What makes you happy? Who are you? Are you living in alignment with what truly calls you?
There was a time when I wasn't... and I didn't know myself... I was caught in my values of "doing what I said" and making others happy. I was holding an external lens of my life that kept me trapped in situations that ultimately made me unhappy, and also started to cost me in my health.
In this video I share a bit of this story of unraveling that presented itself over 12 years ago... a major time of shift in my life.
I feel like I am surrounded by that energy again now. With myself, getting clearer about what I truly do, what I truly want, how I will move towards those goals...
But also, I see and hear it from those around me. MASSIVE calls to shift are showing up. Anything unaligned is asking for attention and intentional change. The work I see being done, and that I am so honoured to support and encourage in my work, is truly inspiring.
Courage is on the rise! Conscious action is taking a front seat, and I am here for it!
How is this time of change showing up for you? Are you listening to those voices and nudges within?
And do you want some support as you move through it? (reach out anytime ❤️)
Happy New Moon!
We are in a potent energy for manifesting what we want to build over the coming year... Notice it's a year... not a day, a week, or even a month.
"Consistent is the new advanced," so don't get caught up in how long it might take or how far you might be from what you are looking to create.
Looking back over the past month and even the last 6 months... what have you been feeling? What has been growing or trying to show itself? Where has your focus been and what do you hope to continue to grow?
We have the support to continue to make our way towards what we truly want.
Lean in, hold faith, take steps and allow them to evolve <3
Happy New Moon!
We are in a potent energy for manifesting what we want to build over the coming year... Notice it's a Year... not a day, a week, or even a month.
"Consistent is the new advanced," so don't get caught up in how long it might take or how "far" you might be from what you are looking to create.
Looking back over the past month and even the last 6 months... what have you been feeling? What has been growing or trying to show itself? Where has your focus been and what do you hope to continue to grow?
We have the support to continue to make our way towards what we truly want.
Lean in, hold faith, take steps and allow them to evolve <3
A little deeper dive into this transformative moment we're in -
We're in an Eclipse window. The New Moon Solar Eclipse was last week on the 19th. And the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is coming up next Friday, May 5th... so we're in the middle of that!
Eclipses are major opportunities for change - sometimes they bring unexpected change or even "force" change for us... (fyi - we go through eclipses twice a year)
And if that wasn't enough, we've also got a Mercury Retrograde happening right in the same area of the sky! This is a rare occurrence for these energies to be happening together, in the same area, essentially REALLY putting FOCUS on some area of your life that is looking for an upgrade.
These few weeks may not feel like you can dive in and make big moves just yet... but you're getting the data you need. So take note!
And over the next Year you'll be really supported in making those changes when Jupiter comes right in behind, around May 14, and starts moving through this same space of your life...
Jupiter is an expander. So, if you've chosen in the direction of your growth, you'll feel those areas grow and be supported. However if you don't quite adjust into what you're being given clues about, you may find that Jupiter energy comes in to expand what you DON'T want...
This time is a loving poke from the universe ✨
(PS - I played with a video editing software today for the first time. Giving that a whirl)
This Eclipse Season + Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is 🔥🔥🔥 Let this period show you what needs to shift or fall away. #astrology #eclipseseason #mercuryretrograde
Are you ready to say YES to what is trying to come in for you? We are entering a new cycle in March and February has been ripe with opportunity to see what is ready to fall away, be healed, or complete.
It's time to Attune to Your Inner Calling - we're in a trust fall - can you feel it? Are you allowing yourself to feel and acknowledge what this potent time is showing you?
In this video I share some personal insights from the month and encouragement for where we're going.
If you'd like to dive deeper with me and discuss your own next steps, DM me and let's chat about what that could look like.
<3 Sending love and compassion for wherever you are <3
It's amazing how often in the last week I've been able to say "it's like I mentioned in Friday's video...". This encourages me to keep going! Keep noticing things and making videos to share those thoughts.
With that in mind, I felt a lot of noticing these past couple of weeks of moments when myself or others felt the need to clarify or add to someone's words.
I know for myself I find it really tricky when someone is summarizing or speaking for me.. words that weren't truly mine. I often feel I want to "massage" those words. Put in my own words "just to be clear"... but this isn't always needed.
