Bet you didn’t know this about HOCl ‼️
It’s as STRONG AS BLEACH but safe and gentle for our bodies and even babies!
This means it is potent as an anti microbial to get rid of germs/bacteria/fungus etc BUTTTT it won’t harm you or your delicate skin barrier
That’s why @e11ement_ has been my go to with my two littles AND many of my eczema clients have enjoyed it too!!
I’d love for you to try too which is why I’ve partnered with @e11ement_ to giveaway 12 holiday packs that include 4 bottles of hypochlorous acid spray!
Contest rules & details:
🎄Follow @tiffanyerikacheung_nd and @e11ement_
🎄Tag at least 3 friends, separately, so they know how great HOCl is! EACH tag/comment counts as an entry!
🎄BONUS entry: Share to your stories and tag us
🎄TWO winners will be selected from each giveaway post (6 posts = 12 lucky winners!!) so be sure to follow along and enter accordingly
🎄Last day to enter is Dec 15 and winners will be contacted via DM
🎄@e11ement_ reserves the right to limit duplicate winners and will provide alternate options
🎄Contest open to residents of Canada and US only
#hocl #hypochlorousspray #lifewithatoddler #eczemafriendly #momhacks #eczema #skintips #momhacks101 #newmama #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #firsttimemama #clearskintips #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #sicktoddler #toddlerhack #babyfriendly #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #healthytoddler #toddlerfriendly #healingeczema #healthymom #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #kidfriendly
One thing I can’t leave my house with now as a mama of littles and sensitive skin…my @e11ement_ hypochlorous acid spray 🙌🏽
Not only is it safe for delicate skin (eczema, babies, children etc) but it is also anti inflammatory and anti microbial…meaning it helps keep the germs away without ruining the skin barrier 👍🏽
We use it everyday, my toddler loves it too and I think YOU would too!
I’ve partnered with @e11ement_ to give 12 lucky winners a HOCl holiday pack that includes 4 bottles (8 oz, 4oz, 2 oz & their concentrated formula) 🙌🏽🤩
Contest rules & details:
🎄Follow @tiffanyerikacheung_nd and @e11ement_
🎄Tag at least 3 friends, separately, so they know how great HOCl is! EACH tag/comment counts as an entry!
🎄BONUS entry: Share to your stories and tag us
🎄TWO winners will be selected from each giveaway post (6 posts = 12 lucky winners!!) so be sure to follow along and enter accordingly
🎄Last day to enter is Dec 15 and winners will be contacted via DM
🎄@e11ement_ reserves the right to limit duplicate winners and will provide alternate options
🎄Contest open to residents of Canada and US only
#hocl #hypochlorousspray #lifewithatoddler #eczemafriendly #acnetips #momhacks #eczema #skintips #momhacks101 #newmama #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #firsttimemama #clearskintips #eczemakids #eczematips #holidaygiveaway #sicktoddler #toddlerhack #babyfriendly #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #healthytoddler #toddlerfriendly ##healthymom #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #kidfriendly
Are you taking the RIGHT FISH OIL for your skin? 🐟
When it comes to eczema, omega 3s can be super helpful for reducing inflammation IF it’s given in effective enough doses!
That said, it’s the Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content that offers more of the anti inflammatory properties and not the DHA!
That’s why I do not recommend cod liver oil or high DHA fish oils for eczema - even in kids bc the EPA content is quite minimal!!
Instead, you want a high EPA fish oil and it’ll have plenty of DHA still for a developing child or pregnant mama
So if you’re taking a fish oil…it may not be having the effect you want it to have!
I teach about effective dosing for omegas + other supplements that help with eczema inside my 3 Day Eczema Workshop…which is on sale this month! DM me with “OMEGAS” and I’ll send you the link to purchase the workshop!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #pregnantmama #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #newmama #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #firsttimemama #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #firsttimemom #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #eczemaholistichealing #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
before you go and spend a lot of $$ on supplements… You have to make sure that it will be effective (and of course, safe!)
You see, most probiotics for kids have a very small colony forming unit (CFU) count, which basically means the amount of bacteria that are able to colonize in the gut and make a difference
our gut has an astronomical amount of bacteria (like 100 trillions!!), so, when you take a probiotic that has a very small CFU (ie. millions), it will have very little effect, if any on their system!
That is why, I hear so many times that a child, even though given a probiotic doesn’t seem to be getting better
The key to probiotics is getting a robust dose, and also the proper strains! That is how you can actually start seeing change in the gut and skin!
Have you been giving your child low-dose probiotics? Are you ready to actually see a difference in their skin, and use supplements more effectively?
