Welcome to Spiritual Light Wellness Reiki. What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese healing practice that's said to promote balance and remove blocked, built-up energy from the body. It's a non-invasive treatment in which the practitioner uses light touch to move energy throughout the client's or one's own body.
Reiki can be part of a daily practice to help people feel balanced spiritually and physically, or it can be used as a healing treatment when stress, exhaustion, or poor health is an issue.
For those feeling an imbalance mentally, spiritually, or physically, Reiki has the potential to help restore harmony between each of these three parts. Practitioners and believers in Reiki understand that spiritual, mental, and physical energy operating harmoniously help to improve a person's overall health and wellness and ensure the body and mind can perform optimally.
Reiki has many benefits to mind, body and spirit.
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