
MedicosHive Medical Pre-PG MCQs of AIIMS, AIPGMEE, DNB etc.

Middle superior alveolar nerve is a branch of –[A]. Mandibular nerve[B]. Maxillary nerve[C]. Lingual nerve[D]. Facial ne...

Middle superior alveolar nerve is a branch of –
[A]. Mandibular nerve
[B]. Maxillary nerve
[C]. Lingual nerve
[D]. Facial nerve

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Middle superior alveolar nerve is a branch of -[A]. Mandibular nerve[B]. Maxillary nerve[C]. Lingual nerve[D].…

Most common muscle damaged in rotator cuff –[A]. Supraspinatus[B]. Infraspinatus[C]. Subscapularis[D]. Teres minorTo vie...

Most common muscle damaged in rotator cuff –
[A]. Supraspinatus
[B]. Infraspinatus
[C]. Subscapularis
[D]. Teres minor

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Most common muscle damaged in rotator cuff -[A]. Supraspinatus[B]. Infraspinatus[C]. Subscapularis[D]. Teres minor

Root value of phrenic nerve is –[A]. C2,3,4[B]. C1,2,3[C]. C3,4,5[D]. C4,5,6To view the answer and/or explanation and ot...

Root value of phrenic nerve is –
[A]. C2,3,4
[B]. C1,2,3
[C]. C3,4,5
[D]. C4,5,6

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Root value of phrenic nerve is -[A]. C2,3,4[B]. C1,2,3[C]. C3,4,5[D]. C4,5,6

Which cranial nerve emerges from dorsal surface of brain is –[A]. II[B]. IV[C]. VI[D]. XTo view the answer and/or explan...

Which cranial nerve emerges from dorsal surface of brain is –
[A]. II
[B]. IV
[C]. VI
[D]. X

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Which cranial nerve emerges from dorsal surface of brain is -[A]. II[B]. IV[C]. VI[D]. X

Nerve passing from greater sciatic foramen of lesser sciatic foramen –[A]. Pudendal Nerve[B]. Superior re**al nerve[C]. ...

Nerve passing from greater sciatic foramen of lesser sciatic foramen –
[A]. Pudendal Nerve
[B]. Superior re**al nerve
[C]. Inferior re**al nerve
[D]. Sciatic nerve

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Nerve passing from greater sciatic foramen of lesser sciatic foramen -[A]. Pudendal Nerve[B]. Superior re**al…

First layer of sale has –[A]. Abductor hallucis[B]. Flexor hallucis longus[C]. Flexor hallucis brevis [D]. Adductor hall...

First layer of sale has –
[A]. Abductor hallucis
[B]. Flexor hallucis longus
[C]. Flexor hallucis brevis
[D]. Adductor hallucis

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First layer of sale has -[A]. Abductor hallucis[B]. Flexor hallucis longus[C]. Flexor hallucis brevis [D]. Adductor…

Cornea is supplied by –[A]. Frontal branch of trigeminal nerve[B]. Lacrimal branch of trigeminal nerve[C]. Nasociliary b...

Cornea is supplied by –
[A]. Frontal branch of trigeminal nerve
[B]. Lacrimal branch of trigeminal nerve
[C]. Nasociliary branch of opthalmic nerve
[D]. Trochlear nerve

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Cornea is supplied by -[A]. Frontal branch of trigeminal nerve[B]. Lacrimal branch of trigeminal nerve[C].…

Uncinate process arises from –[A]. Superior meatus[B]. Middle meatus[C]. Nasal bone[D]. MaxillaTo view the answer and/or...

Uncinate process arises from –
[A]. Superior meatus
[B]. Middle meatus
[C]. Nasal bone
[D]. Maxilla

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Uncinate process arises from -[A]. Superior meatus[B]. Middle meatus[C]. Nasal bone[D]. Maxilla

Vidian nerve passes through –[A]. Incisive foramen[B]. Pterygoid canal[C]. Jugular foramen[D]. Hypoglossal canalTo view ...

Vidian nerve passes through –
[A]. Incisive foramen
[B]. Pterygoid canal
[C]. Jugular foramen
[D]. Hypoglossal canal

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Vidian nerve passes through -[A]. Incisive foramen[B]. Pterygoid canal[C]. Jugular foramen[D]. Hypoglossal canal

Incisive foramen transmits –[A]. Greater palatine artery and greater palatine nerve[B]. Greater palatine artery and less...

