What is Lysine?
As an amino acid, Lysine is vital for the human body for making proteins and immune cells, and for constructing hormones and collagen. When paired with other amino acids and healthy lifestyle changes (i.e., exercise), Lysine may help improve muscle health, cardiovascular health, and more in the human body.
Benefits of lysine for optimal health include;
It might promote wound healing
Could potentially help reduce anxiety
May help lower blood pressure levels
Might protect or prevent cold sores
Could help with muscular health and athletic rehabilitation
At The Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, lysine can be used in our IV Therapies. The nutrients are injected directly into the bloodstream for full absorption.
If you would like to support your health with IV Therapy, give us a call to book an appointment so we can create a custom IV therapy just for you.
5 Ways to Prevent Male Infertility
According to the International Journal of General Medicine, "about 50-80 million people worldwide suffer from infertility, with male factors accounting for around 20-30% of all infertility cases."
Infertility may have a variety of causes. This problem may be due to the following;
Hormone imbalances
Environmental and lifestyle issues
Physical issues
Toxins found in our daily lives, such as plastics, pollution, and junk food, may also impact reproduction. As a result, we should adopt a healthy lifestyle for our own and our children's long-term health.
Try these tips for preventing male infertility:
1. Cut out unnecessary habits
2. Downgrade your sugar intake
3. Manage your weight
4. Boost your nutrients
5. Reduce chemical, heavy metal, and pollution exposure
To learn more or to help your unique situation, give our office a call to book a consultation.
What is ATP?
ATP is a brain neurotransmitter. It provides cellular energy in the human body. ATP is an adenosine chemical compound.
ATP captures energy from nutrients breakdown and makes it available for other cellular functions such as cell metabolism, cognitive function, and physical activity.
In combination with a healthy lifestyle (i.e. exercise, balanced diet, etc.), this compound might offer these benefits:
1. May help to improve muscle health and physical performance.
2. It may promote athletic recovery
3. May improve cardiovascular health
4. May help with fibromyalgia pain and exhaustion.
To learn more about our ATP IV Threapy based on your health goals, contact us to set up an appointment.
8 Vital Nutrients for helping managing symptoms or Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)
LDN (low-dose naltrexone)
For those who have malabsorption issues or an aversion to pills an IV therapy is a great way to get alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, NAD and ATP into the body and possibly help with symptoms such as fatigue, cellular dysfunction, anxiety and digestive issues.
To learn more about IV therapy or to book a functional medicine visit to help support your healing journey, contact our office today!
Meet Artepillin C (ARC), a superhero phenolic compound 🦸♀️
ARC is the main bioactive component of Brazilian green propolis and produced from the plant baccharis dracunculifolia (a type of wild rosemary that grows in South America).
Numerous studies have found a wide range of pharmacological benefits of ARC, showing that it is antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, neuroprotective, gastroprotective, immunomodulatory, and has anti-cancer effects.
Guard your gut with phosphatidylcholine 🛡️
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a phospholipid, one of the key elements that make up our cell membranes. Phospholipids are important for the maintenance of barrier function, offering protection. Phosphatidylcholine is the major mucus phospholipid providing mucosal lining support.
Phosphatidylcholine’s benefits include its ability to improve memory, reduce fat deposits, relieve ulcerative colitis symptoms, and support metabolic health. Phosphatidylcholine can be increased in the body through foods such as red meat, eggs, liver, oysters, soybeans, and sunflower seeds, as well as supplementation.
Stressing out the brain-gut axis with stress 😫
Stress has been seen to cause dysbiosis and inflammation of the gut, and because the gut and brain are so closely linked, this disruption in the gut can lead to further unrest in the brain that may manifest as mental illnesses (like anxiety and depression).
When the brain is stressed, the gut gets stressed, and the brain gets stressed again. It’s a never ending cycle 🔄
Both chronic and acute stressors can shift the gut bacteria in multiple regions and habitats.
Stress suppresses lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and IGA. Disturbing the balance of the gut microbiota stimulates inflammation-to-brain mechanisms contributing to psychological distress linked to anxiety and depression.
The stress hormones can reshape the gut microbiome through inflammation and autonomic changes. Adrenaline, one of our main stress hormones, stimulates the growth of gran negative organisms (yersenia, pseudomonas). It also increases susceptibility to infection by lowering immune function.
We may be living in a toxic world 🌎 but we don’t have to live in a toxic body 🙅♂️
Since World War II, more than 85,000 synthetic chemicals have been registered for use in the United States and another 2,000 are added each year, and few are adequately tested for their potential impacts on health! Other forms of pollution are increasing as well.
