This is how I live my life, and it is such a beautiful feeling.
Welcome to the Oracle page to help guide you in your daily life.
This is how I live my life, and it is such a beautiful feeling.
Find the lesson
Discover the purpose in a situation -
Trust that you are learning
Upheaval. Quarrelsome people. Disputes, antagonism and confusion.
Uncertainty about the purpose of a situation.
Feeling frustrated and ready to complain. Let it go to the universe, ask the universe for clarity and trust that time will bring an understanding of the lessons this uncomfortable adventure is teaching you.
The reversal of this card amplifies the confusion you may be feeling. A challenging time that feels very unfair. There is a reason… It may be hard to even begin to contemplate that there could be a higher purpose to the situation right now. Give yourself a little bit of space and be patient with yourself. Don’t struggle to find the reason. Just find a way to make it through what is happening.
 When people are not cooperating with each other. Or there is a great deal of disorganization and chaos. When people are quarrel and not getting along. The volatile nature of what is taking place can make you feel like there is no sense to any of this at all. But, everything has a more moral… Or rather, everything has a lesson within it. and this is the struggle for you right now.
Rather than forcing yourself to find the lesson, the better approach is to trust there is a lesson. 
Trust that you are learning, and that this experience will come to be valued in time. It is a very strange and trying place that you find yourself in, so be patient with yourself.
Understand that it is natural to feel frustrated, impatient, and confused, but trust.
Trust, there is a reason for this, and in time you will come to know the purpose of this bizarre, topsy.-turvy and very trying time.
Awaken your inner shaman
Connect -invoke-heal
Focus on your connection with the earth, animals and nature spirits.
Whoever you are or whatever you came from, the shamanic way is open to you.
Shamans can be male or female and come from many cultures around the world.
A healer, seer or shaman, and your ancestry may have passed the gift or special knowledge to you.
If you do not know your family lineage, dig deep, and ask the universe to help you discover your ancestors spirits.
continue to connect with the Earth, nature and animal spirits, and you will uncover your ancestry link.
You can then tap into this spiritual knowledge and further develop your gifts.
You are a natural healer and hold the ability to connect with the restorative light of the universe for yourself and others.
It is time to embrace or further your healing path.
You have been using the gifts for a long time, over many lifetimes.
Every person heals in their own way… You may use words, your hands or energy to nurture others.
Explore different aspects and modalities of your healing arts, such as massage, Reiki, or something that opens you as a channel for rejuvenating energy.
You can use anything you learn to benefit yourself of others.
When you are healing others, surround yourself with the light, so you don’t become drained.
When you are ready, invoke the healing energy of the shaman and pass your knowledge onto others. 
Message from your ancestors
Explore your creative side
Visualize - paint-record
 Get your artistic energy flowing.
Make time for yourself to paint, right, sing, bake, or build every day.
Even if only a few minutes at a time, regularly engaging in imagination will make a noticeable difference to your energy.
When you unlock your imagination, you are opening yourself to healing energy from the universe.
Creativity is connected to your passion, your solar, plexus and sexual chakras. It is also linked to life, force and positive energy.
When you are not using your creativity, you can start to feel restless, Frustrated or numb.
Re-energize by painting, planting, sewing, singing, playing, or thinking outside of the box.
This card also encourages you to look for a unique solution to a problem.
Teach and share
You may be questioning why you are here and what your true purposes.
You are not alone!
This card has appeared to let you know that you are a natural teacher, and it is part of your life’s purpose.
You don’t need to be a school teacher or a childcare worker.
You can show people a new way of being or looking at the world.
You may be teaching your children or grandchildren, every day things, or you may be encouraging your friend to find something new or different.
Value the wisdom and skills you can pass on to others.
Look at the ways that you can incorporate, teaching or mentoring into your life so others may benefit.
You have the ability to connect with people from all walks of life and show them the way.
Try not to overthink this aspect of your purpose.
You may already be teaching others without even realizing it.
Enjoy sharing your gifts with others. 
Going with the flow
Wisdom of the Harold:
Seasons change and the universe, ebbs and flows.
The constellations shift. And in the midst of all the great changes of life, your ability to juggle Whatever comes your way is seemingly the only constant.
Move with whatever changes come your way.
Flow with it.
Roll with it.
Be like the water… By flowing and remaining and constant motion, the element breaks down even the mightiest obstacles.
Wisdom of the dragon :
“I’m back!”
