Ukemi Essentials: Forward Breakfall from Crawling Drill
In this clip, I demonstrate the forward breakfall from a crawling position. This variation allows us to control our descent and focus fully on landing in the proper position. You can control the speed of your descent here, allowing you to lower yourself into your breakfall position slowly and focus on how you catch the ground.
This is a great drill, especially for those who are still intimidated by falling from standing, it can instill confidence in this forward breakfall pattern.
#ukemi #groundmovement #trainingtips #movnat #naturalmovement
Ukemi Essentials: Transitioning Between Breakfall Positions
In the last clip, we introduced the Lying Side Roll, and now we are going to use that pattern to practice our breakfall positions.
We'll start in a Back Breakfall position, transition to a Side Breakfall position, and then continue the motion into a Forward Breakfall position.
Breakfalls are used to land when we fall, but we can use this grounded lying transition as a drill to practice our breakfall position without having to fall. That's especially helpful when you're in your beginner or intermediate level.
#movnat #naturalmovement #ukemi #mobility #breakfalls
Flexibility & Postural Alignment Reset With This Lying Side Rolling Exercise
Learn how to improve your flexibility and body alignment with this Lying Side Roll exercise. This is a great one to add to your warm ups when you're going to do some work on the ground.
There is some application in this movement pattern that relates to Ukemi which I'll get into in some future videos.
This is a great drill for a number of reasons, and you could read more of me writing about it, or you can just try it and feel how good it feels, and how good it makes you feel after you do it!
#movnat #naturalmovement #ukemi #mobility
Rocking to a Standing Position -- Ukemi Back Breakfall Drill
After playing with rocking and rotational rocking, you can start rocking to a standing position. Don't be shy to push off on the ground with your hands.
There are a few different ways to get up like this, and in this clip I break down a few of them, such as the different foot positions of use of hands.
#Ukemi #BalanceExercises #StrengthTraining #BodyMovement #FitnessRoutine #WorkoutMotivation #BackBreakfalls #ProgressionNotPerfection #MovNat #NaturalMovement #ExerciseVariations #HealthyLifestyle #ActiveLiving #FitnessGoals
Do You Have Core Control? -- The Rotational Rock
The Rotational Rock technique is another great drill for improving our ability to roll and perform proper Ukemi, but it's also a vital defensive skill in and of itself.
Not only that, but this movement can make for a pretty great addition to any core or cardio workout.
#TrainingTips #NaturalMovement #Ukemi #Rolling #MovNat #CoreControl #FunctionalTraining #PrimalFitness #GroundMovement #MovementCulture
Natural Movement & Mobility Development Using Mindful Urban & Arboreal Environmental Exploration
Nature and Architecture offer unique opportunities to develop our body movement. Human beings are shape shifters. Our bodies assume any shape to fit the environment we navigate, and trees like this give us a novel challenge to attempt.
Conventional training has its place, but if you're not taking your movement into the real world and playing, then how are you actuating the strength, flexibility, and cardio that you develop?
#NatureFitness #OutdoorWorkout #UniqueFitnessOpportunities #FitnessInNature #UrbanFitness #MovNat #NaturalMovement #FitnessRoutine #NaturalEnvironment #WorkoutInspiration #FitnessMotivation
You Can't Roll if you Can't Rock! -- Details of the Front Rocking Technique
This rocking motion is the foundation of breakfalls and rolling (Ukemi). In this clip, I break down a few aspects of this exercise in order to move the body in a more connected way.
This is a great drill to smoothen your rolls and falls, but also a great core exercise that can get fun when we start trying to use the rock to stand up. In MovNat, this is one of the foundational ground movement techniques learned.
#CoreStrength #FlexibilityWorkout #FunctionalTraining #MovNat #NaturalMovement #RockingExercises #FitnessTips #WorkoutVariations #FullBodyMovement #CoreStability #FitnessMotivation #ExerciseVariations #BodyFlexibility
Are You Missing Out on Unique Ways to Stay Active While Traveling?
Discover how your travel environment presents unique opportunities for physical activity and exploration.
Learn why I think trying novel ways of moving your body when in an unfamiliar environment might be a better option than sticking to your usual routine when traveling.
#TravelFitness #ActiveExploration #UniqueExerciseOpportunities #FitnessWhileTraveling #StayActiveOnVacation #VacationWorkouts #movnat #naturalmovement #functionaltraining #barefoottraining
How Breakfalls and Rolling are Essential for Injury Prevention and Competence in Movement
In this clip, I explore the importance of breakfalling and rolling techniques for injury prevention and building adaptability in unpredictable activities. Learn how conditioning your body can make these skills more accessible when needed, and why familiarizing yourself with these movements is crucial. Watch the full video on my YT Channel!
#Breakfall #Rolling #InjuryPrevention #Ukemi #Conditioning #Adaptation #GroundMovements #NaturalMovement #MovementSkills #TrainingTips