One day, the horror novel loving group began fighting with the romance novel loving group. The horror novel loving group was angry, because there were more romance novels being written and subsequently made into movies and they were pi**ed. They were being undermined and it wasn’t fair. It’s been happening for years and years and years now, they proclaimed, and a momentum of disgruntled feelings had been building over it in the horror loving group. They didn’t like how entitled and smarmy about it all the romance lovers had become. They were going to take up arms against the romance lovers to make sure they didn’t usurp and eradicate horror novels all together! Except one day, one of the horror lovers found out that some of the romance lovers also liked downhill skiing, like some of the horror lovers and some of the skiers liked baking, like some of the romance lovers and some of the bakers liked knitting like some of the skiers. And some of the skiers and bakers were tall with blond hair and some spoke Mandarin, like some of the horror lovers, some of which also had dark skin and others that got together in a common prayer fashion, like some of the knitters. Oh my, this was getting confusing. Which group to fight for or against? So many groups to belong to, but the lines were crossing. What now? Nothing. The horror lovers simply enjoy their novels and get together for skiing with those who enjoy skiing and read the same prayer books with some of the bakers who also get together with some of the red-haired knitters, who also introduce some of blue-eyed romance lovers to gardening. Everyone simply enjoys what they enjoy and enjoys enjoying it. No one takes up arms against anyone. Everyone is simply an individual who enjoys what makes them feel good and lets others do the same! Getting together with those with common interests is fun, enjoyable and inspiring, but forming a group to secure an identity or to feel protected or to feel important has GOT TO GO! You are important and valuable as an individual who enjoys what you enjoy. Period! The only thing to fear, is fear itself! Let’s stop fearing the fear and start loving the love!