YOU are your brain!
It determines how you live, how you think, how you feel and who you are.
Keeping your brain healthy is the most important thing you can do, because a healthy brain is the key to improving your quality of life at any age.
Brain Research in the recent years has lead to many realizations about the potential of the Human Brain in normal function and possible changes in a brain affected by abnormal changes or development.
The speakers presenting at the Brain Plasticity Conference on November 28th are experts in the field of Neuroplasticity. They include, Dr. Abhimanyu Sud, Dr. Chris Buckle, Bianca Stern MSc. and Dr. Ian Horseman.
They are working with the concepts from Neuroscientists’ research findings on the brain’s ability to change itself, remodel and retrain to evolve or recover at any stage of life.
They also work as innovators to develop techniques and programs to facilitate the changes for optimal brain power for better health, physically, psychologically, emotionally and social .
Memory, behavior, learning abilities, cognitive faculties, moods and mental health, balance and coordination of movements all influence quality of life, at any age.
These can improve thanks to groundbreaking technological and clinical advancement.
They are available thanks to the collaborative efforts of scientists, clinicians, therapists and educators, leading to possible transformations of good brain health across our life span.
Brain gain or re-gain is the result of effective strategies, available to all of us; examples will be presented to you on November 28th.
Brain Plasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt over time, is a phenomenon that we can all tap into by using technologies or knowledge available to us that lead to improving life and cognitive skills to live better and longer!
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Come enjoy a healthy dinner, network and learn with us from the inspirational speakers!