Tammy Nutrition
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- Ottawa, ON
- Tammy Nutrition
email: [email protected]
IG: tammynutrition Menopause and mood disorders
Do you read your food’s nutrition labels?
Many foods, even the ones marketed as healthy food, contain ingredients you should be avoiding.
As I prepare for the Food & Mood workshop this Saturday at 9am an NU Grocery, I thought I would share this easy breakfast recipee.
Breakfast is the most impotant meal of the day to start you day off on the right foot. What you eat for breakfast is equally important.
You should always begin your day with a protein and fiber. The fiber helps keep your blood sugar stable (needed both for your brain health and if you're trying to lose weight) and protein keeps you full (as well as being loaded with amino acids that make hormones such ad seratonin our feel good hormone).
✔1 banana, frozen
✔1/2 cup cooked red lentils
✔3/4 cup unsweetened nut milk
✔2 teaspoon cocoa powder unsweetened
✔1 tablespoon maple syrup
✔1 teaspoon chia seeds (optional)
✔Handful of spinach (optional)
Combine and blend!
Come and join me Saturday February 25th as I discuss how nutrition, lifestyle, gut health and thyroid can impact our mood along with food and lifestyle recommendations.
Register on Eventbrite
Looking for a delicious comforting soup this winter.
This one is my favourite!
Mulligawtawny Soup
- 1 1/4 lbs of boneless/skinless chicken thighs (for vegetarian options use lentils or chickpeas).
- 1 large onion
- 1 cup chopped celery
- 1 cup chopped carrots
- 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
- 1-2 peeled and chopped apples
- 1 can coconut milk
- 1/3 cup brown rice
- juice from lime
- cilantro
- a pinch red hot pepper flakes
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon cumin
- 4-5 cloves of minced garlic
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 tablespoon curry powder
Ok so how many of you are starting to feel like you may have over indulged during the holidays? How many of you are already thinking that beginning in the New Year you're going to go on a diet, start the gym or maybe even do some sort of "detox" to rid yourself of toxins and/or those extra pounds you may have put on? Or maybe this is the year you want to start eating healthier.
With so may diets and detoxes advertised that claim to do such things as eliminate toxins, quarantee weight loss and even give you more energy. How you decide which one is right for you???
I love to see people make their health a priority but there is so much information out there that I have written this to help you make more informed choices.
So what exactly are detox diets?
Well, these diets claim to:
✔help you lose weight
✔increase your energy
✔reduce inflammation
✔clean your blood and eliminate harmful toxins from your body.
Most detox diets involve at least one of the following:
• Fasting for 1–3 days.
• Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, water, and tea.
• Drinking only specific liquids, such as salted water or lemon juice.
• Taking supplements or herbs.
• Using laxatives, colon cleanses, or enemas.
Unfortunately detox diets if not done properly can:
✔Mess up your metabolism. Once you stop, you will gain any lost weight right back and then some.
✔Lose muscle mass. This will make any future weight loss even more difficult.
✔Can leave you feeling tired, irritable, lacking concentration, achy, hungry and just generally not feeling well.
There are those that claim that they feel more focused and energised during and after a detox diet. However the improved well-being may simply be due to the elimination of processed and refined foods, sugar, food additives, alcohol and other unhealthy substances combined with an increase in nutrients that may have been lacking beforehand.
There is also no scientific evidence that these diets can actually detox the body since our bodies already do a great job of this already. Our liver, kidneys, gut/intestines, and skin are all detox organs. It is their job to remove/eliminate toxins from our body.
However, with the environment becoming increasingly contaminated with everything from heavy metals to plastics and pesticides we are taking in more toxins which have our bodies working harder than ever to keep our cells healthy, clear and functioning optimally. When left unchecked, pollutants, chemicals and other toxins in the air, water and yes even in our food combined with stress from our daily lives can build up and have major health implications over time.
I am not opposed to the concept of "detoxing", however; the best way to do this is to support our detox organs/pathways on a daily basis through what we eat and our lifestyle. It is the habits we do each day that keep us healthy and feeling good. Not the quick fixes. By maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle you will not need to starve yourself. In fact you can eat a huge variety of foods from all the food groups. This will leave you feeling more energised, having more focus and mental clarity as well as lose those extra pounds and keep them off. So how can we support our detox organs/pathways? Here are a few recommendations:
✅Eat a variety of fresh whole foods from all the food groups (carbohydrates, protein and fats) in a rainbow of colours.