And it really doesn't allow me to just hear what they are trying to get at and share with me...
Here's some thoughts on that process we run, and what we might be missing.
Hi <3 it's been a while since I last came here to share ideas. To be honest, almost everyday this month I felt the pull to make a video... but I did not... until now!
I am definitely in the process of learning self-trust and allowing myself to fully step into the callings and nudges that inspire me. (I would guess that an upcoming video will be about my resistance around posting!)
Today I'm back with a quick video covering just one of the powerful messages that has been coming in over and over since 2023 began.
Spirit says: "Challenge yourself!" ie - notice your initial responses, patterns, reactions... get curious... what's my go-to process? what am I protecting? how does that process help or hinder me?
The "challenge" is to notice... and then to check-in again at a deeper layer. Bring the question or idea deeper into the body. And feel into it again. Allow the mind to run its program, but then bring it in again and check at a deeper layer to see how it resonates.
Let me know how this reaches you! (Even if it triggers something, as that is rich in information as well ;) )
So grateful to have you here. Thanks for watching <3
Happy Full Moon! This morning was the blood moon total lunar eclipse in Taurus (at 16 degrees if you want to check your chart!), and a beautiful close to this (pretty wild) eclipse season.
What's been coming in the last few days has been sort of a taking stock of the lessons and awarenesses that have come forward the last month or so (even going back 6 months really to the Taurus New Moon April 30).
For me, looking at it all from today's viewpoint, I feel a real sense of Surrender. What am I ready to soften around and allow to fall away?
One of those things for me is fear of sharing what I do... so in today's video, please enjoy my practice of surrender as I step into talking about Intuitive Synthesis and how I support the transformations you are called to make.
In addition, I'd love to know - what are you feeling called to surrender now? What is looking to shift or be let go of?
And if you'd like support exploring that shift, reach out to me to book a complimentary discovery call to see if Intuitive Synthesis would be right for you ✨
Why do you say no to yourself?
No, you can't have that.
No, you can't be that.
No, you can't change that.
and so on...
Even when we know these "No" statements aren't true, they still tend to haunt us and create pauses/delays in choosing in the direction of our desire.
Often the "No" is automatic - built from long-term programming of who and what we have said and learned ourselves to be.
In this dramatic energy of 2022 (a 6 energy), we have been given opportunities all year to review and to feel into the balance that is being called for. Or, to put it another way, to resolve our imbalances - To see what's working (or not). To feel what is in alignment (or not). And to adjust our path/choices accordingly (... or not...)
A few months back I came here to share about how I was being pressed to move forward, to dive into the next phase of my work and make some big choices in my life. Well, in some ways, I'm still there... reviewing the "tapes" and recognizing what old patterns and beliefs still co-create my path. It keeps shifting and showing me more, but I'm definitely still oscillating between pause/heal + focus/create.
This last 2 months the message has been loud from my inner child - "Why do you say no to me? Why can't we have/be what we dream?".. and as I process that question, that deep truth, I remember so many moments in my life where this was the case. And other moments where I found my way through to make the courageous choice (eventually).
I believe now is such a moment. We are being called forward. To be braver than we've ever been. And part of this is checking ourselves and seeing where we're saying No when what we want is to say Yes.
I'd love to hear how this is showing up for you in your own life or how you experience the energies right now.
Much love ❤️
Another full moon has come and gone... wow! What a summer its been so far.
I've been quiet here the last few weeks, ruminating in my own worlds and feeling into what's coming next.
Here I share some recent experiences with Trust, Attachment and what I'm noticing about my own willingness to Change. I also share a little bit about Intuitive Synthesis and the work that I do. This week I've been treating myself as a client and stepping into an even deeper place of healing.
Do you ever wait for something change so that things in your life will change? Do you see areas or ways you are not trusting or trying to control outcomes?
I'd love to hear your experience and how this resonates for you - or how you find the courage to trust, change and detach from outcome ❤️
Well, I'm not sure I ever anticipated making a video from this perspective, but this was the moment I felt inspiration strike... briefly... lol.
Enjoy this little share about Expectations, thinking we know how things will go, anticipating our future needs/experiences, and how these can be completely upended in the best way possible.
