When I feel anxious or low, I watch videos of my kid from when she was tiny. They always pep me up. I dunno if Juniper enjoying avocado 🥑 for the first time will have that kind of impact on you, too, but let’s give it a try, shall we?
As an aside, a propos of #babyledweaning — I found putting ripe avocado in this tool by @booninc was the best way for someone with minimal fine motor skills to actually get it into her mouth... sorta. 😜
DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS GIVEAWAY! I’m gifting 6 local people these natural products bags valued at over $40 each. Hop over to the previous post to enter. 👇
In just 59 seconds I’m flashing you some of the contents of these bags — 3 kinds of diaper ointment, vitamin C and iron supplements, vegan protein powder and more!
GIVEAWAY CLOSES TODAY (Saturday at 7pm). Best of luck everyone! 😘
🔈 Sound on 🔈
I can’t even.... 😍😍😍
I’m always telling parents how important it is that we talk to/with our kids. Even if we think they don’t understand us. It helps to develop their brains, their language, and their sense of inclusion.
Plus in this case, could it be any cuter?!? ♥️
Reposted from @averageparentproblems
❤️ Found on Facebook: Shanieke Pryor
Most of us don’t really know what a baby drinking at the breast looks like until we get the hang of nursing our own child. 🤱🏽
Trying to learn a completely new skill after labouring and birthing your baby is less than ideal, and I think we do new parents a huge disservice by generally keeping breastfeeding under wraps.
Did you do any breastfeeding preparation prenatally? Where and with whom? If you’re expecting, did you know that a lactation educator like myself would be happy to help you in pregnancy? Another option is to attend your local LaLeche League meeting while your babe’s still on the inside. A little prep can go a long way towards building your confidence and getting your baby well-nourished.
🎥 of my own tiny one in her first week of life (once my milk came in, of course!).
This was my baby two years ago today (at 3 weeks old). It’s still one of my favourites.
My advice to new parents: record it all! You can decide later if you don’t want to save it, but it’s the only way to get the really good stuff.
#hyggemama #littlemoments #serveandreturn #talktoyourbaby #goodnaturedhiccuper
Hear me explain on Rogers TV why getting online info about parenting doesn’t cut it. We *need* connection.
You can get that at 4 Trimesters event this Saturday. (Sorry about the vid quality!)
#4trimestersTO #hyggemama #ittakesavillagetoraiseachild