Spring to life better than ever.
It is time for a renewal. Return on the scene after a long recess to take charge and conquer.
You are better than ever before.
Fall goes to winter and turns to spring. You will rise again and return to the truth of who you really are.
Star dragon invocation :
Meditate on the seasons as they ebb and flow in the constant cycle of the Earth energies.
Watch the constellations as they move about in the night sky.
See the signs of change and rejuvenate in nature.
How can you apply the universal principles to your own life?
How can you be more adapt at going with the flow?
When you re-emerge from the cycle?
will you make a grand entrance? 
Close encounters
Key concepts: vulnerability as a strength, letting others see your wounds, as well as your strengths, setting healthy boundaries
This is a time of connection that asks for you to be vulnerable and authentic… Let go of any social masks or constraints. You are used to keeping yourself apart from others.
Lower your shield and allow yourself to step into a dance of intimacy.
When you become close to people, you remind yourself, that you are not alone, You’re part of a beautiful, meaningful bond At a deep spiritual level, there are so many lessons offered to you in this closeness.
At a social level, intimate relationships help you ignite the spark of life that is the power of affinity. You flourish as a result of offering emotional honesty, a true desire for equality, love, friendship, and laughter.
We aren’t meant to be alone. Yet sometimes we are wounded, and we built walls around ourselves so that we don’t get hurt again. It’s time to be honest about yours and step out from behind the barrier and engage in all life.
This is a beautiful opportunity to allow your vulnerability to be your strength as you choose to live in integrity and without artifice.
Even in your life, this connection allows you to be truly present.
When you live this way, everything and everyone thrives. You have no need to defend yourself when you’re being truly and utterly you, and powered by your raw openness and willingness to be seen. In this way, you’re close encounter will not fail you. There is much to celebrate when you stand eye to eye, shoulder to shoulder, sharing your heart. 
The Uncharted sea
Key concepts: Stepping into the unknown without a map, moving beyond your comfort zone, choosing to do things differently, trusting the ab and flow of life, being in the dark and letting curiosity lead, the faith that all will be well.
Your comfort zone is sometimes exactly that… A safe, familiar harbor that you finally come to yourself. You have a sense that you don’t need to move that what is available right where you’ve landed in life. Now, however, is not one of those times.
 The universe is inviting you to step into uncharted waters. Something is stirring.; adventure is calling. You may want to resist the urge because it will involve your comfort zone, but embarking on this journey is essential for your well-being.
Navigating the uncharted aspects of yourself means you won’t have a map, because no one else has been here. On this journey, you cannot rely on the help you would typically expect from others who have gone before you. This new territory is yours to explore. You’re invited to be a pioneer, a pathmaker, a magical Cartographer who draw your map with your own life force as the ink.
This is the day to dive into novel experience and fully immersed yourself in the new. You don’t know what the sea of possibilities has in store for you, so stay curious and refrain from judgment and the need to label. Give yourself the time and freedom to be curious, without the limitations and boundaries projected by your memories or expectations. You are in an amazing place right now, and you will never be the same for surveying these waters. 
Even once surrounded by a group, we all have experienced a feeling of being alone at one time or another. You may need to consider if you are holding back input out of fear of expressing and unpopular opinion. This may also indicate a group or community that didn’t connect with your beliefs, causing you to feel ostracized. Use this time to look in word, examine what ideas or insight come to mind. Isolation may also indicate a need to remove yourself from a situation to your mind and contemplate your next move.
Isolation may bring to the surface feelings associated with abandonment and can represent a black centered around a fear that your actions may lead to not being accepted or removed from a group.
Fear of being cast aside might result in your limiting your potential by withdrawing ideas or suppressing inspiration.
For example, if you grew up in a home where a lack of security and resources was a dominating factor, and now as an adult, you have opportunities to create financial freedom, the fear of no longer fitting into your family, may prevent you from reaching your greatest potential. If you are successful, you may risk conflict with your family as your paths diverge.
Say this to yourself in the mirror DAILY.
Let’s do some cards!!! Drop and emoji n I’ll pull u a card🎶🔮
Grandmother Earth
Stop and take measure of your life. Assess who you are and where you are. Get grounded. Make plans for the future, but don’t act on those until you are ready to feel secure and stepping forward. This is a profound source of strength and power within you, and it is expanding now. Put your roots down. This is a time of preparation and going deeper.
