To check for glaucoma risk factors, we at Pacific Eye Doctors use a tool called a Tonometer which measures Intraocular pressure. This Tonometer is called the I-Care 😍
Instead of using a puff of air, it uses a tiny gentle probe that can barely be felt, which is why we often use it on kids, and in this example, even animal companions!
Book an eye exam today to make sure your eyes are healthy and up to date this holiday season!🎄
#pacificeyedoctors #eyecare #tonometer #glaucomaawareness
Did you know that at Pacific Eye Doctors we reserve a limited number of same-day booking slots every day so we can accommodate urgent appointments?👏🏻
Call or book online to schedule your eye emergency appointment!
#eyeemergencies #eyecare
Add some colour to your life with a new pair of sunglasses!😎
Book an appointment and come check out our wide range selection of sunglasses this fall season!
#sunglasses #eyewear #newframes
A corneal abrasion is a scratch on your eye and it can cause a LOT of pain as well as redness and blurred vision. It’s commonly caused by your babies’ nails or from a foreign body like dust, dirt, or makeup.
Book an appointment ASAP if you have this type of eye injury!
#pacificeyedoctors #eyeinjury #cornealabrasion #eyecare
October is Blindness Awareness Month
Here are a few facts to focus global attention on blindness and vision impairment:
-80% of visual impairment is avoidable ex. readily treatable and/or preventable.
-Restorations of sight, and blindness prevention strategies are among the most cost-effective interventions in health care.
-An estimated 19 million children are visually impaired.
-About 65 % of all people who are visually impaired are aged 50 and older, while this age group comprises only 20% of the world's population.
-Increasing elderly populations in many countries mean that more people will be at risk of age-related visual impairment.
Booking a comprehensive eye exam and scheduling yearly visits with your optometrist is the first step towards taking precautions against blindness.
Book an appointment today!
(Source: Cao. “October 9th Is World Sight Day!” The Canadian Association of Optometrists, October 14, 2014.
Only a few more days left for our Back-to-School Sale! 🍎 Here's ours for 2024: Pay full price for 1 complete set of regular priced glasses and get either:
1) BOGO: A FREE 2nd set of glasses from our Pacific Package with blue-blocker or glare-free, OR
2) $135 off a 2nd set of glasses from our regular-priced selection.
Our Back to School sale runs from until Sept 30, 2024. Best of luck to all of our community members enriching themselves through academics this season! 👩🎓 We're proud of you and we're so excited to see what you become and how you choose to influence the world. 🌍 (Eligible for children and adults with student cards. Some restrictions apply.)
#backtoschoolsale #eyewearsale
Make a comprehensive eye exam part of your September tune up!🙌🏻
This is a perfect time for Canadians to get a comprehensive eye exam to ensure optimal eye health and vision for themselves and those they love. It is one of the least invasive steps you can take to protect your overall health. The comprehensive eye exam can help an optometrist identify underlying health conditions, including early warning signs of diseasess such as hypertension, high cholesterol, vascular disease, thyroid disease, brain tumors and diabetes.
You can have 20/20 vision and also have an eye disease. An optometrist evaluates a number of factors that determine your vision and eye health and then makes recommendations for treatment.
Book an appointment today for your comprehensive eye exam!
#eyeexam #eyehealth
(Source: CanadianOpto. “The Eye Exam.” The Canadian Association of Optometrists.
September calls for back to school and your child may need updated glasses or contact lenses to help with their learning.
When deciding on the best type of vision correction for your child, you have options to consider. The first choice would be glasses but many children as young as 8 years old can also be very successful contact lens wearers. Special glasses and contacts even reduce the progression of your child’s myopia. Be sure to ask about those.
At Pacific Eye Doctors we have endless choices for either eyeglasses or contact lenses that will help correct your child's vision.
Book an appointment today for more information on which eyewear solution is best for your child!
(Source: CanadianOpto. “Contacts for Children.” The Canadian Association of Optometrists.
#eyeglassesforchildren #contactlensesforchildren
We love a Back-to-School Sale! 🍎 Here’s ours for 2024: Pay full price for 1 complete set of regular priced glasses and get either:
1) BOGO: A FREE 2nd set of glasses from our Pacific Package with blue-blocker or glare-free, OR
2) $135 off a 2nd set of glasses from our regular-priced selection.
Our Back to School sale runs until Sept 30, 2024. Best of luck to all of our community members enriching themselves through academics this season! 👩🎓 We’re proud of you and we’re so excited to see what you become and how you choose to influence the world. 🌍 (Eligible for children and adults with student cards. Some restrictions apply.)
#backtoschoolsale #eyewearsale
Need an easy, hydrating eyelid and face cleansing spray?
At Pacific Eye Doctors we have I-LID ’N LASH® HOCL cleansing spray formulard with 0.02% pure HOCI for eyelids and lashes.
This water based cleanser is used to improve eye hygiene for optimal lid and lash health.
Call or book an appointment online to inquire more about how this product might be right for you!
#eyecleanser #eyehealth #eyehygiene
We have great news! We are now offering our patients the Macumira treatment, Canada’s 1st clinically proven and Health Canada approved TREATMENT FOR DRY AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION!
Macumira uses painless microcurrent therapy delivered across closed eyelids to stimulate cells, improving cellular function and clearance of waste. A clinical study completed by Coquitlam ophthalmologist, Dr. Kevin Parkinson, showed that those treated resulted in vision, on average, that was a full two lines better on the acuity chart compared to those not treated. That’s a very big difference.
Keep in mind that individual results vary. For some the results are small and for others they are life changing.
Make an optometrist appointment today for a comprehensive exam to see if you qualify!
#macumiratreatment #agerelatedmaculardegeneration #eyecare