Awakening Your Truth - Joanna Alexopoulos

Awakening Your Truth - Joanna Alexopoulos Messenger of Truth | Visionary | Channeler | Spiritual Life Coach | Healer | Award-Winning Author |


Joanna holds a BA. and M.ED., is a wife, mother, grandmother, conscious channel, visionary, passionate awakened educator, highly attuned empathic healer, intuitive counsellor, reiki practitioner, and award-winning and best-selling author.

She is the founder of Awakening Your Truth, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist people in embracing their authentic power to direct positive

change in themselves, align with others and create an entire collaboration of healing for our planet. Joanna believes this will lead the way to peace, unity, and freedom on Earth.

Together with the higher beings, Joanna continues to help countless men and women create a happy, healthy, and meaningful life. Her love and compassion for humanity merge with that of the Ascended Masters’ and is deeply felt in her book and drives her mission in awakening others.
Transmissions that Joanna receives represent Divine wisdom and Universal Truth and have beneficial value to all. Joanna lives in Toronto, Canada with her family.

To find out more about Joanna, her new book, and her services

Hello dear hearts, You deserve special time for you! It's going to be a lovely weekend🌞 Do not miss out on this opportun...

Hello dear hearts,
You deserve special time for you!

It's going to be a lovely weekend🌞 Do not miss out on this opportunity to ground yourself in nature and allow the sounds of Crystal Bowls, Aboriginal Drums and Tibetan Chimes take you to a whole new level of frequency to deep healing of your Mind, Body and Soul.

It'll be a majestic experience whereby you will be supercharged to relax and incorporate the high vibrational energy that is offered you.

You will experience stress & anxiety reduction and bring your energy and physical systems back to their natural place of balance.
We are honoured to be a part of your journey 🙏🏼❤️

Follow your heart, not your mind, and sign up for only $25. Gratitude exchange appreciated (by Saturday) to [email protected] to secure your spot.

About Your Hosts:
Daniela of Rinnovo Holistic Healing is a Certified and Accredited Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT) Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master; Teacher, Sound Reiki Practitioner and Crystal Bowl Practitioner. Her passion for healing has emerged through her experience of overcoming breast cancer. She is passionate about assisting others in clearing stuck energy, empowering personal growth and reclaiming balance and clarity of mind, body and spirit.

Joanna is a messenger of divine truth, visionary, passionate awakened educator, highly attuned empathic healer, intuitive counsellor, reiki therapist, international book award winner and best-selling author. She is the founder of Awakening Your Truth, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist men and women in embracing their authentic power to direct positive change in themselves, align with others and create an entire collaboration of healing for our planet. She believes this will lead the way to peace, unity, and freedom on Earth. Joanna continues to help countless men and women create a happy, healthy, and meaningful life.

Toronto, Yonge/Sheppard

What to bring:
an open mind
yoga mat (optional) chairs available
comfortable clothing
spring water

❤️Contact Joanna with any questions 416-473-4325❤️

Hello beautiful souls 🥰 You are not alone. The Universe is by your side. God is here and your divine team is always with...

Hello beautiful souls 🥰 You are not alone. The Universe is by your side. God is here and your divine team is always with you. You are surrounded by many non-physical beings who want to help you. Be open to this and they will ✨🙏
I am a conscious channel for some of these high vibrational non-physical beings. They communicate in loving ways. There is a back and forth conversation that I love and I have learnt so much from them.
Information came through from a very special group, a collective called The Ascended Masters. This had to be shared. It wasn't only for me. It was for all of us! So I welcomed them to speak as they encouraged me to be their voice to deliver a resource that will help us all during this time of transition in our world.
You might ask... Well who are the Ascended Master?
Here is the Prologue from my book, Awaken to Your Truth: The Time Is Now, whereby The Masters reveal who they are and what their purpose is.

The Ascended Masters Reveal:
"We are ascended masters of the ninth dimension. We are highly evolved beings who have lived on the earth plane and are now in the highest realm in the life beyond, the everlasting life of Universal love.

We have chosen to collectively assist you in understanding basic concepts that you have forgotten. We have been sent to you by God to encourage, support, inspire and awaken you to the truth of who you are, to assist you in your path of rediscovery in an attempt in healing yourselves and your planet. We come with purity and love for all to lead the way in your self-discovery. We are everywhere and with everyone.

