With winter storms on the horizon, it's a good idea to talk about Snow Safety! ❄️
Shovelling snow can bring on low back, shoulder and neck pain. While you may not enjoy shovelling snow, it's important to clear snow for safety purposes. Before you shovel, read the following steps that will help you reduce your risk of injury:
- Take five minutes to stretch beforehand to loosen and warm up your muscles and get your blood flowing, as cold or tight muscles are more prone to injury; don't forget to stretch your hamstrings, as tight hamstrings put extra stress on your lower back.
- To protect your back, use a lighter, plastic shovel with an ergonomically curved handle so you're not bending as much.
- Bend at your knees and lift with your legs.
- Turn your whole body, and keep your load light.
- Pace yourself and break the job up into parts if you can
- If you are tossing the snow, start with small tosses and get your shoulders warm.
- Keep the amount of snow reasonable especially if this is one of your first times out this season.
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