✅Practice stress management (mindfulness, meditation, yoga, journaling etc)
✅Drinking 2-3L of water per day
✅Some form of movement that makes you sweat at least 3x per week
✅Switching out your cleaning products, laundry detergent, soaps, deodorant, shampoo, makeup etc. for items with more natural ingredients.
As you add more whole/real foods into your diet reduce or better yet eliminate the following:
❌Refined foods such as white sugar and flour.
❌The boxed, tinned and packaged foods - the foods with labels that have ingredients you cannot pronounce or even know what they are.
If you are looking for a sustainable lifestyle that will allow you to eat plenty of food, increase your energy, improve your mood and mental clarity along with weight loss, send me a message.
I am taking on new clients in January 2023.
Here is a simple yet delicious recipe for this holiday season. You can even make them ahead of time since they store well in the freezer.
For all my running/hiking/skiing friends. These are full of potassium and magnesium too!
✔1 cup of pitted dates. ( I use Medjool dates).
✔¼ cup of pecans (whole or halves).
You can also substitute pecans for hazelnuts or almonds
✔3 ½ ounces dark chocolate
1. Finely chop dates or blend in a food processor until sticky.
2. With damp hands, roll the dates small even balls. Press the balls onto a pan lined with parchment paper, and top with pecans, pressing down slightly so that they stick. Then freeze for 10 minutes
3. In the meantime, microwave the chocolate at 50% power for 30 second increments until melted.
4. Using a fork, dip the dates into the melted chocolate until they are completely covered. Remove
and let the excess chocolate drip off. Return to parchment lined pan and repeat this step until all date balls are coated.
5. Return to freezer for 10 more minutes to set. Transfer to fridge until your ready to enjoy.
✔Store in airtight container. Good for up to 5 days or freeze them for up to 3 months.
✔An 8x8 baking dish makes about 12 servings.
✔Want more flavour – add a bit of vanilla and a pinch of salt.
Consumer Reports tested 28 dark chocolate bars and found cadmium and lead in all of them. Here's how to limit your heavy metal exposure.
What you eat directly effects your brain and ultimately how you feel.
Like an expensive car your brain requires high quality whole/real foods containing lots of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Without them, just like an expensive car, your brain will not function optimally. You may feel tired, irritable, moody and have difficulty concentrating. It may even contribute to feelings of anxiety.
Eating a diet high in processed and refined foods promotes inflammation and oxidative stress which can damage structures inside brain cells, poor insulin regulation as well as poor digestion all of which will impact your mood and your brain health.
My challenge to you is for the next week is to pay attention on how eating different foods makes you feel - not just in the moment - but a few hours after you eat and even the next day. Keep a journal.
Then for the following 2-3 weeks try eating a diet of mainly whole/real foods including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and eliminating foods that come out of a factory - the tinned and boxed foods as well as fast food, white flour and sugar. Again see how you feel.
After the 2-3 weeks of eating a diet of whole/real foods slowly start to add back the processed foods.
You may be surprised at how much better you feel both emotionally and physically eating a whole food diet. ❤
If you need some recipees ideas to get you started, leave your name in the comments.
Healthy eating does not need to be difficult. It just takes some organisation.
Life is busy. I get that so my recommendation is to take a few hours each week to meal plan and meal prep.
This could look like cooking up a batch of chicken breasts that can be used for multiple meals, chopping up your veggies, maybe even roasting a batch of root vegetables and cooking somes legumes, chickpeas, quinoa and brown rice so you have these ready to give. You can then easily pull together nutritious meals throughout the week.
Need some recipees ideas? Add your name in the comments and I will send you a FREE 4 week meal plan.
Perimenopause and Beyond
Can you relate to any of these:
✔Weight gain
✔Fatigue/Low energy
✔Hot flashes
✔Poor sleep
✔Mood swings
✔Trouble concentrating
✔Brain fog
✔Want to make nutrition and lifestyle
changes to feel good and be healthy
as well as increase your healthspan
and longevity.
Contact me:
[email protected] for a free consultation.
On a scale of 1 to 10 what is your energy level?
This Sunday come join me and for the 4th annual Fall Colours Hike/Run.
WHEN: Sunday October 16th
WHERE: P17 Wakefield
TIME: 9am-1pm
Bring hydration, snacks and a change of clothes (especially socks and shoes).
LENTILS - The next super food?
They contain B vitamins, magnesium zinc, potassium and phytoestrogens.
