicious times for meditation, when we dwell on the threshold of changing junctures of the day.

The pre-dawn period of ‘Brahmamuhurta’ is especially commended, when the celestial ambience is charged with ‘Usha’ prana shakti.

And of course, noon is a sandhya time, at the juncture of the two halves of day.

Energies come into balance and the mind becomes still. Solstice and equinox days are special days for Yoga practice because they too are liminal.

At the Spring equinox, there is an equal balance between the hours of light and darkness, and we enter the liminal space between winter and summer.

These liminal thresholds are known as ‘sandhyas’.

We may not realise it, but our Yoga practices are punctuated by sandhyas.

There is a sandhya in the turning point between the incoming and outgoing breaths, and in the breath pause (kumbhaka) itself.

Another occurs every ninety minutes or so, in that brief but special pause, before the predominant breath-flow (swara) in one nostril gives way to another.

There is a sandhya in the still ‘midday’ centre of surya namaskar when we assume ashtanga namaskar with the breath held out in bahir kumbhaka.

Sandhyas are special, because the dualities of Ida and Pingala (Yin and Yang) are temporarily reconciled, Prana Shakti awakens, and the mind becomes still.

This is because, the Sushumna Nadi (the ‘Most Gracious Channel’) lies in the centre, ‘in-between’, the two circulating energies, and endows liminality, on many different levels, with its power.

It is the place of intersection, the vertical and horizontal poles of the cross, where matter and spirit come together; it is where the pyramidical cones of Shiva and Shakti interpenetrate, the warp and woof of Ta**ra, the divine matrix of existence.

And this drama is played out at the heart centre, the crossroads of our being, at the meeting place of the spinal chakras, three above and three below.

Yoga Nidra is said to be a ‘sandhya practice’. In savasana, we die to the world and lie on the floor ‘between earth and heaven’.

We aim to induce Pratyahara by becoming aware of the ‘in-between’ spaces- between body and floor, between the eyelids and the lips, and so on.

We enter the sandhya threshold between waking and sleeping, and the deeper state of dreamless sleep. We hover between these states, sometimes conscious, other times not, and as we do, we touch deep states of stillness, peace and creativity.

In the paradoxical language of ‘sandhya bhasa’, ‘we fall asleep to awaken’.

Many of the Yogic scriptures, especially the Ta**ras, were written in ‘twilight language’, shadowy language of ‘neither this nor that’, which entices us all the more to seek their meaning.

One relevant to these reflections is: ‘What is night for all beings is the time of waking for the disciplined sage; and what is the time of waking for all beings is night for the sage who sees’. (Bhagavad Gita (2: 69))

In the truest sense, sandhyas are ‘pregnant pauses’, their ‘in-betweenness’ likened to the ‘holes in Krishna’s flute’.

Some Ta***ic texts such as the ‘Vigyana Bhairava Ta**ra’ harness the subtle power of liminality.

They feature meditations on the spaces between clouds, objects, words, and even thoughts; and even the limitless space within the impossibly narrow Sushumna Nadi.

If the winds of Grace are blowing, and we are open, such practices are little doorways to the boundless spaciousness of Awareness.

‘We should consider that in the inner world Brahman is consciousness; and we should consider that in the outer world Brahman is space. These are the two meditations.’ (Chandogya Upanishad: 3: 18: 1)

‘There is a time for everything under Heaven’, and the Spring Equinox is such an auspicious time.

May it inspire us to awaken to the mysteries within and around us, and to blossom in the Divine Light.

Om Tat Sat.


Can’t wait to begin teaching in this beautiful space among this beautiful community!

Can’t wait to begin teaching in this beautiful space among this beautiful community!

Please warmly welcome and say hello to our new yoga instructor, Terri McDermott...

Terri joins our teaching team with a magical skillset and will offer 2 NEW weekly classes starting next week: Mondays 12pm Restorative Yoga and Wednesdays 12pm Gentle Yoga.

Terri is a compassionate and experienced instructor whose warmth and friendliness is abundant and clear as soon as you meet her.

Here's a little more about Terri:

Yoga Certifications: I am an ERYT-500, Lead Trainer for South Okanagan Yoga Academy, Certified Medical Assistant, Member of the Indian Yoga Association and Certified Yoga Chikitsa Practitioner

I love yoga because it is all encompassing of every aspect of life! It is so much more than jumping on your mat. These philosophies and teachings have been handed down from thousands of years ago to help us exist in “unity” with each other, nature and the Universe.

