Lots of changes are happening in my body — How about you?!
Download my FREE Menopause Support Menu Plan for recipes and tips on what to eat to thrive during this exciting time of life.
👉 Type menopause in the comments and let’s address those hormonal changes you’re experiencing.
#increasemetabolism #healthythyroid #irregularmenstruation #naturalenergybooster #functionalmedicinedoctors #sustainnutrition #naturalsupplementsthatwork #inspirationsunday #encouragementoftheday #hormonalimbalances #womenshormonehealth #moodsupport #healthyhappyhormones #hormonehealthy #hormoneexpert #acnesolution #naturalsupplements #lasertherapy #liverdetox #weightmanagement #healthyfoodeating #autoimmunediet #nourishingfoods #energizing #acnetips #metabolicbalance #acneproblems #menopausesupport #healthyhormones #menopausenutrition
If you are between the ages of 35-50 and just not feeling like yourself...
#acnesolution #lasertherapy #liverdetox #naturalsupplements #weightmanagement #metabolicbalance #nourishingfoods #balancedlife #healthyfoodeating #hormonalimbalance #autoimmunediet #healthyhormones #moodsupport #energizing #acneproblems #acnetips #menopausesupport #increasemetabolism #irregularmenstruation #naturalenergybooster #functionalmedicinedoctors #hormonehealthy #hormoneexpert #perimenopausehealth #hormonebalance #perimenopausesupport #perimenopausenutrition #perimenopauserelief #womenshormones #womenshormonehealth
It is the end of an era. Please join me in wishing Erin all the blessings in the world as she transitions to spending more time at home with her family.
We have been through literally everything together…babies, weddings, death, illness, sorrow, joy, tears, laughter, grief, frustration, surgeries, staff, moves, excitement, disappointment and most of all friendship.
Thank you for 10 years!
Wishing you the all the best from my heart to yours💕
Let's talk about ⭐ PROTEIN ⭐
Protein is the single most important nutrient for weight loss and optimal metabolism. However, many people struggle to get enough healthy protein in their daily diet, making it challenging to reap the benefits.
My High Protein Bundle is your convenient solution, providing everything you need to effortlessly incorporate a higher protein diet into your daily routine. By following this scientifically-backed program, you’re on the path to sustained weight loss, stable blood sugar, reduced inflammation, balanced blood sugar, and healthy hormones. The High Protein Bundle is not just a collection of recipes and guidelines, it’s a comprehensive plan designed to deliver real results.
Link to purchase in my bio!
#increasemetabolism #irregularmenstruation #liverdetoxification #perimenopauserelief #womenshormonehealth #healthyhappyhormones #lasertherapy #naturalsupplements #acneproblems #balancedlife #liverdetox #acnesolution #metabolicbalance #moodsupport #hormonalimbalance #autoimmunediet #acnetips #menopausesupport #energizing #perimenopausesupport #weightmanagement #perimenopausenutrition #healthyfoodeating #naturalenergybooster #shopmapleridge #boostmetabolism #highprotein #metabolismboost #metabolismbooster #menopausehe
How can you soften the effects of wildly fluctuating estrogen levels during perimenopause?
If you're around 35-50 years old, are not feeling like yourself and experiencing symptoms related to changing estrogen levels, I'd love to work with you to balance your hormones naturally. You CAN feel like yourself again!
Book an appointment: http://www.drcobi.com/booking
#perimenopausenutrition #hormoneexpert #chronicsymptoms #naturalenergybooster #healthyhormonesforwomen #perimenopausesupport #estrogendominance #acnesolution #lasertherapy #weightmanagement #naturalsupplements #menopausesupport #moodsupport #acneproblems #hormonalimbalance #acnetips #healthyhormones #energizing #balancedlife #nourishingfoods #hormonebalance #naturalsupplementsthatwork #perimenopauserelief #autoimmunediet #sustainnutrition #personalizedweightloss #liverdetoxification #healthyhappyhormones #functionalmedicinedoctors #womenshormonehealth
I thought I would introduce myself, Dr. Cobi Slater, doctor of natural medicine. I have a PhD in Natural Health Sciences, I’m a functional medicine practitioner, a hormone expert, and a nutritionist.
I love helping people get to the root of their issues. I really love diving in and figuring out the “why” behind your symptoms.
If you’re struggling with any type of chronic symptoms, especially anything that might be hormone related, I would love to connect with you and work with you to get onto the path of optimal health.
I’m based out of Maple Ridge in British Columbia, Canada and work with people all over the world.