Phytoestrogens can help sooth some of those perimenopausal/menopausal symptoms.
Lentils are also a great source of both protein and fiber!
Protein helps keep you full in between meals as well as helps in the production of your hormones including seratonin - your feel good hormone.
Fiber is good for your gut health. It also keeps your cholesterol down and stabalizes your blood sugar.
Pair it with seasonal veggies (these are loaded with antioxidants) and BAM not only a delicious meal but one packed with nutrients your brain and body will love.
Fall is my favourite season. It is time of year when it starts to become darker earlier and the days cooler.
Fall is also the time of year we start eating more too. This actually makes sense since biologically we use to eat when food was plentiful because we never knew when our next meal was going to be available. The fall Harvest was associated with gathering crops and storing them for winter hibernation.
The soups and stews made from the fall crops including sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkins, beets, brussel sprouts and apples are not only comforting but packed with great nutrients. They're rich in fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants. They tend to have a lower glycemic index which is important for energy and insulin balance since they slow down the release of glucose (sugar) which is important for weight management, fighting cravings and reducing the risk of insulin resistance. So my recommendation to keep off the excess weight with increased appetite this season is to eat all the fresh and locally grown root vegetables harvested this time of year. They will also help keep the immune system strong too which is important these days especially with flu season approaching.
Did you know that how you live including your thoughts can impact your aging process? Have you ever wondered why someone who is 60 looks 40 and someone who is 40 looks 60?
While many factors affect aging and illness, research has also found that the length of our telomeres - the strands at the end of every chromosome - determines our health span. Telomeres shorten with each cell division and it is their length that determines our health span (the number of years we remain healthy, active and disease free). By keeping our chromosomes - telomeres - and cells healthy we can live a longer healthier life!
Our telomeres do not simply carry out commands issued by our genetic code but they also absorb the instructions you give them. The way you live can, in effect, tells your telomeres to speed up the aging process or slow it down. How fascinating it that!? By making simple changes in our daily habits such as:
✔quality sleep,
✔eliminating negative thoughts
✔and a whole foods diet
will help keep our telomeres from shortening.
Chronic stress, trauma, negative thinking, strained relationships, toxins and environmental pollutants, a diet high in processed refined foods and even living in the wrong neighborhood have been shown to eat away - shortening - our health span.
Some ways we can care for our telomeres and cellular health include:
- evaluate sources of persistent and intense stress. What can you change?
- become more self-compassionate and compassionate towards others;
- practice mindfulness;
- practice gratitude (did you know that when you are feeling grateful, you cannot feel anxious or stressed).
- be active; get off the couch and move!
- develop a sleep ritual for more restorative and longer sleep;
- Eating mindfully. Chose fresh whole foods.
- Connection with others. Disconnect from screens for part of the day;
- Cultivate a few close relationships;
- Spend time in nature
On a global level:
- clean up local and global toxins;
Did you know that when your gut is not functioning optimally it can have a huge impact on your mood, your energy and your mental clarity? Also, did you know that 90% of serotonin – your “feel good hormone”- is produced in the gut? Low serotonin can lead to symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. There is a gut-brain connection so how we look after our gut health has a huge impact on how we feel.
When you limit the processed and refined foods (foods that have labels on them with ingredients you do not know what they are – usually the boxed and tinned foods) from your diet and increase the foods your gut loves – the foods high in nutrients – the whole real foods - you will begin to not only see a shift in your digestion but also in your overall mood, energy and mental clarity.
More tips to improve gut health:
✔Chew your food!
✔Make sure you sit down to eat - do not eat on the run.
✔Do not eat when you are stressed
✔Make sure you're eating fibre with each meal
✔Try adding some fermented foods to your diet
✔Drink 2-3L of water a day but make sure you drink away from your meals.
✔Eliminate foods you are sensitive to.
If you are suffering from a mood disorder, low energy, brain fog and would like more information on how to improve your gut health, send me a message.
Lately I have been seeing a lot of advertisements about detox diets.
What exactly are detox diets?
Well, these diets claim to:
✔help you lose weight
✔increase your energy
✔reduce inflammation
✔clean your blood and eliminate harmful toxins from your body.
Most detox diets involve at least one of the following:
• Fasting for 1–3 days.
• Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, water, and tea.
• Drinking only specific liquids, such as salted water or lemon juice.
• Taking supplements or herbs.
• Using laxatives, colon cleanses, or enemas.
