Is Laser Hair Reduction painful?
While there are countless clinic and spas offering ‘painless, ice laser’, please do yourself a favour and don’t fall for that gimmick.
Painless = Lower intensity = Mediocre results
There are no two ways about it.
Your session should not have you writhing in pain but you should definitely feel something.
Mild discomfort, redness, and bumps after the treatment are indicators of an effective session.
We are trying to ‘disable’ the follicles from ever producing hair again
And for that my beauties, we need power ⚡️
And higher intensities.
We need the best results in the smallest possible time frame, right?
So we need to up the intensity and do just that!
With lower intensity, you are just prolonging your treatment as the results that can be achieved with proper intensity in 5 sessions will take 8 or more with insufficient energy.
For more details please dm or whatsApp 0332-2212399
Waxing is a hassle
It’s not very comfortable
So why put yourself through that?
Opt for laser of a single area only and see how the results blow your mind!
For more details please dm or whatsApp 0332-2212399
Some luxuries are worth saving up for..
Permanent hair removal/reduction is one of them
We also offer packages for multiple areas
For more details please whatsApp or whatsApp 0321-9283501
Tired of shaving and waxing? Try laser! Permanent hair reduction in 6 sessions. For more details dm or whatsApp 03219283501