Exposure to environmental toxins is widespread, increasing, and lifelong. The total body burden of these toxins can act synergistically to cause physiological dysfunction. This body dysfunction can lead to chronic illness in susceptible individuals. Susceptibility is dictated by each person's unique ability to detoxify and eliminate exogenous toxins.
Lifestyle, diet, and nutraceuticals can help support detoxification, prevent disease, and restore maintenance and health. To learn about treatment options and programs we offer to promote detoxification, contact us today at the link below 👇
Rounding up the diseases and health issues that have been linked to RoundUp ☠️💨
RoundUp is one of the most widely-used herbicides in the world. It is also highly toxic ☣️ Glyphosate, the active ingredient used in RoundUp, has been linked to many diseases and health issues 👇
➡️Cumulative exposure has been linked to an increase in the likelihood of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by 41%
➡️Ongoing exposure to glyphosate has been linked to potential changes to the microbiome composition and an increase in antibiotic resistance, even when ingested at very low levels
➡️Exposure has been linked to an increase in oxidative stress. One study found that oxidative stress increased with both cumulative and acute exposure to glyphosate, resulting in neurotoxic effects that may trigger neuroinflammation in the brain
➡️Low levels of glyphosate has been seen to result in the disruption of numerous genes, which could potentially lead to kidney and liver damage
➡️Exposure to glyphosate may adversely affect the microbes. Changes in the gut microbiome composition may, for example, include altered gut microbial development during early life and increased anxiety and depression-like behaviors. The lack of beneficial gut bacteria may also lead to celiac disease and gluten intolerance
How to optimize your wellness results in 2023!
To see the results you’re hoping for in the new year, you first need to understand the role your genetics and lifestyle choices play in your life, so that you can optimize your wellbeing based on what’s best for YOU.
Our clinic offers personalized nutrition and exercise plans guided by the results of your DNA fitness & nutrition test results, to help you improve your quality of life and happiness as a whole.
Our team helps you understand how different foods, vitamins, and exercises work with your body. Perhaps you need extra Vitamin D or need to incorporate more stretching into your exercise routine to get those gains.
We look at genetic variants that can impact the way your body metabolizes different vitamins and minerals, then help you understand how your body processes different foods and what effects those foods can have on the body. From there, we can help you create a nutrition plan that’ll provide you with all the nutrients you need, while combating food sensitivities.
From weights to cardio, we can help you find the best type of exercises and equipment that support your genetic makeup. Through understanding your body better, we can help tailor an exercise program towards your needs and goals.
✨Ready to make 2023 all about becoming the best version of you? Visit the link below to book a consultation today!
Also known as “potency wood,” this Amazonian herb is known to be good for both physical and psychological aspects of sexual function for both men and women. Studies have shown muira puama has positive results when used for erectile dysfunction (hence the name 😉) and sexual drive.
The muira puama bush has been used by the Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon in a variety of ways, including:
➡️As an adaptogen
➡️As an antinociceptive
➡️As an antioxidant
➡️As an aphrodisiac,
➡️To treat beriberi (vitamin deficiency disease)
➡️To treat debility (physical weakness)
➡️To treat digestive problems
➡️To treat dysentery (an infection of the intestines)
➡️To combat fatigue
➡️To combat impotence
➡️To treat neurasthenia (which shares symptoms of chronic fatigue)
➡️As a nerve tonic
➡️As a stimulant
➡️As a tonic (adding bark decoction to a bath)
The benefits of forest bathing 🌳👇
Forest bathing, also known as shinrin-yoku, is a form of ecotherapy where you spend time immersed in nature. Forest bathing has many physiological benefits, such as; combatting depression, lowering blood pressure, and reducing anxiety.
One of the reasons forest bathing can positively impact our health is because trees give off volatile essential oils, called phytoncides, that have antimicrobial properties. Tree oils also contain 3-carene, which may reduce inflammation, protect against infection, and improve sleep. Research has shown that these natural oils may also stimulate activity in immune cells, which fight off viruses and diseases.
Interested in learning more about the benefits of forest bathing? We recommend watching Healing Gardens, a 10-part documentary series that explores the science and clinical research behind what happens to the brain and body when we’re exposed to nature!
3 common heavy metal exposures👇
Mercury is highly toxic. Early signs of mercury toxicity include tremors, nervousness, irritability, depression and memory problems.
Arsenic accumulates in contaminated food (including chicken and rice) and drinking water. Unsafe industrial practices, mining, and cigarettes are also exposure risk factors. In human tissue, arsenic disrupts cellular metabolism and energy production.
