🌹🌙☀️FREE 1 Card Oracle Reading ☀️🌙🌹🪶
Feeling inspired in this New Moon Gemini Energy + the 6/6 portal, to offer a free 1 Card Oracle Reading. 🪷😘🎶 .... this outward energy has me feeling open and blooming, excited to connect outwards with you, and in devotion with an intuitive offering!
Comment 1, 2, 3 below, and I'll send you a DM with your card pull!
☀️🌙Shaman's Dream Oracle: bringing in the potent energy of the Shaman and the Alchemist, if you need guidance on how to turn a wound into a gift or powerful healing - or - if you need some clarity on how to shift a circumstance/block in your life right now.
🌹Magdalene Rose Oracle: bringing in the fullness of the Divine Feminine, the blooming of the Magdalene codes, and sacred union energy with heart energy expansion. Needing more connection with your pleasure, flow state, and entering a bliss embodied state of "be-ing"?
🪶Angels & Ancestors Oracle: wondering if your angels, ascended masters, guides, or ancestors are trying to leave you a meaningful message? Wanting to connect in with an angel or guide? Or wondering if an ancestor has a piece of wisdom to share with you?
Feeling adventurous? Receive a 3 card Oracle pull, with 1 card from each deck (my favorite 😍) - $13 special this week only!
Want a specialized intuitive voice recording to go with your 3 card Oracle Reading? $33 for 3 Oracle cards and up to a 10 minute voice recording 🪷
Sending you so much love ❤️
#oracle #oraclecards #oraclecardreading #intuitive #intuitivereadings #intuitivereader #mystic #moonmedicine #psychicmedium #newmoon #moonchild #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #divineunion #heartcentered #heartmagic #healer #energyhealer
Full Moon in Sagittarius with the energetics of the Rising Pheonix..... Full video on my page 🐦🔥🌕🌹
#fullmoon #sagittarius #sagittariusfullmoon #phoenixrising #energyupdates #energyhealing #energymedicine #lightenyourload #playful #joy #expansion #curiosity #pleasure #jupiter
Full Moon in Sagittarius 🌕🏹 and the energy of the Phoenix🐦🔥🌹🐦🔥!
Dropping in some heart-musing on how these have been playing out for me, curious if you find resonance?! ❤️
The next level of expansion through breaking the limiting beliefs that it has to be "hard" or "painful", "earning" pleasure and rest...... and instead, it can be easeful and grace-fueled ❤️🔥
Like a gentle whisper, she is offering her hand 🫴✨️ and asking if you'd like to step over the next threshold, where death for a rebirth can be in the expansion and the bliss, in the sun soaked moments, body languid with nourishment and support, and the deepest surrendering to trusting in yourself and your soul's calling & alignment.
Where as the scorpionic 🦂 underworld journey is about traveling through the unconscious, our shadows and karmic patterns - creating acceptance and integration with shadow aspects forgotten or suppressed - in order to create more wholeness and capacity within..... the phoenix 🐦🔥 feels like the second half of this journey, expanding consciousness and new beliefs in a lighter way, offering death for a rebirth by reaching for the stars 🌟 bringing awareness to your deepest desires and then actively reaching towards them - clear communication to ask for what you need & desire, and then allowing an open heart to fully receive.... and in the full presence of receiving, we can FILL up, be overflowing with nourishment and vitality, with love and bliss, with purpose and connection.
As it's Beltane season 🍓🌺🐦🐝🍯, breaking through limits around receiving more pleasure, bliss, joy, connection, prescense, nourishment, and support feels extra Juicy and alive right now 😘
Sending you so much love, wherever you are on your journey!
#beltane #fullmoon #sagittarius #sagittariusfullmoon #phoenixrising #energyupdates #energyhealing #pleasure #bliss #joy #expansion #jupiter
Springtime transmission 🌸🐦🔊
🪔🌹the divine in me, sees & honors the divine in you 🌹🪔
#goddess #goddessenergy #priestess #priestesspath #soulwisdom #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #divineunion #dancingwiththedivine #surrenderandflow
Cozy energy update with some personal shares and wisdom threads.
How are you feeling after landing on the other side of these eclipse wormholes, entering Scorpio Season and Samhain?!
