I fully believe I was a performer or singer in my past life🎤🎶🎵
How Much I love to 👩🏻🎤 and 💃🏻
My fave spot with my fave people!
Must visit this new spot para todas nuestra generacion de los 90'
#windwoodwalls #miami #southflorida #musicalatina #genx #mujereslatinas #cantante
Milton flow, this is my reminder in anxiety, fear, and stress:
The only thing that remains is our breath, mind, and body so what and how we decide to use it.
These are tools to calm , center, and align with our TRUTH, TRUST, AND FAITH!
We are something bigger than our bodies, and we are connected.
My flow is my grounding and PRAYER 🧘🏻♀️
#authentic2024 #hurricaneseason #milton #hotyoga #hotyogastudio #yogainstructor #southflorida #flow #bodyflow #breathwork
My purpose is for ladies to tap into their JOY. When you are JOYFUL, you allow blessings, miracles, abundance, and LOVE come to your way. Beside your tap in your feminine power so you get creative, you flow, ideas emerge, you heal, and ultimately, you feel FREE!!!
This is my FIT Fiesta workshop, no, is not a typical workout or yoga class, this what I felt in my heart ♥️ To CREATE with gifts💪🏽💃🏻 and my roots🇵🇷 and people have been ENJOYING a LOoOOOT!!
Are you ready for our next FIT FIESTA next month? Show me 💃🏻💪🏽 if you need it in your life‼️
#palmbeachgardens #southflorida #yogainstructor #latinmusic #sculpt #sculptandflow
The best way to end my Birthmonth, doing my fave hobbies cantar 🎤y bailar💃🏻‼️
Este nuevo post será mi favorito 🙌🏽❤️
#authentic2024 #yogainstructor #lovetodance #lovetosing🎤 #miami
3rd weekend Of my Birthmonth in the books ( but not expected) with my 1st 🤞🏽 wish of my blow the candle !🎂 With my fave people 💓 💕
Gracias for showing so much love!!
Guess what my wish is?👇🏽
#authentic #virgoseason #september #birthdaygirl #yogainstructor #loveoverfear
A day like today 1 year ago I celebrated my birthday in the spectacular way, never thought in millions years that I was going to be in Bali doing my 200YTT and met the most amazing Yoga Souls sisters from around the world, which at this point created a beautiful friendship and still stay in communication.
I remember this moment vividly. I felt so much LOVE from them and my loved ones on the distance.
I need to honor this moment so I can remember where I'm going now🧘🏻♀️✨️
#tbt #authentic2024 #baliindonesia #yogateacher #yogateacher #solotravel #yogainstructor #soulsisters
When you decide to follow your dreams , just a year ago, I quit my profession, sold everything, and embarked on my sólo traveling at 44.
Florence was my 1st stop, I remember not knowing nothing just with GPS, went to city just stroll around and when I look up, right there just in front of me, was Ponte Vechio and I just felt I was in a movie, literally my movie and it was impressively beautiful.
At that moment I remember I said to myself: "You did it, Leniza. I'm so proud of you. You were courageous enough to start again and follow your dream."
#authentic2024 #tbt #florence #solotravel #triparoundtheworld #makeyourdreamscometrue
Happy International Yoga Day 🧘🏻♀️ ✨️ ♥️
To all my yoga sisters all around the 🌎
#authentic2024 #internationalyogaday #yogalove #yogateacher ##mindbodysoul #mindfulness #healing #selfhealers #southflorida #flow #hotyoga #hotyogastudio
#authentic2024 #sundaybrunch #sundayvibes #southflorida #summervibes
Happy Teachers' appreciation week to all my fellow teachers . You love this profession, missing all these moments in my career a little bit extra this week.
Loving all my students!! Your growth it was my reward!!!
#teacherlife #teachersweek #msa #career #teacher
Creando este nuevo capítulo de mi vida comenzando a seguir con nuevas experiencias en el sur de la Florida . Como Mi hermana @askmelindavega sabe que me encanta el arte, me invitó a una actividad en @superblue.art en Winwood y de verdead que es toda una experiencia sensorial. Fully recommended para ir entre amigas, pareja y/o familia.
Desde brunch en Fort Lauderdale en Kalu con vista intercostal, bajar hasta Miami luego sumergirnos todos los sentidos y hasta meditativo este museo y cenar en nuestro restaurante favorito @ceviche105
Y cerrar con broche de oro este pasadía, tomar por primera vez el Brightline hasta West Palm. Les recomiendo pagar por Premier , snacks y bebidas non alcohol and alcohol incluidas. El tren esta super moderno y las estaciones megas limpias y te sientes super segura hasta tomé Uber incluido ( only 5 miles ratio). Me sentí otra vez en Europa.🤣🫶🏾 @gobrightline
Así que un pequeño update de cómo el Universo me está tratando, así que esto es también Yoga , unión de mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Y verifiquen mis historias que pronto seguiré con otro noticion.
¿Has venido a este museo?
#authentic2024 #yogalife #cyclinginstructor #viajera #solotravel #mujereslatinas #transformation #changingcareerafter45 #mindset #mindfulness