Rosacea is very common and a lot of people have it. In this video, I tell you if there’s a cure for it and how to manage its symptoms.
#Rosacea #rosácea #RosaceaTreatment #RosaceaSkincare #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
If you want fuller lips, but don’t want dermal filler injected in them because you’re scared of having lips that look unnatural or too plump, then this video is for you. I tell you how you could achieve full lips that look natural without injecting them with filler. 👄
#FullLips #FullerLips #LipFlip #LipFiller #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
This one is for all my fellow aesthetic medicine nurse injectors and providers, but you can also learn about what is trending in our industry as a consumer or patient. These are my personal picks for emerging trends to look out for in aesthetic medicine for 2025.
#AestheticMedicine #EmergingTrends #2025Trends #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
Watch this if you suffer from hair loss. There’s a new technology called Exosome Therapy and I’m here to tell you all about it! 📣
#HairLoss #HairLossSolution #Exosomes #ExosomesTherapy #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
Treating nasolabial folds or laugh lines can be tricky. In this video, I tell you about the old way of treating them which came with issues and the new way which is more effective and gives a much more natural look.
#NasolabialFolds #NasolabialFiller #NasolabialFoldFiller #LaughLines #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
Everyone’s been talking about Lindsay Lohan’s glow-up. In this video, I share my opinion as an experienced aesthetic nurse injector and laser & skincare expert on what she’s had done.
#LindsayLohan #OurLittleSecret #LindsayLohanStyle #FaceLift #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
Do you have a sad pouty face and want to turn that frown upside down? 🙃 Here’s why this is happening and how we can treat it in clinic.
#SadFace #PoutyFace #Antiaging #RBF #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
There’s a lot of misunderstanding about undereye filler. Watch to find out why it is the last course of action for me.
#UndereyeFiller #Undereye #UndereyeCircles #UndereyeBags #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
The neck is the hardest thing to treat when it comes to skin issues. However, whether it’s laxity, redness, pigmentation, or Poikiloderma of Civatte, we can still treat the neck and the best approach is combination therapies. Watch to learn more!
#NeckSkin #Neck #NeckLaxity #NeckTreatment #Poikiloderma #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
Are you concerned about your gummy smile? This is such an easy fix. Watch to find out why it happens and how it can be treated.
#GummySmile #GummySmileCorrection #GummySmiles #GummySmileBotox #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
Have you heard of Laser Skin Resurfacing? It’s a great option for anyone who has wrinkles, spots, scars from acne or chicken pox, and uneven skin pigmentation. Learn how it works and what the differences are between ablative vs non-ablative resurfacing.
#LaserResurfacing #LaserSkinResurfacing #AblativeLaser #NonAblativeLaser #SkinHealth #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel
How to treat a weak-looking chin. There are multiple ways to treat it whether you want to go the surgical route or not. Here are some of your options.
#WeakChin #FacialSymmetry #Chin #Chins #ChinSurgery #NurseTraining #Toronto #Botox #YourNurseTrainer #Thermage #Ultherapy #Emsella #Coolsculpting #Emsculpt #Fraxel