#acneskin #acneproneskin #hairtissuemineralanalysis #acneproblems #acnetips #naturalstressmanagement #irregularmenstruation #healingthegut #wordsofencouragement #naturalsupplementsthatwork #liverdetox #cleaneatingrecipes #hormonalimbalance #perimenopausesupport #pmsrelief #womenshormonehealth #menopausesupport #moodsupport #healthyhappyhormones #energizing #hormonetesting #naturalmedicine #lasertherapy #healthythyroid #chronicsymptoms #naturalweightmanagement #moldsickness #functionalmedicinelabtest #hormoneexpert #functionalmedicinedoctors
I hear this from family, friends and patients a lot:
"I am so stressed."
"I am so busy."
"I am juggling so much."
It's true — There are many things competing for our time and energy. This results in mental and emotional drain and often physical symptoms as well. While it may be difficult to eliminate all areas of stress, you can being to incorporate small habits into your life.
👉 What are some of the daily habits that you engage in?
👉 Are you willing to show up differently for yourself?
Watch and learn some ways that you can address your stress naturally and effectively, including some of my favourite @genestrabrandsca products.
#naturalsupplements #weightmanagement #lasertherapy #balancedlife #liverdetox #nourishingfoods #yougothis #healthyhormones #acneprone #metabolicbalance #moodsupport #acnesolution #acnetips #acneproblems #functionalmedicinedoctors #moldsickness #adrenalhealth #cleaneatingkids #cleaneatingdiet #hormonalimbalance #renewyourself #encouragementoftheday #perimenopauserelief #perimenopausesupport #healthyhappyhormones #hormonetesting #MyGenestraMoment #MonMomentGenestra #AD
Are you experiencing chronic health issues that will just not resolve? Gut issues, inflammation, low energy, chronic pain, adrenal health, etc.
Let's get to the root cause of your chronic health issues!
People who have trapped trauma in their bodies often have a hard time achieving health. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) testing is coming soon to Essential Health and Wellness. Join my waitlist and be one of the first to start on the path to healing through a psychoneuroimmunology lens: https://telus99765.ac-page.com/htma-testing-waiting-list
#lasertherapy #naturalsupplements #weightmanagement #balancedlife #metabolicbalance #nourishingfoods #acnetips #acneprone #healthyhormones #acneproblems #acnesolution #liverdetox #htma #chronicillnesses #gettotherootcause #rootcauseanalysis #toxicfreeliving #adrenalfatiguehealing #autoimmunedisorders #mitochondrialhealth #rootcausemedicine #naturaldoctor #hormonetesting #detoxifying #detoxyourlife #naturalmedicine #cleanseyourbody #hormonebalancing #functionalmedicine #naturalhealth
Are you experiencing chronic health issues that will just not resolve? Gut issues, inflammation, low energy, chronic pain, adrenal health, etc.
Let’s get to the root cause of your chronic health issues!
People who have trapped trauma in their bodies often have a hard time achieving health. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) testing is coming soon to Essential Health and Wellness.
Join my waitlist and be one of the first to start on the path off healing through a psychoneuroimmunology lens: Link in bio
#lasertherapy #naturalsupplements #weightmanagement #balancedlife #metabolicbalance #nourishingfoods #acnetips #acneprone #healthyhormones #acneproblems #acnesolution #liverdetox #htma #chronicillnesses #gettotherootcause #rootcauseanalysis #toxicfreeliving #adrenalfatiguehealing #autoimmunedisorders #mitochondrialhealth #rootcausemedicine #naturaldoctor #hormonetesting #detoxifying #detoxyourlife #naturalmedicine #cleanseyourbody #hormonebalancing #functionalmedicine #naturalhealth
SAVE 25% on laser therapy package• purchases from Decmeber 11-15!
Over 4000 studies have been conducted in recent years to validate the effectiveness of cold laser therapy and have deemed it highly effective in the treatment and reversal of numerous conditions such as:
• Muscle and tendon tears
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Golfer/tennis elbow
• Achilles tendonitis
• Rotator cuff tears
• Lower back pain
• Frozen shoulder
• Headaches
• Bursitis
• Neck pain
• Knee injuries
• Osteoarthritis
• Torn ligaments
• Plantar fasciitis
• Eczema, psoriasis, acne
• And more
Limited spaces remaining to join the Metabolic Balance Weight Loss Program at SALE price.
This weight loss program starts with 35 lab tests that influence the personalization of your nutrition plan — no plans are the same!
In addition to weight loss, people experience:
• reduced inflammation
• hormonal balance
• better sleep
• less gut and bowel issues
• improved immune function
You will not regret this investment in your health!