Incisive foramen transmits –
[A]. Greater palatine artery and greater palatine nerve
[B]. Greater palatine artery and lesser palatine nerve
[C]. Greater palatine artery and Sphenopalatine nerve
[D]. Greater palatine artery and nasopalatine nerve

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Incisive foramen transmits -[A]. Greater palatine artery and greater palatine nerve[B]. Greater palatine artery and…

Lines of Bleschks are along –[A]. Lymphatics [B]. Nervs[C]. Developmental[D]. Blood VesselsTo view the answer and/or exp...

Lines of Bleschks are along –
[A]. Lymphatics
[B]. Nervs
[C]. Developmental
[D]. Blood Vessels

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Lines of Bleschks are along -[A]. Lymphatics [B]. Nervs[C]. Developmental[D]. Blood Vessels

Mullerian ducts differ from Wolffain ducts in –[A]. They are derived earlier[B]. They are mesodermal in origin[C]. Mainl...

Mullerian ducts differ from Wolffain ducts in –
[A]. They are derived earlier
[B]. They are mesodermal in origin
[C]. Mainly forms female ge***al organ
[D]. Forms lower 1/3 of va**na

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Mullerian ducts differ from Wolffain ducts in -[A]. They are derived earlier[B]. They are mesodermal…

Ameloblasts in teeth are derived from –[A]. Mesoderm[B]. Endoderm[C]. Neural crest cells[D]. EctodermTo view the answer ...

Ameloblasts in teeth are derived from –
[A]. Mesoderm
[B]. Endoderm
[C]. Neural crest cells
[D]. Ectoderm

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Ameloblasts in teeth are derived from -[A]. Mesoderm[B]. Endoderm[C]. Neural crest cells[D]. Ectoderm

Tongue musculature is derived from –[A]. Occipital myotomes[B]. Pre occipital myotomes[C]. First pharyngeal arch[D]. Sec...

Tongue musculature is derived from –
[A]. Occipital myotomes
[B]. Pre occipital myotomes
[C]. First pharyngeal arch
[D]. Second pharyngeal arch

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Tongue musculature is derived from -[A]. Occipital myotomes[B]. Pre occipital myotomes[C]. First pharyngeal arch[D]. Second…

Carpometacarpal joint of thumb from –[A]. Saddle[B]. Hinge[C]. Ball and Socket[D]. PivotTo view the answer and/or explan...

Carpometacarpal joint of thumb from –
[A]. Saddle
[B]. Hinge
[C]. Ball and Socket
[D]. Pivot

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Carpometacarpal joint of thumb from -[A]. Saddle[B]. Hinge[C]. Ball and Socket[D]. Pivot

Muscle of expiration –[A]. External intercostal [B]. Diaphragm [C]. Internal intercostal [D]. Serratus anterior To view ...

Muscle of expiration –
[A]. External intercostal
[B]. Diaphragm
[C]. Internal intercostal
[D]. Serratus anterior

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 Muscle of expiration -[A]. External intercostal [B]. Diaphragm [C]. Internal intercostal [D]. Serratus anterior 

Anastomosis around the sholder is for connection of[A]. 2nd part of subclavian artery with 2nd part of axillary artery[B...

Anastomosis around the sholder is for connection of
[A]. 2nd part of subclavian artery with 2nd part of axillary artery
[B]. 1st part of subclavian artery with 3rd part of axillary artery
[C]. 3rd part of subclavian artery with 1st part of axillary artery
[D]. 3rd part of subclavian artery with 3rd part of axillary artery

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Anastomosis around the sholder is for connection of[A]. 2nd part of subclavian artery with 2nd…

Which sinus develops after birth[A]. Frontal[B]. Maxillary[C]. Ethmoid[D]. NoneTo view the answer and/or explanation and...

Which sinus develops after birth
[A]. Frontal
[B]. Maxillary
[C]. Ethmoid
[D]. None

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Which sinus develops after birth[A]. Frontal[B]. Maxillary[C]. Ethmoid[D]. None

Floor of third ventricle is formed by all except [A]. Tuber cinereum[B]. Posterior perforated substance[C]. Tegmentum [D...

Floor of third ventricle is formed by all except
[A]. Tuber cinereum
[B]. Posterior perforated substance
[C]. Tegmentum
[D]. Anterior pituitary

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Floor of third ventricle is formed by all except [A]. Tuber cinereum[B]. Posterior perforated substance[C]. Tegmentum [D].…

Structure passing through esophageal opening of diaphragm[A]. Right phrenic nerve[B]. Azygous vein[C]. Gastric nerves [D...

