To the sensitive soul out there
It may feel hard to go to parties as you dread the thought of not fitting in.
I know you may be thinking things like “something’s wrong with me” or “I wish I was funny like him”.
So you consume more alcohol to squash those trembling thoughts and hopefully appear like someone you’re not.
Perhaps when you were younger you believed the “negative” things you were told by parents, bullies or peers.
All this can feel like a heavy fog clouding the truth of who you are.
The truth is, you are so much more.
You have kindness, softness and smarts
Your quirks, creativity and passion is needed in the world.
When you finally embrace these qualities
especially the parts that you used to wash down with alcohol
Your world will turn into fine wine
as you soften the way you talk to yourself
Noticing aspects of yourself that you didn’t even know existed
And experiencing peace in ways that you had never expected 💗