We speak to you at this time for this is the time of new beginnings. We wish to deliver messages that will create movement for grander advancements. We have walked on earth and know your (humanity’s pain). We see you. We feel you. We love you and want to help you. Our messages are of love and light.

Light essences of crystallized forms are penetrating the consciousness of your species at this time, with thoughts of highest form and inspiration to facilitate the shift that will transform you, to live a life that is free from the egoic state that is contributing to the demise of your species.

Living in your world has not been easy. It is time to regain your focus. It is time to slow down and think more clearly on where you are and where you are heading with the life that you are now leading.

This book will clarify what it is you need to know and what it is you need to do to get out of your minds and into your hearts, to create the change you desperately want in order to live your lives more fully. It will show you the way out of the darkness and into the light and wonder of the Oneness of who you really are".

Hope this speaks to you and you give this beautiful book a read. Open to any page and you'll receive the guidance that you need at the time you need it 🙏
To find out more
If you have read Awaken, I would love to know your thoughts. Please share as a review on Amazon to support this mission in elevating consciousness, one person at a time.
We are One family, the family of God.
Much love and blessings to you 🩷✨

Exciting things are happening😍Yup I'll be joining Alexandria Antoniou at this festival and I know it's going to be a lot...

Exciting things are happening😍Yup I'll be joining Alexandria Antoniou at this festival and I know it's going to be a lot of fun!!! She'll be reading tarot and Greek coffee cups, and I'll be showcasing my book and offering free channeled messages from The Ascended Masters, free bundles of crystals, and book signing.
Hope to see all of my friends and relatives there to support me. This is where I grew up so it'll be bringing back childhood memories🚶‍♀️

As we do what lights us up, we attract more and more abundance to live a . I am worthy of all and so are you. Believe this as this is the truth ✨😊✨

Friday 5-10:30 pm
Saturday 11-10 pm

Your ultimate   is to know yourself perfectly and completely ... to   who and what you really are. My global purpose is ...

Your ultimate is to know yourself perfectly and completely ... to who and what you really are. My global purpose is to assist you in your remembering.
Join me every last Sunday morning of every month to explore concepts of my new , that which will open your heart to the of . My mission and passion is servitude, in all ways possible. These are in-person events until otherwise guided😇

Blessed Sunday everyone.Moon Meditation is happening tonight! We welcome you to join us in this powerful experience. 🙏✨🌑...

Blessed Sunday everyone.
Moon Meditation is happening tonight! We welcome you to join us in this powerful experience. 🙏✨🌑

Hi everyone! We'd like to invite you to a blessed evening this Sunday, August 18th. This is for those spiritually inclin...

Hi everyone! We'd like to invite you to a blessed evening this Sunday, August 18th. This is for those spiritually inclined or otherwise, for those open to trying something new, those wishing a deeper connection with self, and/or for those seeking community. We're living in trying times and truly wish to be of service and help in any way we can. Free gatherings are well underway. These are on the last Sunday morning of every month. Events like this one will be on-going and are created to further support and enhance our development and growth.

Here's a description and how the evening shall run!

Nurture your emotional well-being by allowing the power of the full moon and the loving energy of community in meditation to cleanse and clear your energetic field and old patterns to create space for new. You will leave feeling more confident as you gain clarity and return to inner peace and joy.

7:15 - 7:30 pm
Meet & Greet/Settling in

7:30 - 7:45 pm
Inspirational Talk

7:45 - 8:10 pm
Breathwork + Mantra "LAM"
Guided Meditation

8:10 - 8:30 pm
Mindful Reflection/Journal
Optional Share/Q/A

8:30 - 9 pm
Closing with Gratitude Prayer

light, comfortable clothing
yoga mat or cushion (chairs will be provided)
crystal for charging (optional)

Meet your hosts Joanna and Geetu.
Joanna holds a BA. and M.ED., is a wife, mother, grandmother, channeler, visionary, passionate awakened educator, highly attuned empathic healer, intuitive counsellor, reiki therapist, international book award winner and best-selling author. She is the founder of Awakening Your Truth, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist people in embracing their authentic power to direct positive change in themselves, align with others and create an entire collaboration of healing for our planet. She believes this will lead the way to peace, unity, and freedom on Earth. Joanna continues to help countless men and women create a happy, healthy, and meaningful life. Her love and compassion for humanity merge with that of the Ascended Masters’ and is deeply felt in her book AWAKEN TO YOUR TRUTH: THE TIME IS NOW, and drives her mission in awakening others. Transmissions that Joanna receives represent Divine wisdom and Universal Truth and have beneficial value to all. Joanna lives in Toronto, Canada with her family.

