✨This absolutely stunning client of ours popped in to see us during week 4 of her brow healing process, and allowed us to document, with no filters, what this stage looks like for many after their initial nano brow appointment!
✨The darkness of the first few days post procedure has faded, and you can see patchiness while the scabs fall off! Underneath these scabs, a thin layer of new skin has formed, and this new skin further fades the look of the ink. (The ink hasn’t disappeared! It’s just covered up temporarily!)
✨In a couple more weeks this colour will darken again. Usually to about 50% of the colour from day 1. This is NORMAL! And it’s also the reason this procedure takes a minimum of 2 sessions to achieve your desired look! 😊
✨ After your second, or possibly third session, you should be left with your perfect brow shape and colour once healing is complete, at around the 6 week mark! 💕