Claim one of the remaining spots: Link in bio
#acnesolution #functionalmedicinedoctors #adrenalhealth #cleaneatingkids #perimenopauserelief #healthyhappyhormones #hormonetesting #weightmanagement #lasertherapy #naturalsupplements #yougothis #acneproblems #liverdetox #metabolicbalance #acnetips #moodsupport #acneprone #healthyhormones #naturalsupplementsthatwork #pmsrelief #shopmapleridge #sleepbetter #naturalmedicine #perimenopausesupport #hormonalimbalances
Save 20% on supplements and products!*
Use discount code BELIEVE20
Shop now: https://store.drcobi.com
*Appointments with Dr. Cobi, testing and treatments not included in this sale. Can not use gift cards during sale. Limit of 2 bottles per item, per order. No refunds or exchanges on sale purchases.
#weightmanagement #lasertherapy #naturalsupplements #balancedlife #liverdetox #metabolicbalance #acneproblems #adaptandovercome #yougothis #acneprone #moodsupport #nourishingfoods #acnesolution #healthyhormones #acnetips #eattoheal #menopauseweightloss #cleaneatingdiet #womenswellness #healthyfoodeating #healingnaturally #shopmapleridge #naturalmedicine #hormonebalancing #autoimmunediet #estrogendominance #perimenopauserelief #hormonetesting #perimenopausesupport #perimenopausehealth
Metabolic Balance is a lifestyle weight loss program where people see reduced inflammation, digestive healing, reduced hot flashes, improved sleep and mental clarity. This program includes 35 detailed lab tests that influence a prescribed, personalized nutrition plan consisting of whole foods that you can find at your local grocery store. One-on-one meetings and group support are included over a three- to four-month program period. Metabolic Balance makes weight loss attainable and sustainable!
Learn more: Link in bio
#weightloss #metabolicbalance #nutritionplan #weightmanagement #menopauseweightloss #perimenopausehealth #personalizedweightloss #nourishingfoods #healthyhormones #perimenopausesupport #hormonebalancing #perimenopauserelief #eattoheal
Support your immune system with natural herbal extracts in Immunity Tincture from the Dr. Cobi Healing Herbals collection!
#acneproblems #acnetips #acneprone #acnesolution #naturalweightmanagement #stressmanagement #lasertherapy #weightmanagement #healthythyroid #irregularmenstruation #pmssymptoms #functionalmedicinedoctors #sustainnutrition #perimenopausenutrition #balancedlife #detoxliver #liverdetox #naturalskincare #healthyhormonesforwomen #nourishingfoods #healthyfoodeating #autoimmunediet #perimenopauserelief #perimenopausesupport #womenshormonehealth #healingthyroid #healthyhappyhormones #healthyhormones #healingherbals #naturalsupplements #hormoneexpert #immunesupport
Dr Cobi Healing Herbals: Clear Skin
• Clear your skin from the inside out. If you're struggling with acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis or your skin is not looking as healthy as you want it — this is going to bring vitality to your skin naturally!
You’re invited to my FREE Live Online webinar and learn 3 Strategies for Proven Weight Loss in Menopause
September 13 @ 6:00pm (PDT/Vancouver)
Register with the link in my bio
If you have been trying everything to lose weight yet you are still not seeing results, this Masterclass is for you!
Inside this live session, we will review the top 3 strategies for proven weight loss in menopause, plus natural solutions and strategies to help you see greater results from your efforts.
What we will dive into inside this webinar:
👉 The hidden insulin connection
👉 The top 3 hormone issues that cause weight gain
👉 How snacking sabotages your weight loss
👉 How stress is impacting the hidden weight gain hormone and sabotaging your sleep (and how to naturally restore this!)
👉Learn how certain foods are contributing to your weight gain, skin conditions, digestive issues, joint pain, mood swings and what you can do to discover which foods are effecting you
(If you are unable to make this event live, register to receive instant access to the replay.)
#acnesolution #lasertherapy #irregularmenstruation #shopmapleridge #perimenopausenutrition #balancedlife #liverdetox #healthyhormonesforwomen #eattoheal #autoimmunediet #healthyhormones #naturalsupplements #menopausehelp #menopausesymptoms #menopauseweightloss #functionalmedicine #menopause #menopausesupport #womenshormonehealth #healthyhappyhormones #naturalhealth #hormonebalancing #womenswellness #onlinenutritioncoach #healingnaturally #eatwholefoods #nutritionaltherapypractioner #healthyfoodeating #cleaneatingdiet #cleaneatingrecipes
Salt Therapy!!! You have to try this!