Harmonious Homeopathy

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Harmonious Homeopathy Classical homeopathy practice run by Robin Po***ck, who also has a background in clinical and Gestal

https://chconference.ca/The Canadian Homeopathic Conference and the Ontario Homeopathic Medical Association will host se...


The Canadian Homeopathic Conference and the Ontario Homeopathic Medical Association will host several mini-conferences instead of the Canadian Homeopathic Conference slated in October 2024. This first Ontario Homeopathic Conference will feature Mental Health and will be held at the Pearl Banquet and Convention Centre in Mississauga. It is for Ontario-registered homeopaths and other interested professionals. There is no online presentation for this event; it is an in-person event only.

I encourage everyone who can to attend! This is a fantastic topic, steeped in MIND rubrics that are always key to finding the similimum. AND, it boasts one of my favourite teachers, Dr. Manish Jagpal, who is knowledgeable and dynamic. And he's here, in person! Just a great opportunity.

THE FIRST ONTARIO HOMEOPATHIC CONFERENCE JULY 14TH, 2024 Sunday – 8:00 am to 4:30 pm The Canadian Homeopathic Conference and the Ontario Homeopathic Medical Association will host several mini-conferences instead of the Canadian Homeopathic Conference slated in October 2024. This first Ontario Home...

https://www.homeosummit.com/?ref=25Join for free, many days of fascinating webinars!


Join for free, many days of fascinating webinars!

Aaron To Ka Lun established the homeopathic centers “Living Homeopathy” in Hong Kong and Macau in 1994. The number of visitors grew to more than 220,000 to date, i.e. every 1 in 35 people in Hong Kong have visited Living Homeopathy at least once. Aaron has led the Hong Kong Association of Homeop...

Nice introductory class by my esteemed colleague, Nicole Duelli, who is not just an excellent homeopath, but a wonderful...

Nice introductory class by my esteemed colleague, Nicole Duelli, who is not just an excellent homeopath, but a wonderful teacher.

Our Amazing Beginner's Guide Webinar is Here! Register now to save your spot for this free webinar:
Beginner's Guide to Homeopathy at Home presented by homeopath, Nicole Duelli.
Wish you had some natural remedies in your medicine cabinet? If you’re new to homeopathy or just wanting a refresher, this webinar is for you!
Learn tips on using homeopathy at home, the top 12 homeopathic medicines to keep in your remedy kit and how to use them for best results. There will be extra time after the webinar for questions.
March 20, 2023 4:30pm PST / 7:30 pm EST
Register now to save your spot for this free webinar:


Last week, we shared a post about the effects of Arsenicum album on cancer cells. "This study confirms the protection of the MT4 cells against the toxic effects of the As2O3 (Arsenic trioxide) by the homoeopathic remedy, namely Arsenicum album; thereby verifying the Law of Similars. The results showed that the potencies diluted beyond Avogadro’s constant, namely the 30CH and 200CH, had physiological effects on cells, despite having no particles of the original substance present; and verified the theory of hormesis by confirming that different potencies have different effects on cells, with the more dilute potencies having the most stimulatory effects. This was observed where the 200CH caused the highest level of cell viability when compared to the 6CH, which caused the least. This study also showed comprehensively that succussion does not cause any significant change to the potency when testing on the cellular level. Finally, this study provided evidence that a biotechnological method could be used to evaluate the physiological effects of homoeopathic potencies on human cells."

I'll be giving my first webinar of the year – on nocturnal enuresis – through Canadians for Homeopathy on Monday, Februa...

I'll be giving my first webinar of the year – on nocturnal enuresis – through Canadians for Homeopathy on Monday, February 20th. Lots of information about physiology, disease concomitants, psychiatric classification and, of course, homeopathic treatment! Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XuTQLAoPTMSzBjxA7ZgG3A?fbclid=IwAR1LCAQiH_S96pYWUnaySEdrOXrNhfHwMKrno86owPsywEZ59zXDw6sbyUA

Our First Webinar of the Year is Here! Register now to save your spot for this free webinar:

The Homeopathic Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting)
Wetting the bed at night is a problem for the entire family, causing embarrassment in the child and frustration in the caregivers – along with a growing laundry bill.
If you want to learn more about homeopathic approaches you can take at home, then put away the Tide Pods and grab your Air Pods for a new webinar from homeopath, Robin Po***ck.
February 20, 2023 4:30pm PST / 7:30 pm EST
Register now to save your spot for this free webinar:



In this video, Dr Sara Eames, President of the Faculty of Homeopathy, states why she thinks that homeopathy is the best idea in medicine.Follow us on Twitter...

The story of how Hering came to embrace homoeopathy.  Arsenicum saved his life, and a convert was born.

The story of how Hering came to embrace homoeopathy. Arsenicum saved his life, and a convert was born.