Grandmother Earth provides the trees, plants, flowers, rivers, streams, oceans, mountains, and valleys, and supports us all with her bounty. She’s stable and strong in devotion to us. You are supported and loved, even if you’re not always sure of it. Strength is growing within you. Don’t rush. Slow down. The seeds that you planted will bring abundance in the future, but only if you take the time to nurture those new beginnings. Take time to plan your future carefully. Don, don’t rush into anything. Security and protection surround you. You are safe. If you are thinking of making a secure financial investment and receive this card, it’s telling you that this is a good time to do so… It is not a time to take risk.
Deepen your connection to grandmother earth, and bring security in all forms into your life, walk, barefoot on the earth, place your hands in the Earth, or make investments. Imagine the strengthening, grounding, energy of the earth filling you and your life. 
9-12 today at Divine Sanctuary.
It is psychic Saturday make sure you come down and see me at Divine Sanctuary . I will be there from 9 to 12 today.
After trauma, people often seek teachers and healers who claim to have the keys needed to help them regain peace and clarity. Despite Leaving the sessions, feeling confident and reassured, however, they often lose confidence in their own inherent ability to maintain wellness, and gradually find themselves regressing into confusion and emotional darkness. It is never their intent to slip back, but rather a force of habit.
The shadow spaces familiar and feel safe, despite its negative pitfalls. The reverent because they aren’t born equipped with a clear understanding of how to turn darkness into light, and how to find sacredness in the horrors that haunt them… Horrors that often hold within their recess the keys to releasing their personal power and purpose.
When confronted , we usually grit our teeth, swallow hard, and push through the pain in order to move forward in the hope of finding light at the end of the tunnel. When we repetitively visit our shadow space or examine past experiences.
People suggest we are dwelling in the past. And in reality we may be, it is sometimes necessary, if we are to heal fully and honorably. We must visit our shadow space in a sacred way if we are to learn from it, in time, rebirth ourselves from its limiting clutches.
Wallaby, because of its unusual shaped hind legs and bulky tail, cannot physically walk backwards. It rejects, stagnation, therefore any reluctant movement of any sort. Instead, it promotes progression, healing, and growth… And leaps and bounds.
If wallaby has hopped into your cards today, consider that you may be dwelling on some past event and using it as an excuse to linger in your shadow space. Despite good reason, you may be blaming the event for your lack of healing, growth or release of pain.
Wallaby is priming you to leap into the future, without regret with a healthy respect for your grief. Wallaby helps you move forward to new horizons, take risks, avoid the temptation to look back and regret, and never return to your comfort zone once you have left.
Wallaby takes the pain from the past, dissect them, and extract their purpose to find their reason. The reason is the vital ingredient and releasing your personal power… The ingredient that can be shared among the people to aid in their healing.
Onward and upward is the advice of the wallaby offers those who seek council. 
Sheela Na Gig
Worrying leads to despair,
Desperation doesn’t care.
Value all the good within.
Love embraced, will always win.
By the power of the dark goddess and me,
Protection in place. Blessed be.
You are getting weary of empty promises. A lack of self-worth has followed you around. You give you’re all only to have your life and soul sucked from you, and then abandoned. So desperate to be loved, you find anyone who will have you will do.
Stop giving yourself to the first person who comes along, and instead have dignity and pride in your unique being. Value yourself, and intern others will value you and love you for who you are.
Surround yourself with people who value you. Everything is working out perfectly. Learn to trust. Worrying is a form of negative prayer, so keep your thoughts and words positive. Time to put yourself first. A surprise offer of help is presented, and the love you seek is on its way.
Root chakra
The root chakra fill two rolls. The first, and probably most obvious, is sexual energy.
Well, the base chakra denotes the connection to the family that comes before, the rich chakra is about the family that comes next. Less or known, but if equal importance, the rich chakra is also the source of healing. This is where Reiki practitioners store and focus energy. All that is done to heal originates here.
After I took my dad off life support and was on the way home from the hospital, as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot, me and my husband smelt his Newport light up in the car. We knew he was comen home w us. ❤️ please feel free to share ur experience ❤️
Seashell princess
Go after your hearts desire
There is a dream string in your heart that needs attention.
You have felt drawn to follow and nurture it, but you are having trouble letting go of the practical considerations, and diving into the unknown.
Know, however, that wall, many people reach for the stars, only the passionate actually climb up and grab them.