I'm taking a personal day for gentle integration and some somatic support and nervous system regulation... along with some energy healing and ancestral / spiritual connection later 🫶✨️ Modern Mystic Mamma ✨️🫶
#energyhealer #lightworker #selfhealers #selfreflection #shadowwork #innerhealing #healersjourney #spirtualawakening #soulwisdom #wildheart #wisdomwithin #embodiedhealing #authenticity #vulnerability #healthyhabits #selflove #selfacceptance
💫Eclipse Oracle Reading for October 19th to 21st❤️🔥
Overall Message is to trust in yourself and your many guidance systems that are available when you tune in and align. They help you navigate, especially during times when things feel uncertain or unclear.
🌟 I am Prescence: Divine presence within - higher self & perspective / wisdom.
💕 Higher Heart: dropping the shields, knowing you are divine love, letting the heart lead the way
🌱🌎 Gaia Gateway: deep wisdom transmission, sourced & supported, embodiment and internal knowing.
Eclipse season is about piercing the viel and being able to go deeper to see what's been hidden (out of our awareness).... getting a clear perspective on areas where we have karmic patterns (same lessons on repeat).... and then trusting in our guidance systems (higher self, heart, body intuition) to lead the way through - even if it means closing chapters in our lives, which might be: relationships (romantic, friendship, family) , habits & coping mechanisms, thought patterns & loops, old or distorted stories about our self or others, job shifts or changes, moving homes or relocating states/countries. Closing out the old chapters- while allowing integration of the lessons & awareness of the changes needed, in order to make room for something different and new (more soul aligned).
Let me know if this resonates 💙 🙏💙 and what's been coming up for you these past few weeks?
Sending you so much love!
#eclipse #eclipseseason2023 #oracle #oraclecards #intuitive #intuitivereadings #intuitivereader #mystic #channeling #energyhealing #soulawakening #soulwisdom #transformation
Friday humor 🫶🤣🔥 because laughter is medicine! ***It's a stitch, sit through the first 5 seconds 🤪 to get to the good part! 🤣🫶🦇🧙♀️🪄🧹🍬🍭
Video from her tiktok account- but here is her IG account as well: @anythingeb
#witchy #witchyvibes #witchythings #witchesofinstagram #laughteristhebestmedicine
🔮Healing Activation from the Crystal Skull Consciousness 💀: take 3 minutes to drop in and receive clarity of mind, and some healing energies!
💫Eclipse Oracle Reading for 10-18-23💫
💀🔮 Crystal Skull Wisdom: Clarity - Divine Healing - High Vibrational energy.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, having racing thoughts, feeling overly anxious, or dropped into a state of depression, .... if you can't make up your mind, it's running on the hampster wheel of options / decisions - then this message might be the healing balm you need at this time.
There is a beautiful healing drop-in and activation at the end, so don't miss that potent and nourishing part! 💜
Sending you so much love!
I will be posting daily messages for this online community with these readings, as an act of love from my heart to yours 💜💫💜
If you'd like more personalized support and guidance, you can always book a 1:1 session with me (LINK in BIO). Special Eclipse rates and packages!
Sending you so much love!
#oraclecardreading #oraclecards #oracle #mystic #channeling #channelingspirit #channelingenergy #psychic #psychicmedium #intuitive #intuitivehealer #intuitivereading #intuitivereader #shadowwork #innerhealing #eclipse #eclipseseason2023 #lightworker
#mentalawareness #mentalclarity #crownchakra #thirdeyechakra #throatchakra #energyhealing #energymedicine #activation
💫Eclipse Oracle Reading for 10-18-23💫
💀🔮 Crystal Skull Wisdom: Clarity - Divine Healing - High Vibrational energy.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, having racing thoughts, feeling overly anxious, or dropped into a state of depression, .... if you can't make up your mind, it's running on the hampster wheel of options / decisions - then this message might be the healing balm you need at this time.
There is a beautiful healing drop-in and activation at the end, so don't miss that potent and nourishing part! 💜
Sending you so much love!
I will be posting daily messages for this online community with these readings, as an act of love from my heart to yours 💜💫💜
If you'd like more personalized support and guidance, you can always book a 1:1 session with me (LINK in BIO). Special Eclipse rates and packages!
Sending you so much love!