Geetu is a mother of two boys. Her journey of soul searching and personal growth has spanned a course of over 30 years. As a former banker turned mindful living advocate, Geetu brings a unique blend of financial expertise and spiritual awareness to her interactions. She is a yoga enthusiast, with a passion for connecting with people, animals, and nature. Geetu is dedicated to helping others find their own path to mindful living and making a positive impact on the planet.

There are only 15 spots available as we'd like to keep this intimate. This event will be in the peaceful surroundings of Joanna's yard weather permitting🙏🌿🌕

To confirm, gratitude exchange of $10 is appreciated at [email protected]

Wishing everyone a happy day! Life is what you make it. Let's make it a fantastic day! Here's a little joy from my garde...

Wishing everyone a happy day! Life is what you make it. Let's make it a fantastic day! Here's a little joy from my garden🧡💜🧡

I love taking photos of the sky! Here's one that I absolutely love with a message from above 🤍✝️🤍The more aware we becom...

I love taking photos of the sky! Here's one that I absolutely love with a message from above 🤍✝️🤍The more aware we become the grandeur the guidance from above😇

"You are never alone. You are always guided and supported by a much greater power. Acknowledge this truth. Allow yourself the support that you are wishing and deserving." Ascended Masters speak in Awaken To Your Truth: The Time Is Now.

Thank you everyone for thinking of me on my birth day and taking the time to send me blessings. I love you all. We are a...

Thank you everyone for thinking of me on my birth day and taking the time to send me blessings. I love you all. We are all family, all loved and appreciated. God bless you 🙌🌺

Here's a little about me.
My philosophy is ....

I do what makes me happy.

Self care is 1st priority every single day. I don't force anything. I do what feels right.

I don't care what others think. It's none of my business.

I accept all that comes. I find the lessons and move on in peace and gratitude.

I find solutions to make my life easier. I never create problems.
No thing upsets me. I let things go easily.

What I allow into my body is pure and natural ... organic as much as possible. I know my physical vessel embodies my soul. I honor and respect it.

What I allow into my mind is of high vibration. I'm mindful of what I watch on TV, what music I listen to, who I surround myself with. I don't feed into negative discourse.

I live with love in my heart, with forgiveness, gratitude, and happiness.

Our world has it all wrong ...

What others think is what matters. How much you have measures your worth. Stress is considered normal.

Most do what's expected/don't think for themselves. Trust the health care system/do not do their own research. See black and white, not the grey in between. Believe all the lies that've been fed to our world for millennia. The truth is too hard to bear.

My wish for all is to see the light and live in peace, joy and harmony with each other. My vision is a world filled with splendor, driven by love.

We can have this as quickly as we want it because it all starts with each individual taking responsibility for what we are offering our world.


Hello Toronto and surrounding area family and friends,I'd like to invite you to my book launch at North York Central Lib...

Hello Toronto and surrounding area family and friends,

I'd like to invite you to my book launch at North York Central Library, Toronto, this Saturday 2-3 pm (Rm.101) where I'll be sharing excerpts from the book, followed by thought-provoking conversation about its themes. This will be followed by questions from the audience, a book sale and signings. Would love to see you there and it's FREE!

I'll also be at a booth at Mel Lastman Square on Monday, Canada Day, from 12-1:30 pm! Pass by to say hello and check out my new book, a guide that will literally change your life! ✨💗✨

Looking forward to meeting some new faces this weekend. Keep well 🥰

To learn more

At this time in history. when a giant step in our evolution is upon us, this book couldn't be more timely, pinpointing exactly what is transpiring on Earth and providing direction and encouragement on the work ahead. I highly recommend it. P. Dennis–Author, Hypnotist

Hi everyone! I'm passionate about helping our world be a better place to live. Fortunately we can do our part, because i...