Lead is used for fishing weights, soldering materials, and even bullets. In addition, many older homes contain lead-based paint. When ingested in high levels, lead-containing materials can cause irreversible damage to your nerves, bone marrow, kidneys, liver, etc.
Do you suspect you have been exposed to toxic heavy metals? Visit the link below to contact us today and learn about testing and possible treatment plans available at our clinic. https://torontofunctionalmedicine.com/contact-us/
Signs of heavy metal poisoning👇
When you've ingested heavy metals, you may experience a stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
An abnormal heartbeat, also called arrhythmia, is a more serious symptom of heavy metal poisoning.
Specifically tingling or loss of feeling (even weakness) in your extremities.
This can be minor irritation like coughing, or a more serious issue like fluid accumulation in the lungs.
This can range from irritability to unexplained memory loss due to the metal toxicity affecting your central nervous system.
Horizontal lines across your fingernails could be a sign of exposure to metal.
Fortunately, you can detoxify your body from heavy metals. Contact us today to learn more about chelation therapy, a careful treatment overseen by a healthcare practitioner to detoxify heavy metals from the body. https://torontofunctionalmedicine.com/contact-us/
Why has there been an increase in gluten and wheat related disorders all of a sudden? 🤔🌾
➡️An increased use of glyphosate herbicide and nitrogen fertilizer on crops
➡️Dysbiosis (an imbalance in the gut)
➡️Metabolic or microbiome changes
➡️A significantly increased intake of wheat
➡️Intercurrent illness
➡️Early life infections
➡️Gastroenteritis in adulthood
And sometimes, gluten and wheat disorders are just misdiagnosed when there may be something else going on in the body!
If you’re experiencing symptoms and want to get to the bottom of if they’re being triggered by gluten/wheat and what you can do about it, book an appointment to speak with us today! https://torontofunctionalmedicine.com/contact-us/
Butyrate can help strengthen the GUT & BRAIN 💪
Butyrate is a short chain fatty acid derived from the bacterial fermentation of dietary fiber in your large intestine.
Studies have shown that butyrate has various benefits for the gut and brain. Here are 5 ways butyrate is connected to the gut and brain 👇
1️⃣Low levels of butyrate have been linked to an increased risk of inflammatory intestinal disease and colorectal (colon) cancer.
2️⃣Butyrate may reduce the severity of disease-causing (pathogenic) bacterial infections by lessening inflammation.
3️⃣Butyrate supports the gut barrier, which keeps bacteria and other microbes from entering your blood.
4️⃣Butyrate helps produce gut hormones that regulate blood sugar levels.
5️⃣Butyrate can protect your brain and improve its ability to adapt (known as plasticity).
Learn about fisetin, a new flavonoid superhero with many facets 👇
Fisetin can be found in fruits and vegetables and may help reduce cellular senescence (deterioration), as well as aging.
Fisetin activates sirtuin-activating compounds (STACs), which are caloric restriction mimetic compounds. This helps delay age-associated disease progression, melanoma, and carcinogenic activity in the lungs, colon, pancreas, and prostate. Fisetin may be neuroprotective as well.
Mold Toxicity Signs and Symptoms
➡️Joint pain
➡️Blurred vision
➡️Appetite swings
➡️Mood swings
These are just some of the signs of mold toxicity. The symptoms of mold toxicity are extensive, so it’s always best to speak with a professional if you’re experiencing any new health concerns.
Allergic and toxic illnesses related to mold can be treated. Suspect mold is playing a role in your health? Book an appointment at our clinic today for mold testing and treatment recommendations! https://torontofunctionalmedicine.com/contact-us/
How fast does it take for mold to grow and spread? ⏱️
The time it takes for mold to grow and appear depends on many things, including:
🦠The species of mold
🪨The material it’s growing on
💧The amount of moisture it has
Given the proper conditions, mold will start to germinate and grow as early as 24 hours after encountering a moisture source. In 3 to 12 days, the mold spores will colonize. In 18-21 days, the mold can become visible.
Nutrigenomics: What you put on your fork is the most important thing you do every day 🍴
Nutrigenomics allows us to pinpoint the parts in our diet choices that have the most impact on our health and can help reduce disease risk factors.
There are 37 billion chemical reactions happening within the body every second. Every single one of these reactions requires vitamins and minerals to work.
What we eat is of the utmost importance to promote body and brain health. What you choose to put on your fork every day influences your capacity to live a rich, energetic, connected, soulful life.
Visit the link below to learn more!