Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished that you could turn back the clock? ⏰ Or maybe vou just want to smooth out a few wrinkles here and there.Whatever your reasons, there's no shame in wanting to look and feel your best. That’s where I come in. 💕 I specialize in a range of expert beauty treatments that can help you achieve your beauty goals. Whether you're looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, or sagging skin, I can help you create a more refreshed and youthful appearance. And the best part? My treatments are subtle and natural-looking, so you can feel confident and beautiful without anyone even knowing that you had a little help. What are you waiting for! Get stunning results like this in no time! Book through my website!#beforeandafter #threadlifts #filler #injections #nurseinjector #injectables #torontonurseinjector #torontofiller
Check out these results from just a mid face thread lift and 1 syringe of filler by the marionette lines!! The threads literally lifted her cheek pads and even had a lifting effect on the bottom half of her face as well! We also added the finishing touch of some filler by the marionette shadows to help perfect and smooth out the bottom of her face. These results were wild!!
This treatment is virtually pain free, I completely numb the face with lidocaine prior to the thread lift. Only one poke on the side of the face is needed and then a blunt tipped cannula is inserted to numb the face. The threads are added from the same insertion site. Swelling and bruising is to be expected.
⏰This mini face lift is a 30 minute in office procedure.
⏳Results can last up to a year.
💉As the thread dissolves, collagen and elastin is created by the body for an even better lift and sheen to the skin.
🧑🏻⚕️ DM @thebeautoxnurse for more info.
#pdothreadlift #midfacelift #filler #marionettelines #minifacelift #torontofillers #thornhillmoms
I’M HERE TO REVERSE THE SIGNS OF AGING. Turning back the hands of time. Going into the New Year shouldn’t be scary. If staying young is one of your resolutions I’m here for you ❤️ Book an appointment today! 💌 What are some of your go-to anti aging techniques? Treatments or products, I’m here to help 💬 . . . #thebeautoxnurse #antiaging #reverseaging #turningback #handsoftime #nurseinjector #newyear #newyou #resolution #goals #cosmetictreatment #canadiannurseinjector
Could be more… could be less…. I love answering your questions about treatments, procedures and more in my DMS, but there’s only so much I can do without a face to face consultation!In order for me to give you the best possible answer as to how many units of filler or Botox you need, I need to see you in person! A consultation is so important as it allows us to work together, to fully understand your vision and what I can do to help you. Are you ready to book your FREE consultation? DM me for more information! ***************************************#botox #nurseinjector #torontonurseinjector #nurseinjectorthornhill #torontomedicalclinic
I get asked all the time whether your wrinkles will worsen if you stop getting Botox.
There is NOTHING harmful about stopping Botox. When you stop coming for treatments your muscles will eventually start working as they did before you used the treatment.
However, the longer you go without Botox, you will eventually return back to baseline. This means that you will have the wrinkles you had originally before getting treatments. It can seem that your wrinkles are worse than they were before, but that’s not true! It’s likely you have forgotten what you looked like with natural wrinkles, so the change may seem more drastic than what it really is.
I’m always here to answer any questions you have about the world of cosmetic injections! DM me for more information, or click the link in my bio to book your FREE consultation now!
If only we could really WRITE IT OFF!You never have to apologize when it comes to investing in cosmetic procedures. Money may be an issue if you don’t give your partner a specific breakdown of the costs, but I recommend giving a list such as the procedure fees and other expenses so they don’t freak out! As your nurse injector, my job is to always make you feel confident in your own skin, and work together on a procedure plan within your budget. Book your FREE consultation with me by clicking the link in my bio or DM me for more information! ************************************* #nurseinjector#torontonurseinjector#torontomedicalclinic#nurseinjectorthornhill
NURSE INJECTOR BY DAY, KEEPING IN STYLE AT NIGHT ✨Just because I have a busy work schedule, it doesn’t mean I can’t dress up and feel good about myself! Having a work-life balance is very important to me because it helps reduce stress and burnout, so dressing up once in a while is the perfect way to minimize that risk. If I can make my clients feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, then I want that for myself as well!Book your FREE consultation with me by clicking the link in my bio or DM me for more information!
😄 YOU NEED A FACE TO FACE CONSULTATION! 😄 I love communicating with my clients over DMs! As your nurse injector, that relationship is important to me. But, it’s hard to answer client-specific questions about their filler and Botox. In order to advise you on the best skin treatments for your face, I need to actually see you!That’s why face to face consultations are so important. In your consultation you can ask me any questions you may have about your procedure, and I can let you know what I can do to enhance your natural features! To book your FREE consultation with me, click the link in my bio for more info! *�*�* #thebeautoxnurse #botoxthornhill #fillerthornhill #threadliftthornhill #kybellathornhill #prpthornhill #nurseinjectorthornhill #yorkregion #yorkregionmoms #naturalresults #injector #medicalaesthetics #aquagoldfacial #nonsurgicalbbl #dysportthornhill#sculptrabbl #threadlift #nonsurgicalfacelift
Never feel guilty for investing in your appearance! Life can get crazy, but you should never feel guilty for investing in yourself. We all deserve a little me time! Every skin treatment should be an opportunity for self-care. You can still juggle everything life has to offer, while still prioritizing yourself, even if you need to bring your child to your next appointment 😂. Interested in booking with me? DM me for more info! *�*�*�*. #thebeautoxnurse #botoxthornhill #fillerthornhill #threadliftthornhill #kybellathornhill #prpthornhill #nurseinjectorthornhill #yorkregion #yorkregionmoms. #naturalresults. #injector #medicalaesthetics #aquagoldfacial #nonsurgicalbbl #dysportthornhill #sculptrabbl #threadlift #nonsurgicalfacelift
Anti wrinkle injections for this beauty!!!! Get ready for the summer! 💕 This lovely patient had anti wrinkle injections for her forehead, in her eleven’s, a little in her crows feet and an eyebrow lift! The results are just incredible🤩 The full effect is seen within 14 days of the treatment. Please DM me with any comments or questions💕
Miriam Samuel RN
All pictures posted with patients consent😷
#injectables #antiwrinkletreatment #antiwrinkleinjections #beauty
#injectables #botox #dysport #xeomin #botoxnfillers #prp #brotox #toronto #gta #thornhill #vaughn #medicalaestheticnurse #cosmeticnurse #torontoinjector #cosmeticnurseinjector #registerednurseinjector #face #vlog #freetheface #nofilter #openforbusiness #beautyinfluencer #beautyblogger