Hi everyone! I'm passionate about helping our world be a better place to live. Fortunately we can do our part, because it all begins with everyone taking responsibility. My mission is to help you awaken to who your truly are, find your purpose, and live in joy, peace, and harmony. Awaken is an asset for everyone to have during this time of transition and transformation as we're going through some pretty heavy reality.. This book is here to guide you to stay centred and balanced and align with your heart.

I would like to personally invite you to celebrate my book launch with me at North York Central Library Toronto Public Library - North York Central Library (5120 Yonge Street Toronto), this Saturday 2-3 pm.

I will share excerpts from the book, followed by thought-provoking conversation about its themes. This will be followed by questions from the audience, a book sale and signings. This is a free event and I would love to meet you in person. I appreciate your support on social media; this would take our connection to the next level. ✨🙏🩷

I am delighted our councillor Lily Cheng will be joining us. ☺️

Join us the Book Launch of AWAKEN TO YOUR TRUTH. Don't miss out on this free event filled with connection and inspiration!

Hello Toronto family & friends🥰 Am excited with the release of my new book Awaken To Your Truth: The Time Is Now 🥂and ca...

Hello Toronto family & friends🥰
Am excited with the release of my new book Awaken To Your Truth: The Time Is Now 🥂and can't wait to share it with you! Looking forward to meeting you during MEET YOUR NEIGHBOUR WEEK starting this weekend on Saturday, June 15th!

Hope you come out to Edithvale Park on Saturday anytime between 1-4 pm (next to the Community Centre) for inspiring, thought-provoking "real" talk and the opportunity to win a complimentary REIKI session as well as a HIGH VIBRATIONAL MEDITATION session 💫

Claim your copy and receive energetically charged gifts that will enhance your growth and well-being.

Much love & blessings,
Joanna 🩷✨

Drop by and say Hello anytime!
🌿Saturday, June 15th - 1-4pm EDITHVALE PARK
🌿Wednesday, June 19th - 6 -8 pm 274 BETTY ANNE DRIVE
🌿Sunday, June 23rd - 2-5 pm EDITHVALE PARK

I live my life on my terms. Have no care to meet expectations of others. No longer care what others think and ...THIS . ...

I live my life on my terms. Have no care to meet expectations of others. No longer care what others think and ...


Comment YES if you get me!😉

Great things are happening😀Am excited to share I will be book signing at The Author's Gathering this Thursday evening.It...

Great things are happening😀

Am excited to share I will be book signing at The Author's Gathering this Thursday evening.

It'll be an evening of inspiration and fun.

You will have the opportunity to ...

✅chat with other authors, media, writing coaches, marketing professionals, and book publishers.

✅listen to ✨inspiring topic discussions and ✨receive messages from spirit.

Coffee/tea & light buffet dinner is included (with vegan & gluten-free options)

✨Each guest is gifted a Book Bundle Gift Set

✨Freebies at my table for guests who purchase my book.🥰

If you've already bought my book, remember to bring it so I can sign it and to pick up your free gift 🌺

Would love to meet you in person! Hope to see you there. 🫶

Link to find out more




You have free will & choice to live your life by your design. Be your own boss!







HAPPY NEW MONTH beautiful people! Blessings for wonderfully productive and fun-filled days ahead with no stress and worr...

HAPPY NEW MONTH beautiful people! Blessings for wonderfully productive and fun-filled days ahead with no stress and worry. You can create this. Believe you can and you will 😘🌺

My self-publishing experience is moving along fantastically well!!!! I am so very grateful to have had so many people come together over the last few days to support the launch of my new book. And I am super excited to know that the book is now being read by thousands of people all over the world. 🌏🪐✨

Amazon stats show my book is
#1 in Spiritual Self-Help Books
#4 in Women's Biographies

That's pretty COOL! 😃

This is the last day you can download this book for FREE, and learn the concepts that took thousands of hours and dollars to acquire.
You guys are AWESOME!

And remember to tell your friends about this opportunity before the price goes up.

Grab your copy NOW and join THE AWAKENING TRIBE ✨🌿💌

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Srinivasan, महात्मा पांडेय, Effie Kapodi...