From Our Friends at Radar Opus…

The Infected Hand. Arsenicum. By C. Hering.

The following is a translation from a letter, by me, printed in a German journal, Vol. 3, No. 15, August, 1860, edited by F. A. Guenther, in Langensalsa. The heading is Homeopathy is dead! I had left Leipzig. After another year had passed, homeopathy was still living, although I myself had nearly died, from an infected hand, received when making a dissection; an accident which has carried off many a young physician by a horrible death. The dissection was made upon the exhumed body of a su***de, a job side-stepped by others, and over which I lingered a bit too long, while dabbling among the entrails with a partly healed cut on the forefinger of the right hand, thinly covered by a scab.

Before making the post-mortem I washed my hands in hot soapy water, which left the cut uncovered. A man from Jena had asked for a dissection of the kidneys, with ureters and bladder, and all that belonged to the specimen, which I promised to make for him.

After several days my finger began to show signs of infection. I was given an opportunity to observe, on myself, that malady against which leeches, calomel and hellstone (nitrate of silver) had proved powerless in allopathic hands. I refused amputation, because with a crippled hand, I would have had but little show of becoming an obstetrician or a surgeon. I preferred death to this. I was, at the time, still deeply sunk in that superstitious belief that external diseases could not be reached by internal remedies, least of all when given in small doses.

I was saved by one of Hahnemann's earliest students who persuaded me to try Arsenic, in ridiculously small doses. When, after taking a few doses of the remedy on my tongue, a sense of relief from the horrible affliction began to pervade my body, the last obstruction that had made me blind to the rising sun of the new healing art vanished before my eyes.

I still have the finger ; it is the same with which I write this, and more than all I have devoted my entire hand, body and soul, to the cause which Hahnemann gave to suffering humanity. His teachings had not only restored my bodily health but gave me a new purpose in life.

And it was to me they told : "Homeopathy is dead !" Many times since, The 'dead have buried their dead.' Progress goes on. The world is moving.


Recent research sheds light on healing properties of Arnica... yes the evidence continues to pile up in favor of homeopathy!

Italian researchers have just published a paper examining the effects of the homeopathic remedy Arnica montana on human macrophages.
What are macrophages? They are specialized cells involved in the detection, phagocytosis and destruction of bacteria and other harmful organisms as well as the repair and remodeling of damaged tissue.

So what did the researchers find?

The homeopathic remedy Arnica montana significantly stimulates the expression of three genes controlling the regulatory proteins of the tissue around human cells (otherwise called the extracellular matrix) - with positive effects on cell adhesion and migration during tissue development and healing.

Source: Marzotto M., et al. Fibronectin Gene Up-regulation by Arnica montana in Human Macrophages: Validation by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay. Homeopathy. April 2020.


The National Center for Homeopathy joins the world in mourning the loss of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. We extend heartfelt condolences to the whole British Royal Family.

Queen Elizabeth II was a lifelong user and supporter of homeopathy and is said to have never traveled without her 60-remedy, leather-cased homeopathy kit.

In fact, the British Royal Family has a long history of using homeopathy for themselves and their animals starting in 1835, as excerpted from www.homepathicfamilymedicine.com:

The British Royal Family has had a longtime and deep appreciation for homeopathic medicine, ever since Queen Adelaide (1792–1849), wife of King William IV, first made public her particular interest in this “new medicine” in 1835. Other British aristocrats shared the queen’s interests, including the Marquess of Anglesey, who crossed the British Channel to go to Paris for treatment by the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Queen Adelaide had been suffering from a serious malady that the court physicians couldn’t cure. The queen called for the services of one of Hahnemann’s oldest and most faithful colleagues, Dr. Johann Ernst Stapf (1788–1860), who cured her, creating the first of many supporters of homeopathy from British royalty.

The British homeopath to the titled Marquess of Anglesey, Dr. Harris Dunsford (1808–1847), wrote a book on homeopathy that was dedicated, with permission, to Queen Adelaide (Dunsford, 1842). This dedication made public her interest in and her appreciation for homeopathy. She was instrumental in helping to establish homeopathy’s early popularity, especially among the upper classes in England.

Since Queen Adelaide, various kings and queens of Great Britain have openly sought medical care from homeopathic physicians.

Princess May, who later became Queen Mary (1865–1953), wife of King George V, headed the fundraising efforts to move and expand the London Homeopathic Hospital. King George V (1865–1936) was appreciative of homeopathy because it provided him with the real practical benefit of treating his seasickness whenever he suffered from it.

King Edward VII (1841–1910) carried on the homeopathic tradition and was a close drinking and eating partner of Dr. Frederick Hervey Foster Quin (1799–1878), the first British physician to become a homeopath. Edward’s daughter, Maud (1869–1938), married King Haakon VII of Norway, and both sought the homeopathic care of Sir John Weir, MD.

