Warring with your body vs siding with it
Do somatic practices often feel like they just dont work for you?
Theres a peculiar and frustrating part of somatic healing that lies in whether we side with our body or war against it. Counter intuitively, the more we try to get our feelings to go away, the less likely it is to happen. Whereas if we let ourselves experience them, listening to the messages our emotions are desperately trying to send, that is when they are able to pass.
So if somatic practices aren't helping you feel unstuck, consider - am I mostly focused on 'getting rid' of the sensation? If so, a really simple technique you can use to side WITH your body rather than war AGAINST it is literally just to verbalise it to yourself. Stop trying to keep it all in, and instead find a quiet space and just let it out until you feel heard.
'I'm so anxious right now. This feels like s**t. I hate this. This is awful'.
'I'm so angry I could explode right now. I feel it all over my body. It's so fiery and hot and it feels all consuming.'
It sounds counter intuitive, but think about it think way:
Feelings of anxiety are there to tell you something is wrong. Insisting nothing is wrong will leave that part feeling unheard, and it is likely to keep at you until you listen. In the same way you might comfort a distressed child by saying 'I'm with you. This feels so bad right now. I see that this is so distressing.' you can comfort yourself. Side with your body and offer yourself some solidarity.
In short, dont run from the feelings. Let them be there. Side with your body.