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Srinivasan, महात्मा पांडेय, Effie Kapodistrias

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟“A work of art with many refreshing and exciting revelations! Thank you for putting clarity and hope into the realm...

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟“A work of art with many refreshing and exciting revelations! Thank you for putting clarity and hope into the realm of a higher and spiritual order that we all need in this time of world-wide chaos and negativity Joanna!” –Marji, Wellness Counselor

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟“What a powerful, barrier-shattering book! Joanna Alexopoulos’ words are targeted at breaking down every wall that cages humanity, including religion, negative societal norms, inequality, and more. The messages are not only motivational but also beautiful and pleasing to reflect on.” –Faluso, Writer & Editor

There is no time like the present to say YES to life!!! You deserve to be happy and live a with purpose. Afterall, is your birthright!!!

You have come to the right place. This book is for you …
✅if there’s a burning desire within you for knowledge &
✅if you feel called to a higher purpose
✅if you are not comfortable with the way life is

This journey is for YOU, the brave ones who are ready to take charge and create A NEW NARRATIVE that will assist in creating a more loving and kinder existence.

Are you ready to …
✅receive the WISDOM, GUIDANCE, and HEALING energy within these pages?
✅unlock the keys to CONSCIOUS MANIFESTATION to living a fulfilling, purposeful life?
✅FREE YOURSELF from all your blocks and make an IMPACT ON THIS WORLD?

Say YES to an Extraordinary Journey that will ! This book will show you how.

The messages in Awaken To Your Truth are Divinely charged to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, and EMPOWER to activate your Highest Potential.

💐2024 is YOUR BIG YEAR

💫 is calling.

🙏 await you.

It’s time to move forward with confidence and assurance you’re on the right path to , , LOVE, and JOY.

Click on the link and GRAB YOUR COPY of this Award-Winning Book, offered FREE for A LIMITED TIME ONLY!

I am eager to show you how EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE because you are that POWERFUL.

No longer live in your mind with doubt and insecurity. Say YES to a WHOLE NEW LIFE, one that you rightfully deserve!!!


To Learn More

At this time in history. when a giant step in our evolution is upon us, this book couldn't be more timely, pinpointing exactly what is transpiring on Earth and providing direction and encouragement on the work ahead. I highly recommend it. P. Dennis–Author, Hypnotist

Thank you everyone for your love and blessings for my big win today!!! 🥰Don't miss out on the opportunity to download yo...

Thank you everyone for your love and blessings for my big win today!!! 🥰

Don't miss out on the opportunity to download your copy for FREE today and possibly tomorrow.




Your Spirit Guides are always with you. You are never alone. They love you and want to connect with you. Welcome them into your day.

I have been communicating with spirit for almost 15 years now through different forms ... ecstatic dance, color, sound, physical signs, however automatic writing is primary as it allows for a conversational experience.

I journal and they answer my personal questions pronto 😊 and also offer Universal messages to share with all🙏

Trust and believe EVERYONE has their own Divine team. They are your invisible mentors who love you unconditionally.

My book "Awaken To Your Truth" is guidance from Spirit. Accept the guidance that is already there and connect with your own guides.

"Awaken" will help you step out of fear to open and allow all that is there already for you.

You are a Divine being. Recognize this and accept your MAGNIFICENCE ✨️😇🩷

My new book will be released Feb 28th. Link is in the 1st comment to pre-prder ebook if that's what you prefer.

God bless you 🙏🩷🙌

Happy Family Day beautiful people. 💗There are many who feel a sense of loss with no close relations with their immediate...

Happy Family Day beautiful people. 💗

There are many who feel a sense of loss with no close relations with their immediate family.... Please remember everyone is at different places on their life journey and they understand things at their own level. They were there to teach you ...

I am grateful for all the lessons I've learned through being born into my family and now for the wonderful people in my life who love me and accept me exactly as I am, even though at times they don't get me lol.

God bless 🫶

As I awake to a new day I remember the power of my thoughts that become my words and manifest into my reality. I choose ...

As I awake to a new day I remember the power of my thoughts that become my words and manifest into my reality.

I choose to feel good and am excited about the prospects of this new day!