#oraclecardreading #oraclecards #oracle #mystic #channeling #channelingspirit #channelingenergy #psychic #psychicmedium #intuitive #intuitivehealer #intuitivereading #intuitivereader #shadowwork #innerhealing #eclipse #eclipseseason2023 #lightworker
#mentalawareness #mentalclarity #crownchakra #thirdeyechakra #throatchakra #energyhealing #energymedicine #activation
🌟 10-17-23 Eclipse Oracle Reading 🌟
💖Bath Kol: "Eschew complicated explanations, as you seek the simplicity of the deepest truth of your heart. Gently but firmly cast aside that which does not resonate as being true for your heart. Focus upon, and speak from, a higher spiritual perspective. All prayers are answered at the perfect time and in the perfect way. You have a powerful voice, which can foster healing and wisdom on our planet."
This transmission is all about following the song in your own heart, using discernment of your body intuition and higher self guidance, for a clear path forward.
I'd love to hear how this resonated with you! Please leave a comment below or send me a private message.
I'd love to continue to offer support for our online community with these readings the next 2 weeks: as an act of love from my heart to yours 💜
And if you'd like more personalized support and guidance, you can always book a 1:1 session with me (LINK in BIO).
Special Eclipse rates:
*Reading + Recording: $44
*Reading, Recording, Call: $77
*Psychic Reading + Healing (Virtual Call): $88!
Sending you so much love!
#oraclecardreading #oraclecards #oracle #mystic #channeling #channelingspirit #channelingenergy #psychic #psychicmedium #intuitive #intuitivehealer #intuitivereading #intuitivereader #shadowwork #innerhealing #eclipse #eclipseseason2023 #lightworker
♍️🌚New Moon in Virgo✨️💜 Energy Cleanse & Healing! (LINK IN BIO)
I'm so excited to share this with you 🤗 it lights me up and is one of my greatest passions!
Taking a moment of gratitude, in reflection for all the SMALL little steps and shifts along the way, that lead me here to this moment in time 🙏
We can get so caught up in the seeking and expectations of the BIG shifts and moves, the desire to skyrocket into massive transformation and transition..... but in my experience, those actually come from the culmination and harvest of alllllll the smaller steps along the way!
It's all the daily practices and shifts, sometimes even slowing down into minute by minute, and hour by hour, recalibration and shifting awareness..... all the ways we've stumbled and got back up, took 2 steps forward and 3 steps back (transformation and healing isn't linear!).... all the SUSTAINABLE and manageable ways we've showed up in the pockets of time and micro-alignments - that bring in the lasting changes!
And, also honoring that we are all on our own UNIQUE timeline and trajectory.... and taking the time to shift and heal in ways that feel Safe to your whole self!
How have you shown up for yourself today, in the smallest of ways?!
Can you celebrate and acknowledge yourself in this moment? 💜✨️💜
Sending you soooo much love on your journey!
#energyhealing #energymedicine #energyworker #energyhealer #lightworker #virgoseason #earthpriestess #virgo #oracle #mystic #channeling #selfhealers #soulwisdom #soulawakening #transformation #transcendence #channeledmessages #activation
#mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #embodiedhealing
(FULL VIDEO) Connecting with the land wherever I travel 🌿🌸💚🐛 has become such a beautiful part of ritual in flow. Allowing me to recalibrate my own self accordingly, while rooting into the core central channels that are "inherently me".... rooting into the native land and flowing with the local elementals and energies.
An invitation to take your practice outside or somewhere "new".... follow your body and your energy, trusting in your guides and yourself.... and allow it to be WEIRD, DIFFERENT, NEW..... you might be surprised how simple and easy something can flow through and release when we deeply connect in and allow the release to happen without a preconceived "outcome or ritual."
And don't get me wrong here, I LOVE my rituals and daily habits and routines, and they hold a special place for my journey and building foundations + support.....
AND I'm leaning more into trust and flow, allowing my movement and practices to guide me when it's in alignment!
Sending you so much love, wherever you are on your journey ❤️❤️❤️
#selfhealers #selfreflection #energyhealing #energymedicine #energyworker #energyhealer #lightworker #nature #mamagaia #grounding #energyclearing #naturalwitch #witch #shamanichealing #shamanicjourney #intuitivehealer #intuitivehealing
✨️🌸Goddesses, Gateways, & Scared Rebels ❤️🔥
We are in some POTENT ENERGY SHIFTS right now!