Unfortunately detox diets if not done properly can:
✔Mess up your metabolism. Once you stop, you will gain any lost weight right back and then some.
✔Lose muscle mass. This will make any future weight loss even more difficult.
✔Can leave you feeling tired, irritable, lacking concentration, achy, hungry and just generally not feeling well.
There are those that claim that they feel more focused and energised during and after a detox diet. However the improved well-being may simply be due to the elimination of processed and refined foods, sugar, food additives, alcohol and other unhealthy substances combined with an increase in nutrients that may have been lacking beforehand.
There is also no scientific evidence that these diets can actually detox the body since our bodies already do a great job of this already. Our liver, kidneys, gut/intestines, and skin are all detox organs. It is their job to remove/eliminate toxins from our body.
However, with the environment becoming increasingly contaminated with everything from heavy metals to plastics and pesticides we are taking in more toxins which have our bodies working harder than ever to keep our cells healthy, clear and functioning optimally. When left unchecked, pollutants, chemicals and other toxins in the air, water and yes even in our food combined with stress from our daily lives can build up and have major health implications over time.
I am not opposed to the concept of "detoxing", however; the best way to do this is to support our detox organs/pathways on a daily basis through what we eat and our lifestyle. It is the habits we do each day that keep us healthy and feeling good. Not the quick fixes. By maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle you will not need to starve yourself. In fact you can eat a huge variety of foods from all the food groups. This will leave you feeling more energised, having more focus and mental clarity as well as lose those extra pounds and keep them off. So how can we support our detox organs/pathways? Here are a few recommendations:
✅Eat a variety of fresh whole foods from all the food groups (carbohydrates, protein and fats) in a rainbow of colours.
✅Practice stress management (mindfulness, meditation, yoga, journaling etc)
✅Drinking 2-3L of water per day
✅Some form of movement that makes you sweat at least 3x per week
✅Switching out your cleaning products, laundry detergent, soaps, deodorant, shampoo, makeup etc. for items with more natural ingredients.
As you add more whole/real foods into your diet reduce or better yet eliminate the following:
❌Refined foods such as white sugar and flour.
❌The boxed, tinned and packaged foods - the foods with labels that have ingredients you cannot pronounce or even know what they are.
If you are looking for a sustainable lifestyle that will allow you to eat plenty of food, increase your energy, improve your mood and mental clarity along with weight loss, send me a message.
There is no one secret that explains why people in the Blue Zones enjoy long, healthy lives. It is a combination of factors including what they eat, their social networks (community), daily rituals, physical environments, and sense of purpose. All these things give their lives meaning.
Food may be a good starting point to a Blue Zone Way of life - not just the nutritional value from a whole/real food diet but also where food is grown, how it is prepared, the rituals that surround it, when it is consumed, and with whom.
Mealtimes in the Blue Zones is a time to give thanks, share stories, talk out problems, and bond as a family/community.
How you eat is as important as what you eat. Eating quickly promotes overeating and can double your risk of obesity.
A recent study found that children who eat with their families at least three times a week are more likely to be in normal weight range and have healthier eating patterns than those that don't.
Here are some suggestions you can start today to begin healthy eating habits for a longer and healthier life:
🥑Never eat while standing
🥑Never eat while driving
🥑When eating alone, just eat. Avoid reading, watching TV, perusing your phone or computer. All of these lead to faster eating and consuming too much.
🥑Establish a time and a family rule that everyone eats dinner together.
🥑Take a pause or a moment of silence before you eat. Take a moment to be mindful of what you are eating. This will not only improve digestion but help you make healthier meal choices.
🥑Chew your food. Savour each bite
🥑 Plate your food and then take it to the table and put leftovers away before start eating;
🥑Avoid factory made food, food wrapped in plastic, in a box or tin and ready to eat meals;
🥑 Shop for food at local farmers markets or community supported farms.
Want to get your day off to a good start? Have a protein and a fiber to start the day!
I recommend skipping those sugary cereals and muffins at breakfast. Sugary foods cause spikes and crashes in your blood sugar leaving you hungry, irtitable and craving more sugary snacks
Instead opt for foods that are high in fiber and protein.
Choosing foods that are high in fiber and protein will ensure a strong start to your day providing you with more energy, better concentration as well as help keep you feeling full until lunch time.