I know when I feel good, only good things materialize.

With a new day comes a new opportunity to live in full alignment with , with my true nature ... PEACE, LOVE, and JOY.

Let's choose to to attract what we really wish for.

Let's set the intention to lead our day with our heart.

Love you guys🥰

Here's an excerpt from my book Awaken To Your Truth ✨


“Awaken To Your Truth embarks you on a life-altering journey that empowers you to unleash your innate divine strength and courage to reprogram your mind and fulfill your aspirations.” –Barbara

“This is more than just a self-help manual; it's a transformative philosophy for a novel way of existence, replete with insightful wisdom and healing, with each word designed to resonate & rejuvenate.” –Teresa

Do not miss out on this opportunity to grab your copy of this award-winning book, Awaken To Your Truth: The Time Is Now for a LIMITED TIME ONLY $0.99.

If you feel an inner calling to unlocking the hidden knowledge that enslaves humanity, or perhaps seeking a beacon in today’s tumultuous times, then this book is for you!

Take the first step and discover the 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 that lies dormant within you. This is a timeless invitation to activate your true potential and make a meaningful impact in a world that hungers for positive change.

Welcome Awaken To Your Truth as your guide to breaking free from your limited state of consciousness and creating the shift to expansion that is awaiting you.

Here are three steps to begin your journey of awakening:
✅RESPONSIBILITY - ownership to where you are now
✅INTENTION - open mindset and willingness to change
✅ATTENTION - awareness and choosing differently

Are you ready to make this commitment?

Not everyone is ready to take charge and embark on a LIFE-ALTERING expedition! This takes commitment, time, and courage!

If you ARE ready to take that leap of faith, then delay no further.

Click on the link and get your copy FOR ONLY $0.99 for a LIMITED TIME.

You are INCREDIBLY blessed and loved. You just don’t know it!

💎Do not underestimate the VALUE of this Award-Winning book, inspired, and motivated by the inspiration of the Universe to unravel the TRUE you to 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 as divine creator.

⭐You were born to live a life of magnificence, not one that is micro-managed by others. Stress, worry, doubt, fear, and lack is NOT your normal!

🌈Your time is NOW to return to your NATURAL state of empowerment and change your narrative.

⭐Happiness, Peace, Love, Joy, Freedom, Prosperity, Abundance is your birthright.

🌐Reclaim your POWER now! Welcome Awaken To Your Truth as your guide.

⭐ It’s time to wake up from the illusion that you believe your truth to be.

Let this book show you how to make 2024 your Best Year that will change everything!


It's time to remember .... ✨you are divine ✨you are perfection ✨you are the light You hold the POWER to TRANSFORM the wo...

It's time to remember ....

✨you are divine

✨you are perfection

✨you are the light

You hold the POWER to TRANSFORM the world just by BEING LOVE 🩷🩷🩷

✨️No longer stop yourself from showing up and expressing yourself.✨️No longer block your creativity, comparing yourself ...

✨️No longer stop yourself from showing up and expressing yourself.

✨️No longer block your creativity, comparing yourself to others.

✨️No longer limit yourself ... with the programmed belief you don't matter..

✨️No longer care what others think.

Let yourself go to explore the depths of your beingness.

Here's what came through when I let myself go ...
a channeled drawing from my soul ✨️♥️✨️

What do you see? How do you feel with this energy transmission of love 🤍🕊

Gentle reminders ...  You are in charge of your day. Have a great one 💫💜💫

Gentle reminders ... You are in charge of your day. Have a great one 💫💜💫

Be the breaker of the generational karmic cycle to create a heathier, happier, more fulfilling existence. You can do thi...

Be the breaker of the generational karmic cycle to create a heathier, happier, more fulfilling existence. You can do this 🙏🙌💜


When you're pushing your way through life, you're not allowing God to lead you. Let go! Trust more.