I hope that whatever this summer is bringing you, you're taking time to listen to what you need most, whether that's rest, connection, all-in focus, whatever feels GOOD to YOU! For me right now, rest is the highest call. Especially in this Kootenay heat ☀️
Much love ❤️
The last few days I've been feeling through an old familiar pattern - Pause. It looks different these days, in that I didn't need to work myself into overwhelm and total collapse to give myself time to rest and recuperate, and yet the messages that came in with the pause were related to those years-old experiences.
I believe we are being given an opportunity this year to experience old patterns (I guess we often return to patterns, but this year they feel much more "in your face" or something we're more able to grasp and observe without being IN the story so deeply).
When you feel like pausing, what does it feel like when you just allow it? Without stress, without the burden of what's not getting done? What happens when you get out of your own way and just allow things to be slow and empty?
I spent Monday on my couch, with a notepad nearby and a book. When I felt the weight of a "to do", I wrote it down so it would be done when I was ready. By the afternoon I slowly tackled a handful of items on the list in a slow and steady kind of state. It felt good. I didn't do Everything on the list, and I took time to study. To go deeper into my trade and explore whatever felt in alignment at that moment.
Years ago this would have STRESSED me out, especially on a Monday! But now I welcome the pause. I take it when it calls. I trust it won't last and that I will return with new opportunities and clarity in front of me. I can allow things to be what they are without forcing or making it different.
Is this a pattern of yours? Stress to rest? I'd love to hear about it. Comment below or reach out by DM <3
Thought I'd share a bit about how it felt to be EXPOSED this week on this new page, with some reflections on "Perfection".
Enjoy! And let me know if it speaks to your inner perfectionist, or maybe reminds you of moments you've shared where your or someone's inner judge was *maybe* getting in the way of connection ;)
Mwah! <3
I wish I hadn't somehow lost the first version of this post... but alas things go as they do, and I believe, as they are meant to..
Here's a little audio from about 1:30 this morning... I just could't sleep as I kept thinking about Cancer season 🦀 and laughing about the push/pull of Cancer & today's Capricorn Full Moon. So I pulled out my phone and let this recording come through.
To tell you the truth, I didn't say as much about Cap full moon as I thought I might... those downloads are coming in stronger today, like how I want to get to the beach and put my feet in the earth (Cap) and water (Cancer). But there is some info in here about Cap and the moon... and what I think it is offering us. (I'm a Capricorn sun in case you didn't know...)
Happy listening! I'd love to hear your reflections about Cancer season and how the emotional depth of this sign has been coming in for you these last couple of weeks.
And if you're enjoying my content, please check the comments below and head over to my new YouTube channel to Subscribe... I'm planning to start doing some Lives here (eep!!) coming up soon.
Much love & Happy Full Moon 🌝
A little audio from about 1:30 this morning... I couldn't sleep as I kept thinking about Cancer and Capricorn, and laughing at the push/pull of these signs in their natural opposition (and support of each other. So I just had to get out my phone and record some thoughts before I drifted off 😴
Okay, so the truth is though, I didn't have much to say here about the full moon (which just happened this morning). Those downloads are coming in more today... about heading to the beach, getting my feet into the earth and the water, etc. But I do share a little in here about Capricorn (which is my Sun sign) and what I think it's offering us right now.
Happy listening! I hope you enjoy the emotional depth being offered by the deep heat of Cancer season 🦀❤️ Reach out and let me know what it's been like for you!
Oh.. and PS... I started a YouTube channel where I hope to start posting Live (eep!)... I'll add this link to the bio on this page and in the Comments below ☀️
Injury, Illness & Emotional Healing
My first post! Being totally honest, this is not the way I thought my first video to you would look... pyjamas, sick, hair unbrushed... but you know what? That's okay. This is what it's all about to me - real, vulnerable, honest...
I had a lot of feelings about posting this, but more than that, I felt the nudge that it's time, and it's good as it is. I'm honestly happy with it and that feels good.
I'd love to hear what resonates for you. What you notice in your own "ailments" and if you want to learn more about emotions & symptoms, take a look for "Louise Hay's list of symptoms and affirmations".
Happy Healing <3