Look inside yourself and discover the dream that has been buried under the trappings of day to day consideration and obligations.
Reimagine the past, and write down the details.
Put it on paper, and make a commitment to your younger self to strive and dream once again. 
Body and soul
Take care of yourself, see yourself as a complete package, body, not separate from soul, centered in your state of self, confident in your body… Your authentic identity… Physical health.
Exposed and revealed
 Healing, shame, the imposter syndrome, letting go of self condemnation, freedom from past unresolved wounds, focusing on self-worth, the underlying beauty and rejection.

Oracle gifts
 You have a second sight, clairvoyance, seen the future, fate as a future, determined by the choices that you make now, seeing the signs around you, recognizing potential versus absolute determinism.
Endless possibilities
 Unlimited potential, moving beyond limited beliefs, and the filter of an unhealed past, using your awareness to discern what is possible and have the courage to leap beyond even that.
We rely on stories, we inherit from our ancestors, our families and our culture, and the world around us to construct a map of our reality.
As we develop new stories in life, we build on our old foundations, repair them where we can, or tear them down and begin again.
 So when we experienced shame, you don’t feel that you have done something wrong, you feel like you are wrong… Fundamentally flawed. Know that life loves you, and the universe doesn’t make junk, only magic!
There are times when we ask for a sign from the universe, we are essentially asking for Divine guidance that we believe needs to come from a source outside of us. This is because we don’t always trust our intuition. Don’t always listen to our ancestors we feel exposed. We don’t pay attention to our gifts . Sometimes we see a billboard or hear a song or pull an Oracle card and get the exact message. We need to support the choice and show us our way forward. Regardless of how the sign appears this is a reminder that life is magical you are magical.
You look at the world through lens of your life experiences, personalities, and conditions of conditioning. The filter determines whether you believe in the abundant universe of endless possibilities… Or various degrees of limitation and Ight range of options.
When your expectations, unconscious, or otherwise, based on lack, it is difficult to see what is truly available to you.
Today ask yourself what you believe.
As you believe, so will it be for you, as your energy will attract its match in the outer world.
Consciousness meets expectation. Either your world remains the way it is… And various forms yet essentially unchanging… Or you become more.
Everything shifts as you open yourself up to the greater version of you and more meaningful life, discovering opportunities that better reflect your true self. This is the nature of your dynamic relationship with the Divine.
Today today stand with your arms open, knowing that you are stepping into beauty, into experiences that are potent and transformative.
You are walking past the line that you and others drew long ago, you are more than you were.
Now, what is it that you want? The treasure is yours… You just need to believe it. 
Let’s have a lil fun this month with our readings!!! I want to be able to give more people the opportunity to experience Oracle readings w/ me Donielle of Oracle Reed’s , & the magical Gem of Divine Sanctuary.
Dragonfly Spirit
Truth transcends illusion
Oracle message
Dragonfly Spirit is here to remind you of the wisdom and truth available at all times in the hidden realms.
Just as a dragonfly catches your eye with a reflective, wings and body, dragonfly spirit appears to tell you to pay attention to the truth beyond the illusion and recognize the insights That comes seemingly out of nowhere, peeking through from behind the veil. In the realm of spirit, this is far more wisdom, then you can perceive with your own senses, and there is a deep knowing that you are not separate or alone, for a higher power recognizes you and loves you beyond measure.
Fears dissipate, as you realize you are embraced by the nurturing force that is everywhere, also in communication with you.
A light when you are preoccupied, dragonfly spirit offers you this message… You exist in unity with all, including the protective spirit who share their wisdom, and you are being nudged along the path your soul needs to travel to have experiences it craves.
Love exists in many forms, and sometimes we overlook it when we don’t recognize a particular form.
Pay attention to the signs now… They remind you that each of us has inspired Dreams, seemingly sewn into the fabric of the invisible world, and there’s a great consciousness that exists in the seemingly empty spaces.
Guiding us on our journey. Open to truth, letting the wisdom of the hidden realms, inform you, providing insight, your conscious mind overlook.
Protective message
Did you really think this world of the senses is all there is?
From the hidden mystical realms, signs are being sent to you, but perhaps you have perceived separation and convinced yourself that you are on your own.
Have you fallen into spiritual amnesia and forgotten your connection to the living, loving, always supportive universe? If so, rob the sleep out of your eyes, for dragonfly Spirit is here to remind you of all the love and support available to you in this moment.
