Good Morning! I would like to take the time to say THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes, calls text, gifts, and dinner on yesterday. I really appreciate it and do not take it for granted.
The best present I received yesterday was a phone call from my oncologist telling me I was good.
As most of you know I take a CT/Bone Scan every 6mos. I had scans done in February and they came back as suspicious for Breast Carcinoma Restaging (metastatic) in the right scapula just inferior to the scapular spine. My oncologist sent me for a plain film and it didn't show anything. So he said let's redo the bone scan in 3mos.
May 9th I had another bone scan and radiologist stated there was no change from the February scan, but there was no movement. So on Thursday I had a MRI with contrast on my shoulder (right side) to get a better picture to see what was really going on.
During this time the devil really tried to shake my Faith, but I kept rebuking the thoughts. I woke up Friday (my birthday) around 2:30am and I was consumed with thoughts of what if and just trying to get my mind right just in case the phone call said something other than what I was believing God for......as I prayed for my mind to rest I heard a voice say "what did I tell You? You are fine". After that I dosed back off.
So as I was out with my mom laughing and talking as we celebrated my birthday I receive the phone call from my oncologist. My heart begin to race.....he says Hey Dehavillyn I wanted to call you myself to let you know that the MRI showed No Evidence of Disease. We can finally put this to bed. Enjoy your birthday.
So celebrating this Birthday was different and took on a different meaning for me. I Thank God for a praying mother and one who always touch and agree that I am totally healed of this nasty disease called CANCER.
So I do not take seeing another birthday for granted because I fight to live everyday.