I teach about specifics on probiotics inside my 3 Day Eczema Workshop and MUCH MORE including other supplements for eczema, effective skincare routine and diet etc
The recordings are 20% off for a few more days only ‼️🙌🏽 for only $79 you’ll get lifetime access to 3+ hours of training that are GAME CHANGERS to your eczema journey or for your little one!
The workshop recordings will help you if you have eczema whether you are an adult or a child or a baby!
You can purchase the recordings through the link in my bio!!
Did you know this about probiotics? Let me know below!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #momhack #parentinghack #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #guthealing #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #childrensupplements #newmama #probiotics #toddlerlife #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #toddlerhack #probioticsforskin #healingeczema #newmom #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
Ditching the inflammatory oils and fats for healthy omegas, fats + protein to help heal your skin & decrease itch and flares!
Have you tried these ones before? Lemme know what you think below!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #newmama #toddlermom #eczema #skintips #costcocanada #momhacks #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #costcofinds #eczemafood #eczemadiet #costcofind #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #momhack101 #costcohaul #healingeczema #skinfriendly #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #clearskintips
Two of my favourite herbs during pregnancy, and for eczema!
I’ve been drinking lots of this combo 🤰🏻and find nettle to be so helpful for my clients!
The best thing is that both are suitable for children and little ones as well!
In particular, nettle is a great natural anti-histamine, making it a great option for those that suffer from seasonal, allergies, eczema, and itch!
In the summer heat, I have been brewing, big batches and chilling it in the fridge! It makes for such a refreshing and nourishing beverage
Both herbs are very nutritive, delivering many vitamins, and minerals to our bodies, making it a great option for a little ones.
For any herbal teas, I like to steep for at least 30 minutes to reap the most benefits of the herb or even overnight!
I usually do equal parts of red raspberry and nettle leaf and drink as is, but if you wanted to add more flavour spearmint as a nice touch to it!
Have you or your little one try these? Whether it was during pregnancy or for eczema? Let me know below!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #pregnantbelly #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #newmama #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #labouranddelivery #pregnancydiary #healingeczema #pregnant #newmommy #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
Flare ups in the HEAT or heat rash? Try these!
Strategies to help you or your little ones prevent and minimize flares in the hot summer heat!
Be sure to share with your friends and family 💛
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #newmama #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #summervibes#eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #heatrash #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #summerbaby
STOP using these two ingredients on your skin!
Coconut oil and oats!!
Sure, these are commonly recommended when it comes to eczema… But! I would argue that there are much better options that involve less risk!
You see, coconut oil is quite antifungal, and anti-microbial… Which may disrupt your skin microbiome even more!
Also, on an already broken skin barrier, using commonly consumed foods on your skin May increase the chances of immune reactions! This can lead to allergies or sensitivities down the road!
I find that are much better options to help heal, protect, and strengthen the skin barrier! I teach all about this inside my 3 Day Eczema Workshop and so much more!
And in honour of Mother’s Day, I am running a PROMO for this LIVE 3 Day workshop! Save over 30% when you sign up 🙌🏽🤩
Register thru link in bio 💛💛
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #allergyawareness #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #allergybaby #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #skinhacks #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
One of the Most important questions I asked my clients when they start working with me: have you ever taken any antibiotics?
This is because even just one round can affect your microbiome for at least two years, especially if nothing was done to support your gut during and afterwards!
Also antibiotics increase gut inflammation, permeability, and can disrupt its function, leading to higher chances of flares or can even lead to eczema!
If you have eczema and you have never explored this area… Then you must! It cannot be dismissed!
If you are looking to get control of your eczema from the inside out then I would love to work with you!
DM with “Control” and let’s see how we can get control of your skin together!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #eczemaholistichealing #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
DOs + DON’Ts for zinc oxide and eczema PART 1
Stay tuned for part 2 as I share what to avoid and look out for!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #eczemaholistichealing #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
These are the factors that fill up your cup of inflammation and make it reach your body‘s threshold.
If you haven’t watched my previous reel on your cup of information, watch that first!
This is also why creams will never be enough…You need to get down to the root causes!!
If you are tired of not seeing results because you have been focusing on the wrong things, it is time to dig deeper!
Want my guidance and learn my 5 step methodology to get control of your skin naturally? I am now accepting new clients into my program 🤩
DM me “root causes” if you’re ready to feel GOOD in your skin this year! 💛
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #inflammationrelief #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
Bringing back 2022’s TOP REEL. A controversial one🤪. BUT I want you to know that not everyone with eczema needs to avoid dairy.
There is more to healing eczema naturally than just changing your diet. If you just focus on this, you’ll be going in circles.
I’m accepting new members into the Erase Your Eczema System v soon! Stay tuned for the announcement 💛I can’t wait to work w you!