King Edward VIII (1894–1972), known as Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor, after his abdication in 1936, carried his homeopathic medicines in powder doses in his pocket. His brother, King George VI (1895–1952), also had a special love for homeopathy. He even named one of his prize racehorses Hypericum, after a homeopathic medicine for injuries. He was known to be an expert user of homeopathic medicine himself, and he formally granted the use of the royal title to the London Homeopathic Hospital, now called the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.

Until her death, Her Majesty the Queen Mother (1900-2002), was the principal royal patron of the British Homeopathic Association. Living until age 101, the Queen Mother is the second longest-living British Royal, the first being Princess Alice (1901-2004), daughter-in-law of Queen Mary and King George V - both ardent homeopathy influencers of their time.

And as for Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), in addition to bringing her leather homeopathic remedy case with her on travels, her doctor for a decade and a half was homeopathic physician, Dr. Peter Fisher. Dr. Fisher was Director of Research at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, Europe’s largest center for integrative medicine. Dr. Fisher's work inspired the National Center for Homeopathy to create an award honoring him after his death in 2018. The NCH award acknowledges the work of current researchers in homeopathy.

Members of the Royal Family are well educated and have access to the best medical care in the world. And what do they choose as part of an integrative approach to wellness during long, healthy lives?

Thank you, Queen Elizabeth II for your longtime support and promotion of Homeopathy.

You will be missed.


A wonderful smallpox case from the files of Adolph Lippe MD...

"We shall now endeavor to demonstrate the correctness of the 154th paragraph, and what Hahnemann really did understand by admonishing and teaching us to consider the “characteristic symptoms” of the sick as essential to our therapeutics.
We will first relate two cases of sickness in the same individual and then close with our comments.

Mr. J. W., age 17 years, was suffering from typhus abdominalis. He was not ill until the fourteenth day, when I found that a very violent diarrhea had set in; stools involuntary, watery, very offensive. Pulse over 120 per minute, small and feeble; abdomen not very sensitive to the touch. He was all the time whining, without being able to say why he did so; he was not restless, but had not slept during the night when this change of symptoms had set in. One single dose of Apis mellifica (high) very soon changed this rather alarming condition, and he recovered fully in due time.

Mr. J. W., was taken down seven years later with smallpox, during an epidemic prevailing in this city; had had smallpox when nine years of age, and I had then treated him. On my evening visit, on the third day of his illness, I found him in the same mental condition as on the fourteenth day of typhus, whining; the eruption had ceased to develop itself; pulse extremely feeble and rapid; he had not passed any urine for more than eighteen hours; no thirst; great apathy; could not say what caused him to whine. One dose of Apis mellifica (high) was given him that evening. On the next morning he was out of danger, no more whining; the eruption was developed to an extent never before observed; the pustules were as large as Malaga grapes; he had passed enormous quantity of urine during the night. He fully recovered without being pitted."

Comments from Dr. Lippe.—"The same individual developed in two entirely different forms of disease, extraordinary, peculiar, predominant (characteristic) symptoms. In the first form of disease, the mental symptoms did not necessarily belong to it; the diarrhea was peculiar, not often present in the way it here appeared; the watery, very offensive evacuations were extraordinary, and called strongly for Apis. Especially was the mental symptom peculiar, both to the patient and remedy. Should I have indulged in a pathological hypothesis? Should I have treated the evident affection Peyer’s bodies? Then Apis mellifica would not have been indicated, as the stools most calling for that remedy in that form of disease, consist partly of flakes of pus with bloody tinges; but as Apis also causes watery, very offensive stools, the pathological hypothesis had to be abandoned. Or did the great weakness, the fact that he suffered from typhus, and that the stools were very offensive, indicate Arsenicum album? Not at all; the characteristic restlessness, and desire to be warmly covered of Arsenicum album where not present. The symptoms not necessarily belonging to the disease indicated the remedy.

In the second form of disease, the symptoms were still graver than in the first form. Patients suffering similarly from inactivity of the kidneys while the eruptions doesn’t develop and treated by allopathic physicians had all died. The pathological condition and the danger thereof were well defined, but the most prominent mental symptom was characteristic of the individual; it led me many years before to give him Apis mellifica with decided benefit; it did not necessarily belong to the disease or its pathological condition; this very peculiar mental symptom and also the suppression of the kidney functions found its counter-representation in Apis mellifica, and the patient recovered. It was, so far as I could learn, the first time that Apis mellifica was administered in smallpox. Apis never caused an eruption even resembling smallpox, therefore the Regenerated Materia Medica would not admit into its picture-book of real diseases, a picture of small-pox under Apis mellifica. The whining mood was peculiar, extraordinary, predominant in this individual, who when well, from his childhood up, was of a very lively, cheerful temperament.