Although all food gives you energy, protein-rich foods keep you going longer because protein slows your body's absorption of carbohydrates. Protein also tempers blood sugar fluctuations, preventing spikes and crashes that leave you hungry and tired. Fiber stabilizes your blood sugar, keeping your energy level even, and adds bulk to help you stay full longer.
Here are some ideas to get a jump start on adding more protein and fiber to your breakfast:
✅ Black Been Omelet
- black beans
- eggs
- avocado
- cumin
- salsa
✅ Salmon Sandwich
- Spouted whole grain bread
-Greek yogurt
- baby greens
- Red onion
- tomatoes
- salmon
✅ Protein Smoothie
- protein powder
- berries
- spinach
- nut butter (cashew, almond)
- nut milk
What did you have for breakfast today?
For the summer months I have decided to eat a vegan/raw food diet. However, our bodies require all the macronutrients: carbohydrates including fiber, healthy fats and protein to function optimally and to help prevent disease. So since I am giving up meat, poultry and fish during this time I need to make sure I am still getting adequate protein in my diet from plant based sources.
Protein is an important macronutrient.
It helps repair and build your body's tissues including muscles. It is part of the process that fuels energy and carrys oxygen throughout your body in your blood. It also important for the immune system since helps make antibodies that fight off infections and illnesses as well as helps keep cells healthy and creates new ones.
Protein is also important for good brain health too since almost all neurotransmitters are made from it. As someone who suffers from anxiety this is important to me. If you are deficient in protetin your body will not be able to produce enough hormones such as seratonin and this can cause feelings of anxiety, depressed mood, insomnia and irritability.
So what are alternate sources?
Plant-based sources of “complete” protein (includes all the 9 essential amino acids the body does not produce that must come from diet) include:
🥑Chia Seeds
🥑Nutritional Yeast
🥑Blue-green algae (spiralina)
🥑Whole sources of soy (soybeans, tofu, edamame, tempeh, miso)
Other sources of plant based protein:
🥦Sunflower seeds
🥦Pumpkin seeds
🥦Chia & H**p seeds
🥦Brown Rice
If you are vegetarian or vegan you may need to combine plant-based proteins to meet your body's daily needs.
Protein combination ideas include:
🥬Nuts or seeds with whole grains (peanut butter on whole wheat toast)
🥬Whole grains & beans (beans & rice; hummus & pita bread)
🥬Beans with nuts or seeds (salad with chickpeas and sunflower seeds).
🥬Steel-cut oatmeal with pumpkin seeds or peanut butter
🥬Lentil soupwith whole grain bread
If you are vegan, you may want to consider supplementing vitamins B12 and D as well as Omega-3. Also, keep an eye on your iron but speak to your health practioner before taking an iron supplement.
If you are vegan, how do you ensure you're consuming enough protein?
While it's important to get enough protein in your diet, it's also crucial to ensure you're getting the right type of protein.
A quick refresher from science class: Protein is comprised of 20 amino acids; 11 of these amino acids are produced by the human body. For good health, we must get the other nine amino acids (called "essential amino acids") from the foods we eat. When a food contains all nine of these amino acids, it is called a "complete protein."
Which foods are complete proteins?
Animal proteins are complete, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy. There are also a few plant-based sources of complete protein, including:
• Quinoa
• Buckwheat
• H**pseed
• Blue-green algae
• Soybeans
Note: these sources may not contain as much protein per serving as animal products.
Don't get hung up on having to have a complete protein with every single meal, instead, aim for variety in your whole day.
Combining incomplete proteins to form a complete protein
If you're a vegetarian or vegan, or if you limit the amount of animal products you consume, you can combine incomplete, plant-based proteins to meet your body's needs. Combinations include:
• Nuts or seeds with whole grains (peanut butter on whole wheat toast)
• Whole grains with beans (beans and rice; hummus and pita bread; bean-based chili and crackers; refried beans and tortillas)
• Beans with nuts or seeds (salad with chickpeas and sunflower seeds)
Ottawa, ON
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Looking for a delicious comforting soup this winter. This one is my favourite! Mulligawtawny Soup - 1 1/4 lbs of boneless/skinless chicken thighs (for vegetarian options use lentils or chickpeas). - 1 large onion - 1 cup chopped celery - 1 cup chopped carrots - 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth - 1-2 peeled and chopped apples - 1 can coconut milk - 1/3 cup brown rice - juice from lime - cilantro Spices: - a pinch red hot pepper flakes - 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper - 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon cumin - 4-5 cloves of minced garlic - 2 bay leaves - 1 tablespoon curry powder
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