Pssst! Dairy isn’t ALL that bad!! Yep. You read that right!
Not all forms of dairy are made equally, some are more inflammatory than others!
Even though dairy can be a big culprit for eczema and a common allergy and sensitivity, there’s a BIG difference between COW VS. GOAT/SHEEP DAIRY!
Specifically, the protein, casein - there are 2 variants to pay attention to: A1 beta-casein and A2 beta-casein, the former being much more inflammatory
Cow’s dairy is high in A1 beta-casein, which is used to make histamine producing molecules, is hard on the digestive system, linked to acne and insulin resistance, and is linked to many chronic inflammatory conditions … thats why it can make eczema worse!
Vs. Sheep/goat milk has minimal to no A1 beta casein, instead has the A2 variant which is easier to digest and less inflammatory.
Dairy is not always the devil - it depends on the person and your digestion too!
The goals inside the Erase Your Eczema System is to reduce inflammation, stop the flares, heal the gut and be empowered in your own body!
By learning what foods you can tolerate and how to eat well for your body you CAN get control of your skin! It can also mean that you can continue to eat dairy on occasion!
instead of focusing on removal bc food fear is NO bueno, we focus on nourishing your body and helping your skin heal 🙌🏼
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczem
If you know anyone with eczema, esp a family with littles affected…watch this!!
SHARE to raise awareness 💛
What you say to parents or families affected by eczema can really make an impact!
Here are tips on what to AVOID saying bc it’s often futile, not helpful and even hurtful!!!
This of course is not a conclusive list. What would you add to this?
Let’s raise awareness 💛💛
Stay tuned for part 2 as @eczemaconquerors and I share helpful strategies and ways to support families instead 🙌🏽✨💛
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #eczemaholistichealing #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
A must have for sensitive skin part two!
The acidic pH of hypochlorous acid is ideal for keeping the skin barrier strong
Because if it’s antibacterial and antifungal properties it helps to combat pathogens that often drive or at least contribute to conditions like eczema and acne
It doesn’t sting, burn or irritate the skin and also helps to decrease inflammation while helping to heal wounds faster, speeding up the healing of skin
it is safe to use on all areas for all ages, think diaper region, eyes… Anywhere!
Be sure to check out part one for more information.
Want to try a free sample? @e11ement_ is a Canadian company that has graciously offered my community a free 2oz sample until the end of January 2023🙏🏽🙌🏽💛
use the code TIFFANY At checkout and just cover the cost of shipping!
Stay tuned for part three on the dos and don’ts of how to use hypochlorous acid!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #Sensitiveskintips #acnetreatment #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #hypochlorousacid #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #acne #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
Have you tried one of these before? Eliminating so many foods and not getting anywhere with your skin?
There’s gotta be a better way..AND THERE IS!
I’ll be covering this hot topic + so much more in my 3 Day Eczema Workshop!
You’ll get lifetime access to recordings + the chance to ask my any questions you may have!
It’s worth >$400 but you can now get access to all this for $165 🤩🙌🏽
Sign up link in bio! I can’t wait to have you join!!
#Eczemafree #eczemafriendly #naturaleczematreatment #eczemarecovery #eczema #skintips #eczemahelp #naturaleczemaremedies #babyeczema #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #naturaleczemarelief #healingeczemanaturally #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #childhoodeczema #eczemacream #eczemaholistichealing #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport
📣PSA: there’s more to healing eczema than just using creams!
If you want to get control of your skin naturally, you’ve gotta dive deep!
Some of the most important things to look at include these 4️⃣ factors
🗝 proper elimination
🗝 appropriate stress response
🗝 minimal toxin exposure
🗝 adequate nutritional support
Without a comprehensive approach (it goes beyond these 4!), flare ups still happen and your eczema doesn’t stay under control 😩
BUT when you support your full body including these 4 things BIG TRANSFORMATIONS HAPPEN 🤩🎉🙌🏼🥰🥳!!
Stay tuned for some case studies & success stories from my program members inside the EYES 🤩🙌🏼
For now, have you investigated all these areas yet?! Let me know below if you have any questions 💛
#eczemafree #eczemafriendly #eczemacommunity #eczemarecovery #eczemafighter #eczemaawareness #eczemahelp #eczemalife #eczemaskin #atopicdermatitis #eczemajourney #eczemababy #eczemakids #eczematips #eczemaproblems #eczemafood #eczemadiet #eczemablogger #eczemabattle #eczematreatment #eczemawarrior #eczemasucks #eczemacream #eczemaholistichealing #healingeczema #eczemacure #eczemaflare #babyeczema #eczemamom #eczemasupport