To just such symptoms here described Hahnemann call our attention, to symptoms peculiar to the individual, not necessarily belonging to the form of disease we have to cure. Such symptoms we find in our materia medica always, but never in the picture-book of real diseases, should such a caricature ever see the light of day, which is very doubtful. As long as we claim to be homeopathicians, we will, we must, accept Hahnemann’s teachings as we find them in his Organon of the Healing Art." (Extract from The Organon of Hahnemann (Paragraph 154) with notes. Organon 1880; 3: 435-443.)


New Homeopathic Research...

Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) prevalence is increasing, compliance to treatment is often poor, and additional treatment options are warranted. Researchers in Europe have just published a paper that examines whether individualized homeopathic treatment is effective for children with ADHD when compared to placebo or usual care alone.

Their findings:
"Individualized homeopathy showed a clinically relevant and statistically robust effect in the treatment of ADHD."

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41390-022-02127-3


"I sought truth earnestly and found it."
Samuel Hahnemann, 1843

Register for free!  72 hours of literally nonstop webinars, with a focus on Practical Homeopathy – information you can i...

Register for free! 72 hours of literally nonstop webinars, with a focus on Practical Homeopathy – information you can immediately implement in your practices.


Hope to see you at the 3-day, 72-hour Hahnemann Day Global Marathon! We have over 12,750 registrants already and a roster of respected speakers from around the world. The theme is Practical Homeopathy – learn and immediately apply to your clinical practice.

We at Enlightenment Education are announcing a 3-day Global Marathon Webinar SeriesDate: 8th April to 10th April 2022The...

We at Enlightenment Education are announcing a 3-day Global Marathon Webinar Series

Date: 8th April to 10th April 2022

Theme: Practical Homeopathy which can be applied to your practice

7000+ Homeopaths from 60 countries+ have already registered! And many more on the way!

We have esteemed speakers like Dr. Gustavo Cataldi M.D., Dr. R. K. Manchanda, Dr Farokh Master, Dr. Ashley Ross, Dr. Kumar Dhawale, Robin Po***ck, Ananda More, Dr. Med Heiner Frei, Dr. Richard Pitcairn, Dr. Divya Chhabra, Karen Allen, Marcelo Garzon, Cathy Lemmon, Dr Kavitha Kukunoor, Andreas Holling, Dr Vijay & Daxa Vaishnav, Maxine McLean, Dr. Parinaz Humranwala, Dr. Akshay Banker and Dr. Nina Banker, Dr. Navin Pawaskar, Dr. Ajit Kulkarni, Dr. Jawahar Shah and many more!

Register Now! Only for $1 per person for 72 hours of power- packed 3-day marathon.

Click here: https://bit.ly/MarathonCAN

Let us start a global movement.

*I stand up for Homoeopathy with One Voice for the betterment of all Homeopaths and Homeopathy across the globe.*

“Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution,the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover d...

“Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution,
the time will come when medicine will organize into an
undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to
one class of men and deny equal privileges to others
will constitute the bastille of medical science.
All such laws are un-American and despotic…
The Constitution of the Republic should make special
provisions for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom.”

— Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence

Stop Deregulating Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Reminder that our Homeopathy for Dentistry: Part 2 is coming up soon!  Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. EST.  It...

Reminder that our Homeopathy for Dentistry: Part 2 is coming up soon! Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. EST. It's all about abscesses, bleeding, and dental surgery (yum!) from a homeopathic perspective. Register at the link below before it's too late!

Date Change!!! This webinar will now take place on Wednesday, January 12, 2022!!

By popular demand - another stellar webinar on dentistry! Click the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jyVgYNbrSh6fb4ZjBDgJQw

Excellent update from Dr. Paul Herscu, who predicts that Omicron does indeed cause less pneumonia, need for intubation a...

Excellent update from Dr. Paul Herscu, who predicts that Omicron does indeed cause less pneumonia, need for intubation and, consequently, mortality, as the next most common remedy his patients need for Omicron (after their constitutional remedy) is Gelsemium, which does not have an affection for the lungs. Whereas Bryonia, the previously next most-common remedy for all other variants, is indicated for severe lung afflictions, and is not helpful with Omicron.


2019 Novel Coronavirus (CoVID-19): Part XXIX 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV (first named); COVID-2019 (later named d...


Please sign the petition to the World Health Organization encouraging them to use Homoeopathy in the fight against antibiotic-resistant disease. This is a crucial issue that has far-reaching consequences for the survival of the world!
https://www.lmhi.org/Home/Petition?lang=en #/7/

Looking forward to speaking at my first global colloquium tomorrow morning. Will be speaking on the importance of a tele...

Looking forward to speaking at my first global colloquium tomorrow morning. Will be speaking on the importance of a telemedicine platform for healthcare professionals.

I gave a poster presentation on Wednesday; for anyone who is attending the conference, you can find it in one of the two Education sections on the Poster webpage.


By Appointment
Toronto, ON


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