Structure passing through esophageal opening of diaphragm
[A]. Right phrenic nerve
[B]. Azygous vein
[C]. Gastric nerves
[D]. Thoracic duct

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Structure passing through esophageal opening of diaphragm[A]. Right phrenic nerve[B]. Azygous vein[C]. Gastric nerves [D]. Thoracic…

Structure passing through lesser sciatic foramen are all except[A]. Pudendal nerve[B]. Internal pudendal vassels[C]. Ner...

Structure passing through lesser sciatic foramen are all except
[A]. Pudendal nerve
[B]. Internal pudendal vassels
[C]. Nerve to quadratus femoris
[D]. Nerve to obturator internus

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Structure passing through lesser sciatic foramen are all except[A]. Pudendal nerve[B]. Internal pudendal vassels[C]. Nerve…

all are contents of femoral triangle except[A]. Femoral vein[B]. Femoral artery[C]. Lymph node[D]. Genitofemoral nerveTo...

all are contents of femoral triangle except
[A]. Femoral vein
[B]. Femoral artery
[C]. Lymph node
[D]. Genitofemoral nerve

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all are contents of femoral triangle except[A]. Femoral vein[B]. Femoral artery[C]. Lymph node[D]. Genitofemoral nerve

The metopic suture[A]. Separates occipital and parietal bones[B]. Separates frontal and parietal bones[C]. Separates two...

The metopic suture
[A]. Separates occipital and parietal bones
[B]. Separates frontal and parietal bones
[C]. Separates two halves of frontal bone
[D]. Separates two halves of the parietal bone

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The metopic suture[A]. Separates occipital and parietal bones[B]. Separates frontal and parietal bones[C]. Separates two…

Reid’s line extends from[A]. Infraorbital margin to superior marign of external acoustic meatus[B]. Infraorbital margin ...

Reid’s line extends from
[A]. Infraorbital margin to superior marign of external acoustic meatus
[B]. Infraorbital margin to center of external acoustic meatus
[C]. Infraorbital margin to inferior margin of external acoustic meatus
[D]. None of the above

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Reid's line extends from[A]. Infraorbital margin to superior marign of external acoustic meatus[B]. Infraorbital margin…

Which of the following is not a branch of facial artery[A]. Superior labial[B]. inferior labial[C]. lateral nasal[D]. Su...

Which of the following is not a branch of facial artery
[A]. Superior labial
[B]. inferior labial
[C]. lateral nasal
[D]. Sublingual

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Which of the following is not a branch of facial artery[A]. Superior labial[B]. inferior labial[C].…

Internal carotid artery crosses[A]. Sigmoid sinus[B]. Straight sinus[C]. Cavernous sinus[D]. Saggital sinusTo view the a...

Internal carotid artery crosses
[A]. Sigmoid sinus
[B]. Straight sinus
[C]. Cavernous sinus
[D]. Saggital sinus

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Internal carotid artery crosses[A]. Sigmoid sinus[B]. Straight sinus[C]. Cavernous sinus[D]. Saggital sinus

Abduction of shoulder is caused by all except[A]. Trapezius[B]. Serratus anterior [C]. Supraspinatus[D]. Teres majorTo v...

Abduction of shoulder is caused by all except
[A]. Trapezius
[B]. Serratus anterior
[C]. Supraspinatus
[D]. Teres major

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Abduction of shoulder is caused by all except[A]. Trapezius[B]. Serratus anterior [C]. Supraspinatus[D]. Teres major

Before formation of head and tail folds, the most cranial part of embryo[A]. Septum transversum[B]. Neural plate[C]. Not...

Before formation of head and tail folds, the most cranial part of embryo
[A]. Septum transversum
[B]. Neural plate
[C]. Notochord
[D]. Primitive streak

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Before formation of head and tail folds, the most cranial part of embryo[A]. Septum transversum[B].…

Pisiform is which type of bone[A]. Pneumatic bone[B]. Sesamoid bone[C]. Accessory bone[D]. Long boneTo view the answer a...

Pisiform is which type of bone
[A]. Pneumatic bone
[B]. Sesamoid bone
[C]. Accessory bone
[D]. Long bone

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Pisiform is which type of bone[A]. Pneumatic bone[B]. Sesamoid bone[C]. Accessory bone[D]. Long bone



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