Your nervous system is one of the few cellular tissues in your body that does not replicate itself like all the other cells in your body. It is one of the first systems created in your body and the primary one that is chronologically your age.
All other cellular tissues within your body are days to 15 or so years of age. They consistently renew themselves according to their lifespan in order to maintain the integrity and functionality of your body temple.
So, if your body overall, is theoretically no more than 15 or so years of age, then why are you aging? Your nervous system is the main limiting factor in your body aging prematurely. The health and integrity of your nervous system affects every aspect of who you are as a whole person. This includes your:
• perception, thoughts, memory, learning, and feelings.
• your senses, interprets what you see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and feel.
• heartbeat and breathing patterns.
• digestion, hunger, and thirst.
• sleep, healing, growth, and aging.
• movements, balance, and coordination.
• stress response.
• connection to self, others, the outside world, and spirit.
Your nervous system is your command center for your experiential journey through life. When it is compromised by exposure to chronic stress and trauma, sleep deprivations, poor nutrition, toxic exposures, and unhealthy lifestyle choices, it can no longer maintain adequate homeostasis and speeds up the aging process.
This October 7th, my nervous system will have completed it's 47th year functioning and serving me on this beautiful planet of ours. It is through the daily care of it that will help me add another 47 years to my journey, while maintaining youthfulness, vitality, and health. Honor your nervous system and it will honor you, by affording you more life, and reducing the aging process to a graceful flow.