My interests other than yoga: I am the Co-Founder of the National Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue Network and spend hours volunteering my time to this organization saving Bernese Mountain Dogs, quilting, gardening and as much time as I possibly can with my grandchildren and sons.

My favorite quote: “If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection - even when all hope seems to be lost. Certain ties cannot be broken. They define who we are - and who we can become. Across space, across time, among paths we cannot predict - nature always finds a way”. Author Unknown

Please join Terri starting Monday and Wednesday at 12pm next week to get to know her!

Reserve at yogaloungensb.com

It isn't the Galapagos Islands, but love being in the backyard watching the magic of a sunset!

It isn't the Galapagos Islands, but love being in the backyard watching the magic of a sunset!


Teaching in this beautiful space was so amazing and I can’t wait to return! Who’s joining me? 🦈🐢🦭

A wonderful Seva afternoon spent volunteering for this sweet dog rescue painting and sprucing up the place, loving up so...

A wonderful Seva afternoon spent volunteering for this sweet dog rescue painting and sprucing up the place, loving up some pups who needed us.


Spring Hybrid 2023 SOYA Graduates with lead teachers Chloé & Terri. We are beyond proud of each one of you. If you know anyone interested in joining Terri an...

A little bit of what’s coming in February!  Yes, that’s chocolate on the left.

A little bit of what’s coming in February! Yes, that’s chocolate on the left.

I am excited to announce a new 6 week program offering beginning February 15th, 2024! This approach of holistic health a...

I am excited to announce a new 6 week program offering beginning February 15th, 2024! This approach of holistic health and well-being impacts us in all areas of our physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual existence! Learn to navigate life in a different way, a way that coincides with the energy of the Universe.

Program Includes
*Weekly Private Consults
*Weekly Group Discussions/Classes
*Recorded Sessions for Study
*Resources and Recipes
*Personalized Dharma Marga
*Ayurvedic Dosha Testing

Register now for Early Bird Pricing of $229.00 that ends on February 1st, 2024!

Have to share these beautiful contemplations by Michael ❤️

Have to share these beautiful contemplations by Michael ❤️

Why might you consider joining me in the Galapagos Islands in February?  Not to mention the yoga, community and adventur...

Why might you consider joining me in the Galapagos Islands in February? Not to mention the yoga, community and adventures!

The most prominent of Ecuador’s attractions is the pristine chain of volcanic islands that make up the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Galápagos.

The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent...

The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all that we have been through, all that has passed in this full year which is coming to a close... like nature and the animal kingdom around us, this time of hibernation is so necessary for our tired limbs, our burdened minds.

Our modern culture teaches avoidance at a max at this time; alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, over spending, comfort food and consumerism.

And yet the natural tug to go inwards as nearly all creatures are doing is strong and the weather so bitter that people are left feeling that winter is hard, because for those of us without burning fires and big festive families, it can be lonely and isolating.

Whereas in actual fact winter is kind, she points us in her quiet soft way towards our inner self, towards this annual time of peace and reflection, embracing the darkness and forgiving, accepting and loving embracing goodbye the past year.

"Winter takes away the distractions, the buzz, and presents us with the perfect time to rest and withdraw into a womb like love, bringing fire & light to our hearth".
. and then, just around the corner the new year will begin again, and like a seed planted deep in the earth, we will all rise with renewed energy once again to dance in the sunlight.

Life is a gift ❤ a Happy Winter to you all...

~ Bridget Anna McNeill
You can find her book, Bloom & Thrive: Essential Healing Herbs and Flowers, here: https://amzn.to/3TkPPbR

art | Sylwia Telari


Traverse City, MI


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About Terri

With over 20 years of combined experience, Terri McDermott, ERYT-500, continues to pursue an active interdisciplinary career in health and wellness through the teachings and study of holistic care, meditation and yoga.

Education in Health, Wellness and Yoga

A Michigan native, Terri received her C.M.A. in Medical Assistance through training provided in Royal Oak, Michigan and her RYT 200 through Jenny Lintvedt, Yoga Teacher Trainer in Traverse City, Michigan. Throughout her continued studies and employment in this area, Terri has taken further trainings with known teachers such as Sean Corn, Joe Barnett, Kathryn Buddig, Dr. James Lawrence and recently completed her RYT 500 through studies with Mugs McConnell in a 300-hour program over the course of 2019-2020 and is currently on faculty as a Lead Teacher Trainer for South Okanagon Yoga Academy.

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