If you are feeling the squeeze, the inward journey calling you down, the uncomfortableness of life's interactions asking you to bring awareness to certain aspects, relationships, or choices..... something calling to you from deep within, like a whisper on the wind, or a dream you just can't quit recall upon waking, then your higher self - intuition- spiritual guides are asking you to slow down, pay attention, and listen!
Take time for some introspection, some meditation or journey work, anything that can help you time into your OWN inner wisdom and intuition, to your own spiritual team and allies!
And if you need some assistance in holding that space? Then I'd be honored to do so, and this Oracle readings may be beaconing to you.
I was called to weave 3 really powerful Oracle decks, each holding their own energetic codes and frequencies to assist at the threshold of your CROSSROADS Journey.
🪔🌸Card 1 - ISIS: Message from Isis as an initiate of the light (STRENGTH / PAST). What STRENGTHS do you have at this time (which are positive and loving aspects of your being that ancient wisdom is calling you to see)? Isis offers her wisdom and guidance to you to assist you at this time of spiritual growth and transition.
🌀🌟Card 2 - GATEWAY of LIGHT ACTIVATION: an activation for switching on ancient wisdom that you carry within (ACTIVATION / PRESENT). What needs to ACTIVATE in your PRESENT time to assist you? You carry knowledge and wisdom from many lifetimes, as you have come from the stars, and all the energies and potential of your previous incarnations and forms have been stored in the spiritual cells of your being. This activation will help unlock that sacred knowledge that is already within you.
🔥❤️Card 3 - SACRED REBELS: what you need to heal or work on in order to grow (CHALLENGE / FUTURE). Your is your challenge - what do you need to foc
What does it take to make real, meaningful, and sustainable changes?
"Without COMMITMENT you'll never start, and without CONSISTENCY you'll never finish."
How does that resonate with you??!!
There has been SO much unraveling & dismantling of self-sabotage patterns in the past few years of my healing journey.... getting to the core roots of stored and unprocessed trauma that were pulling the unconscious strings of my habits and behaviors, keeping me Sick & Stuck, out of my body and the present moment.
I'm still on the journey 🙏 I'm still learning and healing, but I'm so grateful for how far I have come ♥️
Small & Sustainable habits have been the most successful part for me .... ones that allow me to show up and keep my commitments to myself, and to show up consistently again and again.....
Do I have bad days - yup, that's part of life.... but I've been committed to doing small acts of love & kindness, even on my hardest days.
And over time, those acts of love have been building a foundation.... where they become sustainable habits, as I bring my desires into tangibility.... a bridge for my dreams to become an embodied reality.
And I'm still incorporating more, slow & steady, 🐢💛🐢 tracking my body and nervous system responses, gauging my capacity, edges, & thresholds.... practicing compassion and kindness.... while holding myself accountable (out of the greatest act of love to MYSELF)....
Building upon the combined efforts of HEART + BODY + MIND + SPIRIT ❤️
Plus healing the relationship with my inner Divine Masculine ✨️🦁✨️ and my inner Child 🧚♀️🦋🐉
#goals #sustainablechange #growth #selflove #selfhealers #embodiedhealing #authenticity #healthyhabits #smallhabits #smallhabitsbigchange #empowerment #empowered #smallhabitsbigchanges #consistency #commitment #divinemasculine #innermasculine #innerchildhealing
What does it take to make real, meaningful, and sustainable changes?
There has been SO much unraveling & dismantling of self-sabotage patterns in the past few years of my healing journey.... getting to the core roots of stored and unprocessed trauma that we pulling the unconscious strings of my habits and behaviors keeping me Sick & Stuck....
I'm still on the journey 🙏 I'm still learning and healing, but I've so grateful for how far I have come up to this point ♥️
Small Sustainable habits have been the most successful part for me .... ones that allow me to show up and keep my commitments to myself, and to show up consistently again and again.....
Do I have bad days - yup, that's part of life.... but I've been committed to doing small acts of love & kindness, even on my hardest days.
And over time, those acts of love have been building a foundation.... where they become sustainable habits....
And then slowly, I start incorporating one more, and then another.... 🐢💛🐢 gauging my capacity and edges.....
Building upon the combined efforts of HEART + BODY + MIND + SPIRIT ❤️
#goals #sustainablechange #growth #selflove #selfhealers #embodiedhealing #authenticity #healthyhabits #smallhabits #smallhabitsbigchange #smallhabitsbigchanges