There is An organizing principle underlining the events you have experienced, and dragonfly Spirit can help you see it and trust that spirit has your back.
Let go of the illusion of chaos and randomness.
Love is here, so follow the signs that appear serendipitously .
As you pay attention to the magic all around you, you will know that you are on the right track. 
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There is a dream string in your heart that needs attention. You have felt drawn to follow it and nurture it, but you have trouble letting go of practical considerations, well many people reach for the stars, only the passionate actually climb up and grab them. Look inside yourself and recover the dream that has been buried under the trappings of the day-to-day considerations and obligations. Regain the ideal life you longed for in years past, write down the details! Put it on paper, and make a commitment to your younger self to strive and dream once again.
Replenish your inner source. It is time to renew your energy and make tending to your own needs a priority. Practice extreme self-care! Protect yourself from less than positive influences in your life. Abounding insight, profound majesty, and grace are available to you now simply by pulling your awareness inward. You know the truth. Trust your intuition and perception right now. You are a truth-seeker, and a truth-sharer. You are at the Advent of a time of profound illumination, and transformation, this can also mean that it is time to embrace your dark side as well as your light. Through doing so you will be in balance.
Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it. Why are you choosing comfort over adventure. Are you satisfied within the same world? Every single one of us upon this planet has made a mistake, Ben, misunderstood or done something that wasn’t quite correct or mixed things up rather terribly do not try to cover up things with yourself that you feel or not, right, for fear of being punished for not presenting, or behaving to others expectations. That way you can enjoy the white roses, just as they are, without fear of making a mistake, or making things even worse because you feel you must cover up the air to avoid punishment.
Remember that, if you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got. You have a magical map with which to navigate your current circumstances. Clarity will come. Yes, things can be awkward and uncomfortable as old hurts are revealed and new solutions are attempted. The time is right for change, so keep going every stuff is important.
Take heart and face your fears. Watch for the messages. No matter what is happening in your life. Your prayers are being answered. Life is chaotic, and messy. That is OK. Turn up the music and dance it out.
The Magician INNER SKILLS “ I see that you possess great skills that remain undeveloped. Is there something that you want to pursue? Come here; drink out of this potion I have. Maybe this will do the trick” This card advises that you should start to learn how to develop your skills and put them to use. In order to create whatever it is, that you want, you must first learn by trial and error. Nobody comes good at something without trying. You see, within you, you possess magical skills of which you are unaware. If anything, put your skills to use. 
 Kookaburra  HEALING. Taking responsibility for your own healing is probably one of the most confronting things anyone can do, especially if the intention is to acknowledge and release, pent up pain, confusion, and resentment, which are common by Dash products of years of postponed healing. In our times, it is common for people to live their entire lives, without ever truly healing many of the past painful experiences and long-held resentment. Most of the time these individuals do not realize there is an alternative to the internal suffering caused when we ignore the need for healing, or fail to see that there is healing to be done. It is often ignorance rather than denial that prevents healing from taking place. Although you may have never spoken of your desire to see your own healing fulfilled, those around you will have sensed the need. Verbalizing your need for healing to the people will not only be a relief to you, it will result in a collective sign from those around you. “This explains so much…” Will be the general consensus. Kookaburro awakens us to our inner truth and us, the dawning of a new day. So remember, that to witness a silent Kookaburro is spirits way of restoring faith in our quest for personal healing.  The Kookaburro has a distinctive call that strongly resembles human laughter, thus earning at the title “the laughing kookaburra“. Many assume, therefore, that the message of the kookaburra is that of lighten up and learning to laugh at yourself. It may be true, that this laughter inspires others to laugh along with it, and this, rather obvious assessment of Kookaburro’s dreaming is sometimes relevant. But the truth of the matter is that the Kookaburro does appear in your cards today, it’s true message goes far deeper than its superficial laughter.  TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN HEALING AND STOP LAUGHING IT OFF! 
PASSAGE   A voyage of the heart and soul as a head. This journey may be spiritual or physical in nature, in any case, it is a kind of sacred pilgrimage. Have courage. A great ship can stay safe in the harbor, but that is not what a great ship is made for. Be willing to unfurl your sales and set forth add to the open sea. The seas might be rough, and the wind is strong, but you are safe and protected. A sacred journey is a head. Deeper meaning is waiting to be discovered. You are safe. 
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