Poetry from Awaken To Your Truth: The Time Is Now by Joanna Alexopoulos, Grab your eBook copy NOW. $.99 for a short time only on Amazon. 🙏🫶✨

Time has come
To awaken one another
In remembrance of who we are
One family

Time has come
To recognize our ability
In unwavering potentiality
The light that we may bring

Time has come
To lift ourselves up
And embrace
The Divine essence of our truth


“A work of art with many refreshing and exciting revelations! Thank you for putting clarity and hope into the realm of a higher and spiritual order that we all need in this time of world-wide chaos and negativity Joanna!” –Marji

“What a powerful, barrier-shattering book! Joanna’s words are targeted at breaking down every wall that cages humanity, including religion, negative societal norms, inequality, and more.” –Faluso

There is no time like the present to say YES to life!!!

You deserve to be happy, to have prosperity and abundance. Afterall, this IS your BIRTHRIGHT!!

✨if there’s a burning desire within you for knowledge & truth

✨if you feel called to a higher purpose

✨if you are not comfortable with the way life is

Then YES this book is for you!

This journey is for those who know they deserve better.

For the brave ones who are ready to take charge and create a new narrative that will not only enhance your personal growth but assist in the evolution of our planet.

Are you ready to …


✨unlock the keys to CONSCIOUS MANIFESTATION?

✨FREE YOURSELF from pain and suffering, and make an IMPACT ON THIS WORLD?

Then Say YES to an 𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆 that will change your life!

Do NOT scroll past your calling!

💎 The messages in Awaken To Your Truth are divinely charged to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, and EMPOWER you to access your 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 and 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗹𝗲𝘀.

💎𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗶𝘀 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗕𝗜𝗚 𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗥 for growth and expansion!

The Universe is calling. Blessings await you 🙏

Click on the link and GRAB YOUR COPY of this Award-Winning Book.

Offered for only $0.99 for A LIMITED TIME!

I am eager to show you how 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗦 𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗕𝗟𝗘 because YOU ARE THAT POWERFUL.

You are a GENIUS. You just need to remember.


Forgive all to free yourselves beautiful people. You deserve peace. 💫💜💫

Forgive all to free yourselves beautiful people. You deserve peace. 💫💜💫


many who know you do not wish to see your light. keep going. the best is yet to come

I had a specialist appointment today and did not get good news regarding my baby finger tendon cut injury!!! I cried and...

I had a specialist appointment today and did not get good news regarding my baby finger tendon cut injury!!! I cried and cried until God placed someone with half a body in my path 🤨

YES! A BIG wake up call to STOP worrying!

I have SO much to be GRATEFUL for, WE ALL DO!!! Let's focus on that and BE HAPPY.

PS whatever I post is what I usually need to hear too!


I am called to share this message with you today …

Our world is in the process of re-aligning with our authentic power.
Those invested in becoming a better version of themselves are doing the inner work necessary to assist not only themselves but all, assisting in the creation of A NEW EARTH.

You are opening your mind to new concepts and ideas and opening your heart to love as you are receiving incredible assistance from the Heavens.

You are reclaiming your POWER.

This is a beautiful reality. Our world is shifting into a much lighter field led by LOVE, COMPASSION and PEACE.

Reality is we have been led to believe we are powerless, and we need to be micro-managed. This is contrary to our innate Truth.

Realize you are the power that can transcend all obstacles.

Trust and believe to activate your power. This will allow you to have the courage to take action steps to empower yourself to live your life by your design, one step at a time.

Realize as soon as you change your thoughts and have a feel-good feeling, your vibration changes and is then in alignment with your God/The Universe.

When you’re in your Divine alignment, you may manifest your desires very easily. Like a magnet, you will draw what you wish to you.

The issue is fluctuation of your vibrational frequency. This comes from doubt, stress, worry, fear, anger, sadness, envy. But with moment-to-moment awareness you may return to alignment and once again be in a state of allowance.

You may bring yourself back to your innate peaceful and joyful state by choosing to do so with your thoughts and feelings. God always supports you and delivers outcomes in whatever vibration you are sending out.

Remember the POWERFUL CREATOR that you essentially are. THE TIME IS NOW.

You are a part of GOD, and as such, you are in a constant state of creation.

Truth is we can create chaos in our lives, and we can create abundance. We can create miracles but also disease and displeasing experiences.


I am here to tell you the Truth and to remind you of the magnificent, powerful being that you are.

I am here to encourage you to be mindful of what you are choosing. It takes patience. It takes self-love. It takes practice. But it is worth it!!

With love and gratitude,
Joanna 💫🩷💫


Toronto, ON


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